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Tuesday 15 December 2020

Notes from the isle

Yay! My husband and I rode our bicycles one more time. It was only 3 C but without a breath of wind, it was pleasant enough to take out the bikes. We drove around our area mid-morning so the traffic was light and we could stay close to home in case it was too cold. It was great to be back on the bike again.

Meanwhile we purchased a new recumbent bike so we can continue cycling on some level. Changing the tension on the bike really provides a good workout too.

People were curious about the thistle on the steeple of the Free Church of Scotland in my previous post. I am including a photo of the finial from the

If we ever wondered why Jeff Bezos was the richest person in the world, the pandemic has resolved it. There are nine houses at the top of our street. With the Covid restrictions keeping us at home, my husband and I see the various delivery trucks stopping in our area. Purolator, FedEx and UPS stop at some of these houses every day, including weekends this time of year. You can almost set your clock by the various deliveries. If nine houses generate this number of deliveries and even if a fraction are from Amazon, no wonder the man has so much money.

One of these days, someone will invent a mask which doesn’t cause your glasses to steam up, especially if you are having a hot flash! Just wishing!

The Atlantic bubble burst after cases of Corona virus occurred which weren’t travel related. It means travel between the four Atlantic provinces requires two weeks isolation again. The outbreak on Prince Edward Island involved young people. The Chief Public Health Officer asked 20-29 year olds to be tested and brought in more restrictions until December 21st, such as take-out only from restaurants. The good news is we have been six days without any new cases and the response from the young people at the testing centres was overwhelming. The latest news is the restrictions may be lifted earlier than the 21st. Thank you to our young men and women for their response!  We live in a wonderful place!


Linda said...

Yay PEI!! Well done. If only we could get America to do that.

So impressed with your exercise commitment, plus I get the benefit of seeing the island in all its glory

The Padre said...

Six Days Without Any New Cases Is Wonderful - Almost As Fantastic As The Bike Ride - Such Good News Here Today - Thank You - Stay Strong


eileeninmd said...


It sounds like you area is handling Covid very well, our cases are going up every day. Most likely due to gathering at Thanksgiving and holiday parties. I am glad you were able to get out for another bike ride. It is awful when my eyeglasses steam up. Take care, have a happy day!

Rhodesia said...

Glad that you managed to get out on the bikes. We have trainers that we can put our own bikes on which I prefer to a training bike. I do not use mine often as I now prefer to walk instead of cycle weather permitting. My husband cycles every other day as with his bad feet he cannot walk.

Wish there was more good response to COVID in this world, some people just do not care!!

Stay safe, Diane

Anvilcloud said...

When I did some genealogy I discovered some Church of Scotland background.

All credit to Bezos for meeting a need like no other. I do wish he paid more in taxes, but I am sure that he is in compliance with tax laws, so it is those that need to be fixed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I did virtually all my xmas shopping online this year. Very convenient and much safer than going to the mall, that's for sure.

Elephant's Child said...

Love that finial. Thanks for the close up.
I am really, really pleased to hear that the tide of infections is going out for you.
High praise to those who put the restrictions in place and those who adhered to them.

Shammickite said...

I'm with you regarding the need for masks that don't fog glasses as soon as you go into a shop.
We are in lockdown again until Jan 10.... I'm staying at home as much as possible. Including all by myself at Christmas!

Boud said...

The masks I've made for myself, with a wire insert that fits my nose, not a one size fits all, work better than anything. In the cold weather I don't mind wearing a mask that keeps my face warm when I walk.

I live in a small town, pop 22K, where people are very mask observant and careful. We wish everyone were as considerate. Cases are rising again in our state, after we got it waaaaay down in July. People are tired of being careful, and acting like kids who just rebel. Except you can't win if you rebel against a virus. It doesn't work that way.

Thank you for the picture of the finial on the steeple. Now I get what you were explaining about the thistle the other day.

Bill said...

Glad to hear there have been no cases for six days. Our community numbers are low but the county is doing bad in some sections and we aren't in those. YAY for that.
Great that you got another bike ride in, sounds like you're enjoying that very much. Take care, stay safe and have a wonderful day.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I do hope you get restrictions lifted soon. We are restricted to socializing with household members only, restaurants are take out only and store only sell essential items. this is to last till early january, so no family gatherings at Christmas .

Anita said...

So happy for you that the covid infections has gone down at your place!you have done a great good job!
Here we have clusters of the infection but mostly imported.You know we need workers from abroad and somehow the state forgot to let them go in to
ten days carantene.Many also has got false documents with negative covid.We have daily ten to twelve infected in my town Bergen,but not so much are testing themselves, daily about 200 to 500 ,they are afraid to be in carantene in Christmas So we suspect a third wave after new year

Iam glad you went out for a bike!Such lovely weather!

wish you ll good!

John's Island said...

"One of these days, someone will invent a mask which doesn’t cause your glasses to steam up, especially if you are having a hot flash!" I smiled for several minutes after reading that. :-) So true! and thank you! And another thing we agree on: PEI is a wonderful place! Happy day to you and yours.

William Kendall said...

A beautiful shot.

DJan said...

