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Wednesday 10 April 2019

The chore

Once again, the time to file an income tax return has forced its way into my life. I have always done my own returns from the time I had my first summer job. My parents had done theirs and taught me. It wasn’t too complicated and I often received a refund. Now it’s a chore.

My husband and I have been filing electronically for years now but the on-line information rather than book in hand is frustrating to me. Any information we cannot decipher requires a phone call. Good luck navigating the answering system of “if this...then press...” Whose memory of the list is that good at this age? Besides wait times are quite long this time of year.

The weeping, gnashing of teeth and hair loss it takes to navigate the system requires two of us. Our returns aren’t even as complicated as they were one time. This year however, I entered the data four times before we were finally able to complete the returns. They might be finished. One last check is all that’s required.



Celia said...

Good for you, you're almost there. My taxes are simple but I took them to the volunteers at our senior center here and happily let them do for me and it's free.

Anvilcloud said...

I have bought the program for years now. I could do it by hand as it were, but I am prone to careless errors, and then they tell me that I owe $10 or some such 8 months later. I have never made a mistake with the program.

William Kendall said...

I've filed mine for the year, but had it done.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I always used the paper returns when doing my taxes and my parents' taxes since the mid-1970s. The last few years, however, I've thrown in the towel on my own taxes and now get an accountant to do them and file electronically. I still did my Mom's by paper return, however. This year I'm filing her final tax form and got a paper return one last time to do it. It wasn't easy to get one either! The post office carried only a few and they went fast. Luckily, the post office people told me what date the returns were going to be put out and told me to come on that day to be sure to get one.

Elephant's Child said...

Yet another example of 'progress' complicating a formerly simple task.
Good luck. I hope you have reached the end (for this year).

Rhodesia said...

Ours is all done online as well but in French so way beyond my brain power but thankfully Nigel seems to cope very well! Keep well Diane

DJan said...

We have ours done at the local senior center. They have done them every year for the past decade, and we have already spent our modest return. :-)

Bill said...

When you have to make a call for help, that is the most aggravating thing I absolutely hate. Good luck!

Laurel Wood said...

It is always such a relief when that job is done and forgotten!

Barbara said...

I file mine early. I have only a small income and no real deductions so I do it online and it goes fast. I might miss some deductions or credits but I'm to the point that it would cost me as much to have an accountant figure it out as I would make on the deduction. If that is what the IRS is hoping for, then they have succeeded. I give up before trying. I did file my own returns which were sometimes difficult when I was younger and making more money and had more deductions. I had the stamina and memory to figure it out. Now I throw up my hands. As long as any mistakes don't go to the Presidental Fund or the Fund to Build the Wall, then I'm ok. Hahaha.

Joanne Noragon said...

I turned it all over to an accountant when we had a business and had depreciation and changing tax laws and I can't even remember what all. I still give it to her.

Retired Knitter said...

In our town AARP offer free tax filing. It is wonderful. You bring your documents to one of many available sites and the taxes are done with you sitting right there - done and electronically filed. The only thing you do in advance is make an appointment! It is grand!

eileeninmd said...


My hubby does our taxes. He already filed and we received a refund. Wishing you a happy day!

Debbie said...

awwww marie, perhaps i can make you feel better. we have a separate company for each property we own, 2 trusts one for each of the kids and our personal returns. in all, for state and federal, we file 18 tax returns. my accountant prepares them, i have to read them, check for mistakes, prepare all the checks and the envelopes to send them in. the last return i just printed was 22 pages. do you feel any better?? i really despise this time of year!!!

Mage said...

T=You got it done...that's all that is important. We had someone else do ours too.

jenny_o said...

I admire anyone who tackles their own tax return! I haven't done one in years because my husband is an accountant and he takes care of it. Good luck; I hope everything is a go for you now.

Angela said...

We hire a lawyer friend of ours to do our taxes. We avoid headaches. Hope it gets better Marie. Glad it's all done.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I seriously think Government departments design their contact points deliberately to drive us crazy Marie, there will be teeth gnashing all over the world 😉

baili said...

what is nice about that you re learning dear Marie (well at least )

my husband is so against of online use for money access specially because the help lines are not much impressive sometimes and one can loose his fund which is not affordable obviously