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Sunday 20 October 2024

Autumn colours

We walked every day this past week, despite the rain or threats of rain. The colours of the autumn leaves kept us going but the week finished with some gorgeous sunny days. My husband and I visited the boardwalk, Cavendish Grove, the Rotary Trail and the Confederation Trail. Each was more lovely than the last.

Along the boardwalk this birdhouse is framed quite beautifully by Red Maples.

One morning a Great Blue Heron waved as it waded in the water on its perennial search for fish.

It was particularly windy another day and the sea resembled chocolate milk as the red sand was stirred up by the rough water. A Solitary Sandpiper fed along the shoreline. It is late leaving the island this year.

The Rotary Park was particularly beautiful and over two days, we walked different trails to see the whole area. 

The Red Maples present some interesting colouration as seen in this photo of fallen leaves.

At the far end of an open field by one of the trails, we could see Canada Geese and as always, I focussed on them with my camera. I discovered decoys, not geese and four hunters in what appeared to be a pit in the field. 

We saw them both days we were on those trails last week. I hope they were successful in the hunt but I can’t help but root for the geese too. 

Cavendish Grove this time of year is as lovely as always even though not all of the leaves have changed colour yet. As you can see, it was a peaceful and quiet place for a picnic. We were the only people there.

I ventured into the glade which was devastated by hurricane Fiona. Nature moves on though and where there is a tree standing, there is beauty against the autumn sky.

On the way to the beach, the seed heads of goldenrod stand out against the red leaf background.

The beach at Cavendish has the windswept look of autumn. May it come through the winter without much loss of the sand dunes. They are not recovered from Fiona yet as you can see.

I stopped one day to take photos of a field of over 20,000 pumpkins being harvested in our area. The orange gourds will be sold around eastern Canada over the next week for Jack-o-lanterns.

My favourite photo of the week is from a walk on the Confederation Trail on Saturday with our daughter, the three grandchildren and the golden grand-dog, Daisy. My husband and I let them get ahead of us for a bit so we could take a photo of them that day. Oh how time flies!

I hope you have a wonderful week!


baili said...

dear Marie your shots are outstanding Wow!!!!!!!!!!!
you seem to have mastery over how to take best shot of everything the blue heron is on top among them :)
the rotary park has turned into splendid painting !
the autumn leaves against blue sky look splendid as well
the last photo is taken artistically :)
how nice you got whole week of walks and sunny days sound bonus Amazing !
best wishes

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Interesting photo of the pumpkin harvest!

Rose said...

oh, my the photos this week! I always so enjoy yours, but these were wonderful. The one with the picnic table under the trees, the one with beach and clouds, your daughter and grandchildren, the pumpkins...oh, I so love them.

Bill said...

Great autumn photos, so much colour. Rotary Park is my favourite.

photowannabe said...

Oh Marie, such delightful photos of family and scenery. I sure would love to have a picnic in that peaceful park. Tranquility ...

At Home In New Zealand said...

Wow, so many pumpkins! I envy you your gorgeous autumn colours (we don't get cold enough here for a really grand display). Smiled at your discovering decoys and hunters - I often like to zoom in on photos I have taken and discover all sorts of things that I wasn't aware of when I took the photo! Hope you have a great week too :) xx

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you so much for sharing the incredible beauty that surrounds you.

Maebeme said...

Wonderful photos! The Canada geese/hunter shot was a surprise! I hope they were aiming their guns away from the walkers.
The family pic is sweet, the one granddaughter appears to be catching up to her mom.

MARY G said...

The picnic spot is a wonderful capture. And I hear you about the birds. We can hear the bird hunters in the marshes close to us most mornings. I have not gone to check to see if there are decoys. But, in deer season, one set of neighbours used to send the kids out to run throught the bush and bark and yell. They described it as "dogging it". Thank goodness they do not do that any more. Kids are all grown up and the next generation is still too small.