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Monday 24 January 2022

The fly

The golden grand-dog, Georgie, was sick. After a run outdoors with the  kids, she collapsed in the kitchen and wouldn’t or couldn’t walk. No number or type of treats could coax her. Georgie didn’t eat supper which never happens. By the next day, when she hadn’t improved, our daughter called for an appointment with the vet. Meanwhile our daughter was self isolating, due to our grandson’s possible exposure to Covid so my husband and I took Georgie on that potentially fateful drive.

Georgie will soon be twelve years old. We are always cognizant of her age and are bracing ourselves for her end of days. Devastated describes how we will feel to lose her and we feared we were driving her to her doom on this day. There was silence as we drove along while the radio played country music, which can be sad enough. Meanwhile Georgie, sat in the back seat, rested her head on my hand as she often does. She had come downstairs to greet us when we went for her, so a part of us held out hope. Despite my best efforts to stay positive however, a tear rolled down my face and the silence, above the music, was deafening. Words were embedded in my throat.

We turned onto the street to the clinic and stopped behind another car. A line of vehicles waited while a police car was stretched across the centre of the road. Electric utility workers were busy further ahead with a wire down on the road.

My husband broke the silence with, “Now, there’s a fly in the Metamucil.”

I started to laugh and we laughed together for several minutes. That line is from The Golden Girls, spoken by Sophia, one of the main characters. The laughter broke the tension and sadness. We felt better.

When we dropped Georgie at the clinic twenty minutes later, we left with good thoughts on our minds. By late afternoon and a number of tests later, the vet reported that Georgie has arthritis. Several prescriptions and almost $400.00 later, we dropped her home.

Meanwhile, back at her home, two new pets joined the family a few months ago. 

Meet brown Archie and gray Ozzie, the Guinea pigs. Georgie was jealous of any attention the pigs received initially but as you can see from this photo from last week, the dog has joined the pigs rather than attempt to beat them.

There are no flies on Georgie!

Update: There have been six deaths from Covid on the island to date. A neighbour lost a family member, a man in his eighties with several serious health issues. The province is in a lockdown again similar to those earlier in the pandemic. 

The good news is our daughter and family came through the self isolation last week without having Covid. However, it is nerve-wrecking when anyone must be outside the house these days. My husband and I will venture into the fray to get our booster shots on Wednesday.


eileeninmd said...


I am glad your daughter and family are safe now. I am sorry to hear Georgie has arthritis, I hope the treatment makes her feel better. We do not want our furbabies to feel bad, they are a big part of the family. Sending prayers and well wishes for Georgie. I just love the photo of Georgie and the Guinea Pigs, adorable photo. Take care, enjoy your new week!

The Padre said...

$400 To Find Out Everything Is Back To Normal - What A Crime - Laughter Is The Best Medicine - And I Just Love That Photo - Stay Strong My Friend


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad Georgie rallied and is with us still! Those guinea pigs are little cuties. Omicron is a sonovabitch, no doubt about it.

Boud said...

So sorry your island is now dealing with Covid up close. But I'm glad of George's reprieve.

DJan said...

Glad to hear Georgie is just old, like me. Arthritis is no fun, but it can be managed. Love your sweet little guinea pigs! :-)

NGS said...

Dogs have such a flair for the dramatic - if my dog gets snow or ice in her paw, she literally collapses as if she CAN NO LONGER GO ON, but as soon as I wipe it off, she bounces right back. Good luck to Georgie and I hope her pain can be easily managed.

Aren't guinea pigs such interesting little characters. So much personality in such little bodies!

Bill said...

Glad everything worked out for Georgie and she now has medication to help her. Love the photo with the G pigs. Happy to hear that your daughter and her family are safe from covid. Stay safe, Marie.

MARY G said...

What a sweet photo. My daughter lost her Golden Doodle just before Christmas. Shammy made it almost to 14, arthritis and all. And I have pics of her and the cats cuddling - but not both cats at once as the two felines are NOT friends. Elder female puss is quite annoyed by younger bouncy male. Hmm. that may be true everywhere.
Hope your granddog has many more happy days.

Celia said...

Whew, hope the meds help Georgie, sweet snapshot of her and her new little friends. Glad to hear your family no covid. May you all continue to be safe.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh thank goodness, I was worried there. George was diagnosed with arthritis several years ago and he's still going strong (14 and a half). Or if not strong then hungry at least.

Elephant's Child said...

Poor Georgie. And poor all of her extended family. I do hope her medication makes her (and you all) feel MUCH better.
Covid cases still high here too, and sadly some are still dying. Happy Booster Day.

Hena Tayeb said...

Sorry to hear about Georges health issues. Poor guy.
Sometimes a little joke and a good laugh makes all the difference.
Good to hear about your daughter as well. Take care and stay well.

