Life is slowly beginning to return to something like normal for us. Three weeks after the bicycle accident, my mobility has improved, though not without pain. It is bearable to move a bit every day. My husband and I have missed the best of the autumn colour but we have been out for a few short walks, less than a kilometre, a few times. It feels so good to be outdoors after so much time in the house. Soon the bitter cold will set in and nature will be shrouded in white for the next number of months. Our outings will return to winter dress mode.
What a wonder it is to have such clear vision in my right eye after the cataract surgery! Mere minutes in the surgical suite, inside what appeared to be a bubble, listening to the doctor and nurse discuss recent family vacations, I knew and could see through a haze that work was being done on my eye, but I felt nothing. Now, the left eye, which was the better of the two, has blurred vision compared to the right but is scheduled for repair in a few weeks. In the end, I may need reading glasses but I am so thankful for this surgery.
We are using Vax passes to enter non essential businesses without any problems and masking is essential. There are currently two active cases of Covid on the island, both due to travel. There have been 317 cases of Covid since the outbreak of the pandemic and two short hospitalizations. We have had great guidance from our Public Health officials which the politicians supported. They have provided great guidance and people have followed it. With a double vaccination rate of almost 90%, Prince Edward Island has been fortunate thus far in the pandemic.
Yesterday, we had breakfast with our daughter and grandson at a local breakfast spot. It is always great to spend time with them and we had a tasty, leisurely breakfast. There were a few other people in the restaurant as well. When it came time to pay the bill, a gentleman from a nearby table approached and offered to pay our bill. What a wonderful gesture from two men visiting from London, Ontario, looking to invest on the island! They are enjoying the island, especially the friendly people and the relaxed atmosphere. We accepted their offer and will pass on the good deed in the near future.
These men and the couple from Montreal who stopped to help us after my bike accident, are evidence of the kind people there are in this world.