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Sunday, 2 February 2025

For now

The grip of winter kept us closer to home this past week. We walked the boardwalk a few days but walking the neighbourhood meant we could escape to home easily if we needed too. One day, with windchill of -23 C, cold stung our faces making an escape necessary.

Not only is Bedeque Bay ice covered now, with all the the snow we had last week, it is snow covered too. In places now, one can’t discern the shoreline from the snowy, ice-covered water below. 

We attended two gymnastics competitions which our youngest granddaughter participated in last week. Her enjoyment of the sport and determination to do her best are wonderful to see. There is another competition next weekend which we will attend if weather permits.

Also recently, one of my friends from book club passed away. Another ‘bookie’ and I attended her funeral last week. Katie was an avid reader and a kind, generous, loving person. I find it hard to believe she is gone. She will be missed.

Many in Canada watched the news on Saturday about the 25% tariffs the U.S. will impose on Canadian goods entering that country. In response, Canada will impose retaliatory tariffs on goods entering Canada from the U.S. 

Our daughter sent us this photo of the golden grand-dog, Daisy, early Saturday evening.

I wrote, “Daisy looks worried.”

Our daughter responded, “She’s scared the tariffs are going to affect her number of treats.”

It is good we can chuckle about it. For now…

P.S. Monday evening we learned the tariff threat from the U.S. has been delayed a month.  Daisy can relax for a few weeks.


Aritha V. said...

And that worried dog photo... I think many people can relate to that concern about tariffs. ๐ŸŒ Here in Europe, we’re also thinking: what’s that "guy" in America going to do now? I heard we’re prepared, and that there might be a halt on imported goods out of the USA. ๐Ÿšข❌ Well, we’ll see how it goes. Great blog, by the way!

Always difficult, those funerals. Wishing you strength. ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ™

Boud said...

The cold makes everything a bit harder to cope with, but I think the granddog will be fine.

DJan said...

It's cold here too, but nothing like you have. And we got some snow last night. It will be an exciting trek to the bus this morning.

Anvilcloud said...

Laughter is the best medicine, and do we ever need medicine.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Wall Street Journal calls it "The Dumbest Trade War in History." Not that it will deter the Orange Menace.

Sorry to hear about your book club friend. It's hard when our social circles start to diminish.

John's Island said...

Hello Marie, I love your first image looking out over snow covered Bedeque Bay. Having enjoyed your photos of the Bay in warmer times, I can fully appreciate the covering of snow that makes it seem like there is no water at all under the ice and snow. Great shot. Poor Daisy definitely looks worried. I certainly hope the tariffs don’t affect her number of treats. ๐Ÿ˜Š Speaking of tariffs, our buffoon leader, elected by some of our lower IQ citizens, will, I predict, come to regret his moves to place tariffs on our neighbors and best trading partners. We will see. In the meantime, just know there are millions and millions of Americans who despise the buffoon. And most of us, including me, love Canada! John

Shammickite said...

Daisy knows just how important doggy treats are! So sorry to hear that you have lost a loved book club member. As we get older, we experience those sad losses more and more. And as for the tariffs and Trump, he is nothing but a vengeful evil man who aims to be the emperor of the world, and I am worried about what the future will bring.

Anita said...

Wow so much happening..Sorry about your friend๐Ÿ˜ขLooks like yourKing winther holding a strong grip on your place..zBut remember sun will always shine again..and little spring Flowers will return.Hope and pray you will have a peaceful week.Stay warm๐Ÿ’–

aurora said...

Sorry to hear your friend passed. It is never easy and hope fond memories help. I do love Winter but the bitter cold that sometimes comes with it, not so much. However your wintery photos capture the best part, serenity.

I don't know what too say about the tariffs, other than it will cause more division and hardship for many. I also love Canada!

Gymnastics is fun to watch, except I could do without sitting on bleachers. My oldest grandson just started participating. Have you tried taking photos? I think it would be a fun sport to photograph, if allowed.

Liz Hinds said...

I agree. Daisy does look worried. Better make sure she gets her treats. I see on social media that many people, all over, are suggesting a boycott of US goods.
That first photo is amazing! But how do you deal with that cold?

The Furry Gnome said...

I don't think we'll be chuckling about the tariffs by the time it's all over!

Bill said...

Sorry to hear that one of your book group members passed away. Daisy will find a way to stay stocked in treats, it's a very important issue to her and her fellow canines. :) It looks very cold up there, stay warm.

Lorrie said...

I'm sorry about the loss of your friend.
In such cold weather it's hard to be outdoors for long. Snow here, today, although it's just around zero, so I went for a walk early this morning to enjoy it.
The tariffs have every one in a tizzy!

Red said...

There is beauty the frozen sea ice. It's interesting watch the tides and ice.

Joanne Noragon said...

Your photos are beautiful, as ever.

Maebeme said...

Congratulations to your granddaughter! Gymnastics competitions are something to behold. The gymnasts are only on the apparatus for a short time, but their athleticism is something to behold.
My sympathies on the passing of your friend.
Daisy does look quite concerned, but you can let her know things have settled down, at least for the month of February. All it took was the appointment of a border Czar. (Beyond what was already announced by the government in reply to the threats a month or so ago.)

MARY G said...

