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Monday, 23 July 2018

For the love of peonies

It’s that time again when my favourite blooms are filling the garden with their gorgeous faces. 

My love of peonies comes from my husband’s grandmother, Classie, who grew them in her garden and gifted friends and family with the plants.

We could not bring our Classie peonies from Newfoundland with us,

but I bought some plants here and continue to add variously coloured peonies to our flower bed.

                                      Ants love peony buds where they eat the nectar produced by the bloom

I missed the best week for the peony blooms of our home garden, 

but the beach house where we stayed last week had peonies as well.

My idea of heaven includes a beach and peonies!


DJan said...

They are one of the most beautiful flowers, aren't they? Glad to hear you are reveling in two of your most favorite things, peonies and beach. :-)

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Your posts and the lovely photos always start my day with serenity. Thanks so much, Marie … I need that very much with the hateful aura that our poor country lives in now. BTW: we love our Canadian friends !

Silver in AZ said...

Marie, they are so gorgeous!

Tabor said...

Weather here shortened and then destroyed my peonies. I have to dig and divide this fall, so maybe next year!

Jenn said...

I have always liked mom had some at one of the houses she lived in. I was told once that the ants help them to bloom? I do not know if that is true or not..

Rhodesia said...

I love peonies but our were over months ago :-( Take care Diane

Elephant's Child said...

Beautiful, beautiful things. Which I have not (yet) succeeding in growing.

Bill said...

Beautiful peonies Marie, tis the season to enjoy their beauty.

Danielle L Zecher said...

Your peonies are gorgeous! I love them, too. Ours have long since withered this year, so thanks for sharing yours. I especially like the pale pink one. I learned to love them from my husband's grandmother, too. I had no idea what they were before she taught me to love flowers are gardening.

Debbie said...

oh i do love the peonies, perhaps more than the ants!! yours are stunning!!!

i like the white ones, with the dab of pink in the center!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I absolutely love peonies too, wish I could grow them like this ✨

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Peonies are one of my favourite flowers too. June is peony month on the prairies. The hotter the weather, the more spectacular the buds and flowers!

Anvilcloud said...

They're beautiful flowers. Ours, of course, are long done for this year.

Marie Smith said...

They are glorious blooms Jan.

Marie Smith said...

We love our southern neighbours too Ginnie.

Marie Smith said...

They really are SW.

Marie Smith said...

We usually have a wind storm to take ours Tabor.

Marie Smith said...

I don’t think scientists know for sure about the ants Jenn.

Marie Smith said...

You are anead by months there Diane.

Marie Smith said...

They are worth the effort EC.

Marie Smith said...

It certainly is Bill.

Marie Smith said...

There is much to learn from those older family members Danielle.

Marie Smith said...

i stay away from the ant filled buds Debbie.

jenny_o said...

Your peonies are beautiful. I've only ever seen my mother's and mine, both of which came from my great-grandmother's garden long after she passed away, so I thought that was the only colour there was! Silly, I know :)

Marie Smith said...

They grow readily here Grace!

Marie Smith said...

You are way ahead of our growing season Debra.

Marie Smith said...

Your growing season is way ahead of ours AC.

Marie Smith said...

How fortunate you are to have those peonies from you ancestor Jenny!