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Monday 7 December 2020

Cookie day

The kids were excited. They always enjoyed baking with their mother or me and when we all came together at our house to do some baking, it was extra special. They were wound as tight as springs. 

The kids and their mother remain part of our Covid bubble but it looks like that may change soon. Covid has reared its ugly spike-filled head in full force on the island. We were determined to enjoy cookie day but the gloom of social isolation appears to be on the horizon.

Baking Christmas cookies has been a Christmas tradition for a number of years and this year, the youngest, a boy of three, was old enough to enjoy the experience as well. 

I had a head start on the day. I was up early and had two lots of cookies ready to be completed by the kids. It gave us lots of time to do the other four batches of cookies with them that morning. They rolled the first cookie mixture into balls which gave the adults time to gather supplies for the next batches.

One of the recipes we tried was called Moose Farts, from an old Newfoundland recipe. These were really popular with the kids as you can imagine, as much for the name as the ingredients. They couldn’t wait to try the farts which were a big hit.

                                                                      Covid bear

We sampled cookies for dessert that night after a baked ham supper at our daughter’s house. If this is the only time we can get together this Christmas season, it is enough. We are grateful!


The Padre said...

Happy Little C19 Bear There - So Stoked You Snapped A Few Photos Of The Kids - Lifetime Of Memories - Good On You For Making Yourself Available - Stay Strong And Be Well - Sending Positive Vibes


Anvilcloud said...

It looks like a long and energetic day, but you will have memories of good times.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad you could spend this time with your grandchildren! The cookie baking traditions are a must. Moose farts, the bear looks cute. I am sure they were all tasty! Take care, have a great week!

DJan said...

I've never heard of moose fart cookies, but I'd have one if I could! I do hope you will be able to get together, but I understand why this year is going to be different for all of us.

Boud said...

It sounds wonderful.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What? No photos of the moose farts? (What a great name, LOL!)

Martha said...

Moose farts lol! So glad you were able to have your baking day together and a nice dinner. Covid is getting worse and worse everywhere, we have to do whatever it takes to stay safe.

John's Island said...

Cooking up cookies with the kids sounds great. It makes me smile because I must still have a lot of kid in me ... so curious about Moose Farts! :-) Is there a chance you could share the recipe or shall I look for it on Google? :-) Have an excellent day!

John's Island said...

I found a no-bake recipe here ...
Still, your baked ones look more interesting! :-)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Glad you got this in!!!!

And I really appreciate how you make sure, not to show their faces. Children's faces should never be shown, on the world wide net!

Our next door son/family and we, used to be in a Bubble too. But the China/Covid virus finally ended that. Now, it's past items, without contact. -sigh-

And 2 beloved Christmas Traditions, will not happen, this year. First time in years, and years, and years. -sigh-

The China/Covid Virus is EVIL!!!!!!!!!

Elephant's Child said...

That sounds like a WONDERFUL day - for you all.
Love the bear, and I would really, really like to see a Moose Fart.

Bill said...

Sounds like great fun was had by all. Priceless memories!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That sounds like a day filled with memory making moments. The delicious cookies were a bonus.

Joanne Noragon said...

What a grand day. Love the fat little Covid bear. I hope he was gobbled straight down.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

These are the memories that will stay with your grandchildren forever. What a beautiful tradition.

Red said...

Great family tradition to do Christmas baking together.

Catarina said...

Cookie day! The best day! :)

Anita said...

Looks very cosy😊I am glad you did this..Something to remember later
Here the second wave of covid has passed away..but we still keep the very strickt rules.
All good to you and family
Greetings Anita

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a fun day! Cookie baking time is such a fun way to spend the day! I can imagine the kid's excitement at baking such a fun cookie! And what a precious time to spend together, praying that the virus doesn't spoil upcoming holiday plans!

baili said...

your family stories always make my day dear Marie :)

these images and sharing are soul comforting during such gloomy times indeed

being able to spend time with grand kids must be special and pleasurable for sure
i am happy for you ,you had this time with family my friend ,specially when i am missing my eldest son so much such sights are so precious to me
thank you for sharing and yes these cookies look special and the name made me smile :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Great to get the children involved in cooking projects. Moose Farts sound delicious! Kind of reminds me of a young boy I used to work with who enjoyed spaghetti bolognese even more when we called it "mud and worms".

Retired Knitter said...

We used to do cookie day in advance of Christmas when our kids were young. Now in their 40s it is a practice we don't do. I miss it. But I don't miss the calories that I used to pack on because of those cookies. hahaha! I am pretty sure I am still having those pounds around decades later.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I wish you had been my grandmother!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

We do that too, except we make shortbread. So sorry to hear the Covid is on the island Marie, take good care of yourselves 💙

Margaret said...

Such special times! Baking and decorating cookies together has been our go to Xmas tradition, even though my girls are 30 and 34. They won't be home this year(stupid Covid) so I'm not very motivated to do them by myself. What a lovely get together! Covid has hit the island then? At least the vaccines are in the pipeline.

photowannabe said...

I'm so glad you were able to create some Christmas memories.
They will be cherished for a long, long time.
Love the Moose fun!!
Glad the kids are part of your "bubble".

Tanza Erlambang said...

glad to know that you can come along with your grandkids in this pandemic time... all of you must be happy.

Take care, stay safe and virus free

Mage said...

What a wonderful day that must have been.

William Kendall said...

My mother would tend to bake a hundred dozen cookies this time of year.

Helen said...

What an absolutely special day together.
I do hope the source of this outbreak can be found and controlled quickly.

Rose said...

It us a good idea to get together while you still can...sounds like a fun day.

Debbie said...

awwww...cookie day!! ours use to involve many people, i don't think we are having it this year.

i am excited to bake, even if it is alone. i will share pictures of course!!

Barbara said...

What a sweet time in the middle of all the gloom and doom.