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Monday 26 September 2016

Around the point

The last day of summer was a celebration for us, a celebration of a great summer on a day which felt like mid not end of season. Cascumpec Bay, on the north shore of Prince County of Prince Edward Island was the site of our picnic. An island breeze and the cloudless sky with temperatures in the mid-twenties could not have been better. We sat on the beach in Northport and enjoyed our lunch, our favourite sandwiches and coffee made fresh just an hour before. 

The day was perfect for exploration and the beach had much to offer. The point,


visible from our location, was a good place to start. There was a great deal of seaweed on the beach and oyster shells


 left from a feast there. Someone likes oysters more than we do.

The most startling sight was around that point. Destruction!


All along the coast, was a tangle of dead trees which had lost their anchorage in the red soil.


The erosion on that coastline was evident from the number of trees which fell victim to the sea.


They were mere ghosts of their former selves, whitened by the salt water, weathered, stark, yet beautiful somehow.


Others held on to the last bit of life with autumn on the horizon and rough seas to come. 


It is easy to see how the trees die when the erosion of the soil undermines the vegetation above. 


The elevation here is no more than a meter but sea caves are evident where the sea has washed away the soil. 


Before long, the trees topple, their unique sculpture becomes evident over time as the leaves and needles die and their structure is exposed.


This part of the coast is a graveyard, with the victims as harbingers of a future none of us may want.



Anvilcloud said...

That must have been a little saddening.

DJan said...

I don't see any way to save those trees, which is sad but inevitable, it seems. Your pictures tell the tale very well.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

So sad to see the erosion along the shoreline and loss of so many trees. Would the pile of shells be from humans or animals?

Silver in AZ said...

The erosion is sad. :(

Elephant's Child said...

Poignant and beautiful.
Thank you.

Marie Smith said...

Yes, AC, it was. The beach was lovely until you went around the point to see all the effects of erosion.

Marie Smith said...

Along more populated areas, they truck in stone to put along the shoreline, like they do where I live. The rock helps. The less populated areas don't get any measures to prevent erosion.

Marie Smith said...

I assumed the oyster shells were from humans. I hadn't considered animals. Good question, Judith.

Marie Smith said...

It really is, SW.

Marie Smith said...

So true, EC. The bare, twisted beauty of such a sad scene is how I saw the setting.

Emma Springfield said...

Your pictures are beautiful. I find the dead trees fascinating as they fell all in one piece. The thing is I am not sure the things you saw were what you thought you saw. I am going to see if a friend will allow me to repost one of his posts. I think you might change you thoughts about some things.

Barbara said...

Great photo journalism. It makes my heart heavy.

Marie Smith said...

I look forward to your insights on these photos.

Marie Smith said...

Mine too, Barbara.

baili said...

What a beautiful day with family on beach .
First photo is Breathtaking!!!

I am sure you enjoyed the view thoroughly and lunch must be delightful among the natural beauty!

Erosion spoiled some really lovely part of the nature though. You captured it beautifully Marie!

baili said...

lovely photos dear Marie!

beaches are always place where i feel most relax and close to my inner self !

glad you enjoyed that beautiful mild day with loved ones under the blue shiny sky