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Monday 22 April 2019

Out of the fog

The weather has been miserable for days with wind and rain and the promise of much more to come. However, compared to other parts of Canada, we don’t have any flooding. Early Sunday morning it wasn’t raining so I decided to go for a quick walk, with an umbrella in hand.

It was overcast at home but as I drove downhill, it was obvious the harbour was shrouded in fog. It changes the look of the environment and I was glad I had my camera.

It was low tide

and the fog made it impossible to see much beyond the shoreline. 

Over the hour I was there however, the fog appeared to dissipate somewhat. 

The city began to emerge from the fog 

as did the lighthouse, 

which had been invisible. I watched in the quiet of the Easter morning  

as the veil lifted giving the promise of a better day. 

How appropriate!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Makes me think of that old folk song "The Foggy Foggy Dew"

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love the foggy scenes. The lighthouse is cool. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead!

DJan said...

/a beautiful misty scene. I hope you had a great Sunday, Marie. We've got rain ahead today but yesterday was lovely. :-)

Laurel Wood said...

Thanks for sharing the awesome photos. Love the lighthouse in the fog.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed these mysteriously misty shots Marie, what a wonderful way to spend Easter morning.. a biblical experience without the complications of religion 💙

Anvilcloud said...

I like the emerging lighthouse, particularly the first photo.

Elephant's Child said...

How I love this post.
The images and the thoughts are lovely, and beautifully matched.

Bill said...

The fog adds a touch of mystery to your photos. I love the lighthouse in the fog. Super photos, Marie.

Rhodesia said...

What fabulous photos well done. Have a good week, Diane

Joanne Noragon said...

I'm glad you took your camera, too. Great little pops of color.

Barbara said...

I've rarely been in fog while living in Texas and Louisiana. I did get to experience it while vacationing in San Francisco. It's like being in a horror movie but immensely fascinating.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

That's more like it! That's proper Easter holiday weather, not this warm, sunny stuff that we've been enjoying this weekend. You've got some wonderful atmospheric shots, though I'm sure you'll be looking forward to more summery fare.

Retired Knitter said...

I love fog pictures and I find it difficult to capture the beauty of them with my iPhone camera - which is all I have. You got some great shots.

Debbie said...

i love this!! seeing the stages of fog, what you can't see and how it comes in time!! lovely captures!!

Angela said...

Love that fog!! Whau what came to mind was a sad romantic movie. Lovely photos like always. The lighthouse in the fog looks breathtaking beautiful!!

photowannabe said...

Marie, your fog photos are so lovely...I can hear the Silence....and smell the moist air.
Lovely beginning to your Easter morning.
I especially like the lighthouse just peeking through the misty fog.

Catarina said...

Love the pictures!!!!

Tomoko said...

I enjoy your beautiful misty scene.
I have never ecperienced in person.