You live in a really wonderful place, and I am just the teeniest bit jealous. The country just to the south of Canada is not doing nearly as well (that would be my country). Sending you lots of love and so glad you got another bike ride. May there be many more in your future. :-)

Martha said...

You sure do live in a wonderful place, it's horrible here! I'm so glad you were able to get out on your bikes today! What a nice unexpected treat :)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh yes, the business of on line ordering and delivery to your door, has had a whopppping lift, from this horrid China Covid Pandemic!!!!!!!!

🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Where are those people putting, all the stuff, they are ordering????????????????

🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄

Rose said...

I hate to think how often boxes come to our house. It really started when I broke my foot, and some things it is just easier to have delivered. Since I do the shopping and big lot of the carrying inside, it makes shopping days easier.

I like that thistle on the church.

OH, yeah for you two for getting out on your bike one more time.

Red said...

You're doing well to be riding at this time of year. Nice weather. Take advantage of it.

Mage said...

Christmas presents. :)
Love the steeple.
Masks must be crimped around the nose before you add your glasses. Put the glasses on so they fit over the top of the mask. It works here.

Joanne Noragon said...

Jeff Bezos is richer from his data storage operations.

Himawan Sant said...

Glad to hear that you and your husband are cycling around the city by implementing proper health protocols. Hopefully the pandemic will end soon and we all have more freedom of activity.
Greetings from Indonesia.

Helen said...

You most certainly live in a wonderful place with wonderful people. The response of the young people was amazing, especially as they had to sit in the cold, in their cars, in such enormously long queues for such incredible lengths of time.

I've just realised that your recumbent bike is an indoor trainer. Recumbents here are when the cyclist's bike is in the prone position. Keep up the good work.

baili said...

dear Marie

how great that you and you hubby are able to cycle once again specially during unexpected season i guess ,weather is being kind for you it makes me serene my friend :)

this is also a very good news that because of the people who followed restrictions seriously lockdown is being lifted ,must be exciting and joyful news when Christmas is knocking at the door :)
wishing you all the happiness ,health and peace in days ahead my dear friend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If your glasses sit on top of the mask I think you will find it helps quite a bit to prevent fogging up. As for on line shopping, I think it was a way of life for many even before the pandemic, and COVID has given it a boost. I buy books from one source, (not Amazon) but that is the extent of it for me. Miriam has a friend who even buys shoes on line, which baffles me completely.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Thank you so much for saying, that you have the Christmas Spirit, after reading my blog!!!! What a delightful thing to comment. -smile-

Nothing like some (a lot!!!) of snow, to make it seem, like it should. -smile-

⛄ 🎄 ⛄

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So happy you got in another bike ride Marie, something like that can really lift the spirits. I don't use Amazon at all, he's not getting any of my money 😀

Ginnie Hart said...

I really had to LOL at "One of these days, someone will invent a mask which doesn’t cause your glasses to steam up, especially if you are having a hot flash!" HAHAHA. So very true. That would be very nice.

In the meantime, keep your numbers down. In Europe we're basically all in a lockdown except for essentials until January 19th (for the Netherlands). We've lasted this long. Let's get it under control...before we all have a chance to get vaccinated!

Stay safe and healthy!

Margaret said...

That is beautiful sky! It's wonderful to be able to get out this time of year. I'm glad your young people are responsible and caring. I wish more of ours (and older adults) were! It is SO frustrating, like a disastrous group project where some of us are doing all the work and being responsible. (while the others ruin it for us) My masks with nose pieces don't steam up my glasses too much. The best one for that is my N95 which has an extremely tight fit, but I save that for occasions when I'm going to be too close to people.

Tanza Erlambang said...

glad to hear you and your husband back to bike.... seem getting colder in Canada now...

Take care... have a wonderful day.

Debbie said...

it is so nice to read someone write about the positive attributes of the young adults, there is a lot of good there!! our cases of covid have skyrocketed, i'm not sure when it will end. the vaccine is not without risk, i don't know how many people will be willing to take it. and now there were a few negative reactions!

i wish i knew when fedex and ups trucks where on my street, i need to thank them....they are at my house every day!! i may put a sign out for them to ring the bell, some cookies and a card are warranted to thank them!!

Debbie said...

by the time i reached the end, i forgot about your bike ride. good for you!!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

It is good news to read cases are not surging like they are here.
Merry Christmas!

Catarina said...

You are brave!!
Our numbers are increasing... and I'm very concerned.
Take care

Retired Knitter said...

We are big Amazon users and were so before the Pandemic. A few years ago I discovered how much I hated going from store to store to store trying to find what I needed. Just not a "shopper" like I used to be. Now, of course, it allows me the opportunity to get what I need without interfacing with people. I know this way of shopping is damaging to brick and mortar stores so I do branch out to order from them if they offer online products and delivery. But some stuff just has to be purchased in person for me - clothing, food and yarn (I am a knitter). Of course now I limit that kind of shopping to just food.

About glasses steaming up - I never realized just how much moisture our bodies loose by breathing. Just a little pandemic "discovery" for me. :-)

Susie of Arabia said...

Well, that's good news! The number of new cases here has been dwindling slowly for months now. We are down to about 125/day for the whole country. Hubby and I are still isolating however, until we get the vaccine.