It was a great week of weather, with sunny days though coats were required on the north shore due to the cool on-shore breeze. We even had rain one night to keep the farmers happy.
My husband and I made some new friends this past week, fellow blogger Dorothy and her husband Patrick, from New Hampshire in the United States. This is Dorothy’s blog
When bloggers I follow visit the island, circumstances may prevent us from meeting. This week however, we were fortunate to be able to spend time with Dorothy and Patrick on the north shore and in Summerside. A shared enjoyment of nature and similar interests quickly made us friends.
On the north shore, we visited Savage Harbour where the lobster boats were returning to port. I captured one between a gap in the trees along the shoreline.
I always photograph the remnants of these two trees along the shoreline when we visit the harbour. Despite their demise, they stand against the elements and the colours in the setting always appeal to me.
On this excursion, we had a picnic at St. Peter’s Bay with Dorothy and Patrick.
Another day, we walked the part of the boardwalk with our friends. We were fortunate to see our first Great Blue Heron of the season in the salt marsh.
It stealthily fished in the marsh but my favourite photo was of its wings, which look like a heart in this shot.
There was a small flock of Cedar Waxwings along the boardwalk too.
They are always a welcome sight. The Red Squirrels were their usual entertaining selves.
Dorothy and Patrick took us to lunch and we took them for dessert at Holman’s for homemade ice cream. The garden at Holman’s is lovely, full of blooms, including magnolias.
The canopy of magnolia is a beautiful though fleeting pleasure enjoyed for a few days every spring.
Finally, we bought gas this past week for the first time for our plug-in hybrid car which we purchased in early January. We drove 3200+ kilometres on a tank of gas and the hydro bill isn’t higher. This car, a Kia Niro, is perfect for our lifestyle and we are pleased with it.