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Sunday 30 June 2024

Blooms, birds and butterflies

It rained most of last week but we were out a few times between the raindrops. We had record rainfall, often with winds enough to deliver it horizontally. The most spectacular lightning storm accompanied the rain one night, lighting up the neighbourhood like mid-day.

Our peonies bloomed late the week before, so as usual, they didn’t do well with the wind and wet weather. Petals are beginning to cover the ground.

I did manage some photos when the weather was good, knowing what usually happens! Hope you like peonies!

We feed some neighbourhood crows late fall and winter but let them fend for themselves the remainder of the year. As a result, they haven’t been stopping by recently.

However, last week, some of the regulars dropped by with two of the young ones. These juveniles have red mouths and make unusual sounds, unlike the adults. 

We gave them some food and stayed nearby to get them accustomed to us. Two young ones have been back several days since. They wait around for a bit but we don’t feed them. It is good to see the family is healthy.

Meanwhile we continue to follow the Osprey at Blackbush on the webcam and their three young ones. The parents keep the chicks well supplied with fish and now that the little ones are more active in the nest, it looks like the adults are building up the sides of the nest with more twigs in an effort to keep them safe. Those Osprey are great parents!

Along the boardwalk one day, I stopped to photograph the blooms of a blackberry bush and out of nowhere, this Canadian Tiger Swallowtail landed and posed.

I usually chase butterflies without success so this one was a gift.

Another day, a White Admiral posed 

and this tiny Northern Crescent landed nearby at the same time.

I was doubly thrilled.

The wonders of summer from blooms, to birds and butterflies are a great diversion from the news. They kept us going this past week.


Pam said...

Great pics. I love Peonies but I have never grown any. A friend came me a couple to get started but they did not make it. Will have to try again.

Rose said...

What wonderful photos you is usual. But the Butterflies are a gift to us all! And I so love that pale pink peonie. (I almost spelled it 'pail'...LOL) I so bet it is fun to see the crows.

Bill said...

Super photos! Love the flowers and the butterflies. I rarely see a butterfly these days probably due to the areas I walk but I'm always looking.. Have a wonderful day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love peony season! Beautiful shots! Happy Canada Day!

Sandi said...

Wonderful photos.

The ospreys have made crib railings!

Maebeme said...

Such lovely photos! Our peonies have been blooming now for several days and the heavy rains have done a number on the blooms. So we'll enjoy them while they last.

Hena Tayeb said...

wow.. you got some lovely photos.

photowannabe said...

Love your blooms, butterflies and lovely.
Love Sandi's comment about "crib railings".
Not going to be posting much for a while until we get all of the fraud stuff corrected. Its a big and painful job.

Stewart M said...

What a wonderful collection of colours and shapes.

Hope you get to see some squirrels today!

Cheers - Stewart M - Oban, Stewart Island, NZ

Anvilcloud said...

The Admiral is admirable as are the other butterflies and peonies.

Debbie said...

i love peonies and yours are really pretty. i do not have any in my gardens, i simply don't have any room left for more plants. we have been having a lot of rain also, i had 5 small caterpillars on my dill and the rain seems to have washed them away!! you really got lucky with the butterflies, they are impressive pictures!!

Joanne Noragon said...

You had a great week of birds and flowers.

Red said...

We have a large variety of flowers here at this time. It's one of the best times of the year.

MFH said...

For those who read the comments: If you choose VIEW WEB VERSION in the center at the very bottom of the blog, the photos can be enlarged by spreading fingers. The images are sharp even at maximum enlargement.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! The peonies are beautiful! And I think I would become addicted to the web cam! What a great post, my friend. Thank you for sharing!

Tabor said...

Lovely spring to summer photos. Our osprey failed to lay fertilized eggs and they just sit there each day after flights for food and stare into space!

margi said...

Lovely photos! Peonies are gorgeous!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I absolutely love peonies and those are gorgeous. Ours bloomed in April. It is amazing the parental instinct with all animal/birds including us! Great photos - thanks

DUTA said...

I totally agree with you - the beauty of the flowers and butterflies, and the parenthood of the Ospreys is a great, healthy diversion from the news!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your peonies are beautiful and varied colors, Marie, and this is one type of flower we never grew in our yard when we lived in NJ and VA. Of course, thre were many others as well. Butterflies were always a favorite of mine to take photos of and as a neighbor had a butterfly grden there were so many willing subjects. Glad you had a multiple capture.

John's Island said...

Marie, It sure looks like summer is off to a great start on PEI. I love all the images, especially the butterflies. I enjoyed your story about the crows. Thanks, as always, for sharing. John

Liz Hinds said...

And we certainly need some diversions!
Beautiful peonies. I only have pale pink ones but I would love a darker one too.
And great shots of the butterflies.

The Furry Gnome said...

Our Peonies bloomed earlier, but they're always lovely and colourful. They do get beaten down by the rain though.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am very happy that the butterflies came to visit, Marie. They are delightful. Yesterday, Miriam and I spent the day at Rondeau Provincial Park and saw our first Pipevine Swallowtail - very exciting. We’re still searching for Softshell Turtle and Fowler’s Toad though!

Granny Sue said...

Such beauty where you live. I am sure you are getting our rain, the entire month of June was dry here. Your peonies are really something, and those butterflies! I too chase them, usually without success.

Helen said...

Oooh, your poor peonies! Even so, these lovely images fill me with joy, along with these delightful butterfly images. I can imagine your excitement as they posed so beautifully for you.

Catarina said...

Gorgeous photos!
The flowers are lovely.
Peonies symbolize love and honour, prosperity and good luck. : )
Butterflies are so hard to photograph.
Happy weekend, Marie.

Debbie Nolan said...

Marie your peonies are just beautiful. Here where I live mine are gone. For me they are such a favorite that am always sad to see them go. So glad you shared your photos here...made my peony season just a wee bit longer :)! How wonderful you are able to keep track of the osprey and their young. Is it not exciting to watch how quickly these babies grow. Well hope you continue to get out between the raindrops. Have a delightful start of July. Hugs!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Gorgeous photos. It's fun seeing the osprey through the webcam!

Barbara said...

I love Peonies. They are the most delicate, feminine flower. The flowers were beautiful. Such lovely colors. Butterflies make me so happy.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Marie,
Your Peonies are beautiful, a lovely sight.
I would be watching the Osprey nest, they seem to be gone off the nest here.
Beautiful butterflies and lovely blooms.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I could smell the heady fragrance of these peonies just looking at the photos. I really miss having peonies. We used to have bushes running the entire length of our house. It was so beautiful in spring time. Alas, I don’t think they’re well suited to container gardening.

Cloudia said...

So thrilled that I stopped by this beautiful post! Aloha from Honolulu!

baili said...

I am speechless with abundance of beauty of spring you shared dear Marie 😍
Each shot is breathtaking and fills soul with joy and happiness 😊
Your garden is piece of the heavens my friend ❤❤❤

Danielle L Zecher said...

We definitely need a diversion from the news.

Your peonies are (were?) gorgeous! Ours are long gone, so I enjoyed seeing yours. And I love the butterfly pictures!

That's sweet that the crows brought the children to meet you, and that they're already coming back for more food. Animals certainly seem to remember who feeds them.

Glenda Beall said...

Once again, although I am late, I treasure your outstanding photography. I love butterflies and used to have them come to my deck garden in the mountains. I hope I can attract them here in the city.