Having lived almost 60 years on an island without any easy or economical access or egress, moving to Prince Edward Island with its bridge link to mainland Canada was a huge difference. It’s not that we have gone to the mainland via the bridge often since we have lived here. It is the option to be able to do it is a privilege Newfoundlanders do not enjoy on that island.
The bridge, located southeast of Summerside is visible from the boardwalk many days, when the weather permits.
Now, when the Northumberland Strait between the island and the mainland is ice covered, my husband and I headed to Borden Carleton, to take some close-up photos of the bridge. The scene didn’t disappoint.
It was a busy weekday morning on the bridge with transport trucks bringing goods to the island.
Islanders rely on mainland North America for most of their needs. The sunny day without high winds meant that traffic was flowing freely, unlike days with high winds when the bridge is closed to high-sided vehicles.
The ice offshore moves east with the current, and travels under the bridge as it flows. The bridge at 12.9 km or 8 miles is the longest bridge over ice covered water on the planet. Close to the shoreline, the ice is solid, not as affected by the current as you can see here at the wharf near the bridge
and in Bedeque Bay in Summerside.
Along the way, we stopped at the Red Bridge to see the open water which flows into the mouth of Bedeque Bay. There were a few Canada Geese, Mallards, Mergansers and Black Ducks in the area, though more of the area was frozen this year than in recent years due to the bitterly cold weather we have had.
It is noteworthy that by this time next month, clocks will have sprung ahead and this is a short month. The increasing daylight lifts my spirits. We hope that more of our walking will be outdoors as the month progresses. Spring is just on the other side of that bridge and moving this way!
We have had two major power outages on the western end of the island in the last few weeks, the second of which continues this morning. We have a generator to use so we’ve kept the fireplace on and are warm. It feels like -20 C this morning. We will have lots of company if this continues.