That photo of the dog is hilarious. And beautifully done. I needed cheering; it has been a day, for sure. It worries me that we are saying 'how high?' when Trump says 'jump!", but I guess that is better than watching Ontario's manufacturing industry tank. I was born and raised in Windsor. Auto manufacturing. I have watched the boom and bust cycle there all my life and it is debilitating.
What is really annoying is that Trump is abrogating his own trade agreement and no one seems to be even commenting on that.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

It's been cold here too, without much snow. Always enjoy your pictures of Bedeque Bay, especially covered in snow! I'm hopeful the agreement between our countries today will make a difference. Many blessings to you!

Chris said...

Your grey of winter looks beautiful. and such a moanful look from your dog!

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my friend. Your winter photos are beautiful. And congratulations to your granddaughter! Gymnastics is an amazing sport! So sorry about the loss of your friend. Hugs.

The Furry Gnome said...

I've had six close friends pass away in the past three years. It does remind me to be prepared!

Helen said...

Simply stunning winter scenes and that focused look on the Grand-dog's face is priceless. So sorry to read of the passing of your friend Kate.

Hena Tayeb said...

Sorry to hear of your friends passing.
Brr that is cold. Our week has finally warmed up.. the sun came out a few times as well.

eileeninmd said...

Your photos are lovely, the scenes look very cold.
Sorry to hear about your friend passing.
Poor Daisy, she should always get her treats.
I am not a fan of our current leader, our country will never be the same again. Good luck to your granddaughter with her competition. Take care, have a great day!

Pam said...

I don't know about you, but the colder that it gets outside, the less I chose to go out. Never been a really cold weather person, but with me, pain goes along with the cold. It sure makes for a pretty site on the water though. We have been knowing to have some snow in Feb. But come then, we are pretty much over snows. Hoping you can get out and walk and enjoy more each day

Breathtaking said...

Hello Marie :)
It looks so cold in your photos. I went a short walk this morning but the chill of the wind drove me indoors. I'm so sorry you lost a good friend, it happens more and more frequently these days, but it's never easy. Lovely photo of Daisy., lets hope that the temporary delay will be resolved to Canada's satisfaction, but trust has been broken. and it will never be the same.
All the best

Polly said...

Dear Daisy, better stock up with lots of treats. That man is a disgrace, he doesn't care about any consequences of his actions. Keep warm

Polly said...

PS your photos are stunning.

Debbie said...

ooooooh that image of daisy, that was the first thing i thought, she heard the news!! winter is so beautiful in your neck of the would be nice if it were a little warmer so you could enjoy it more!! i missed all of my nieces cheer competitions and that was really hard for me. i have never missed them before!!

Retired Knitter said...

Oh how true your words are!! I was just sick when he was re-elected. The disappointment in my fellow citizens runs so deep I cannot even describe it. But you are right - there are millions of Americans who despise that man. It is like a nightmare we can’t wake from. And his latest attack on our own government workers - in some ways is worse the insurrection he orchestrated when he left office 4 years ago. Sometimes I wonder why Canada isn’t building a wall to keep us out!!!!

Ok, I am done venting. Apologies to all of Canada! You guys are the best!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Tariffs on Canada, musings about making us the 51st state, invasion of Panama, occupation of Greenland, US troops in Mexico fighting the drug cartels with their sophisticated weapons from American arms manufacturers, ethnic cleansing in Gaza, threats of tariffs to come on the UK and the EU…….ah what a wise choice our American neighbours made!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The light on the snow in the last photos beautiful.
Canada is America's closest and most loving neighbor. The tariff nonsense is not well thought out by our you know who, IMHO.

Barwitzki said...

Beautiful snow pictures - everything has thawed away here, but maybe snow will come again, February is the best time for it.
Two of my grandchildren also do gymnastics and we often go to competitions. It's wonderful to see it... I understand you very well :-)) Have fun with the beautiful things and many greetings from Viola

Diane said...

Beautiful photos and Daisy is adorable. As for T every time I hear that boring voice I shudder as to what he is going to come up with next! Have a great weekend, cheers Diane

baili said...

No matter what the season,your island looks divine dear Marie ๐Ÿฅฐ
Enjoyed the peek thoroughly! Although minus 23 give me shivers ๐Ÿ˜…
You granddaughter must be so smart and enthusiastic child!

Tariff affects everyone
Your daisy is lovely ♥️

The Happy Whisk said...

I love the dark on the top of the photo and light on the bottom. Excellent capture. What a cute pup!!!! Sorry that another bookie is gone. Heartbreaking.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

If Daisy is worried, you know things are bad, but what a gorgeous dog and a beautiful photo of her!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

What a handsome canine! I really miss having a dog. I love my cat, Stanley, but it’s just not the same. I have come to realize in my dotage, that caring for a dog really wouldn’t fit in with my lifestyle any longer, but that doesn’t keep the longing away.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That photo of Daisy is amazing. The look on her face, the lighting, so perfect!


Sounds like a week full of winter’s grip, cherished family moments, and some bittersweet goodbyes. Your granddaughter’s dedication is inspiring, and I’m sorry for the loss of your book club friend. Daisy’s "tariff worries" gave me a smile—glad there’s a little reprieve, at least for now. Stay warm!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The photos of Daisy and the explanations gave me a needed smile this morning, thanks Marie for sharing.

Danielle L Zecher said...

I'm sorry to hear about your book club friend.

Daisy looks cute, even when she's worried. Those of us who don't support the Tangerine Turd are also worried.