Anvilcloud said...

The plan seems to be to begin opening things later this week but cautiously. I think Ontario is too big of a beast to tame completely, so it will be what we will find acceptable in terms of sickness and loss.

photowannabe said...

Glad your family is ok and so sorry about Georgie..I hope the meds will perk her up again.
Love the photo of the pigs and her together. that's a wall hanger for sure.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I'm happy to hear Georgie is still with you. It can be such a worry as our pets age and we love them so much. Gorgeous photo with the guinea pigs :)

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Your picture of Archie and Ozzie is lovely. I wish that more humans would act the same ... welcoming others regardless of their differences.

margi said...

Glad to hear your daughter and her family are safe. The photo is very cute. I can imagine how hard it was while driving to the vet. Poor Georgie.

Rhodesia said...

Phew so happy to hear that Georgi is Ok other than arthritis. Sadly big dogs never live as long as smaller breeds. I had a Great Dane who made it to 13 but I think that is a very rare case. I also worked for a vet so I had free treatment and as much as needed.
Keep safe, Diane

Ruth Hiebert said...

Glad to hear your family is ok.

Helen said...

Deja vu - Whilst ironong yesterday, I had a slideshow of the PEI family screening. Their dog Gunner was enjoying the water at Rice Point. It crossed my mind quite strongly at much the family would be devastated if they were to lose him. So glad Georgie will be with your family for quite some time and I fully expect the same for Gunner.
I had a long laugh re the Golden Girl's quote.
This quote is also one I read yesterday, "Laughter is sunshine. It chases winter from the human face."
We have warmth and sunshine, but are reluctant to go far as our Covid numbers continue to rise and yesterday their were 16 deaths.
Keep safe and smiling.

William Kendall said...

Hopefully it's now managed. She looks adorable with the guinea pigs.

Joanne Noragon said...

Georgie and nsaids and she'll be skipping with the hamsters.

John's Island said...

I don't think I could leave a comment any better than Bill's so I'm going to copy it here and do want to give him credit. :-) Glad everything worked out for Georgie and she now has medication to help her. Love the photo with the G pigs. Happy to hear that your daughter and her family are safe from covid. Stay safe, Marie.

Red said...

We can become very attached to our pets. I can understand your worry and concern.

peppylady (Dora) said...

My son had Guinea pigs, I actual enjoy them. Glad all worked out for them.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Lorrie said...

Georgie looks very content with the two guinea pigs. I hope this wave of Covid is the last. It seems to be declining on our island.

Debbie said...

awwwww poor georgie, getting old, it's not for sissies!!! i know you would have paid any amount of money to help her, she is such a beautiful dog that i know you are very fond of!!

good news about your daughter and company but certainly not about the deaths on the island. good news you are getting your booster, it is the way to go!!

your husband has a good memory and a very nice sense of humor!! stay well marie!!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Poor Georgie. Arthritis, guinea pigs AND country music - that's a lot to have to put up with!

Barwitzki said...

What a beautiful photo... many greetings to you and a hug.

Susan Zarzycki said...

I am so glad your worst fears didn't come to fruition. I well know the ride of doom to a vet having pets for the past 50 years. They are like our children.💖

Adam said...

It breaks my heart when doggies are getting close to passing away 😭

I'm hoping Georgie feels better

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Good news nobody is seriously ill
Sad for the neighbor's loss

The trio photo melts the heart. Ozzie and Archie look super pumped with pride to be with Georgie. Fantastic portrait if them.
Stay safe

Margaret said...

So sorry about the arthritis but glad there are treatments. Hope they work. I was dreading reading what happened at the vet! Covid is still a big factor here and I'm not going many places. When I have to (like to take my mom to appointments) I double mask with a surgical underneath a KN95.

Black Knight said...

Glad your family is ok.
Pets are part of the family and it's painful to see them to suffer. However now she is at home and can feel all your love. I hope she feels better soon.
My son has a golden retriever too and he is lovely.
The photo with Georgie, Archie and Ozzy is wonderful.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Glad that Georgie weathered this storm, but at her age she does not have long left. Pets can be expensive, I see!

Retired Knitter said...

At least Georgie had something that could be treated for now. Hope she is more comfortable and more herself. You guys must be very special to her that she got up to greet you when she was feeling poorly.

Every well loved pet is just “grief” waiting in the wings to happen. My grand dog Milo died last July - he was 11 - very old for a French Bull Dog. I remembered when he was a puppy thinking - “Someday you are going to break my heart.” And he did. But pets are part of what makes life grand - and my daughter will get her next puppy this March when he is 8 weeks old. I’ll have the same conversation with him - "you are going to break my heart someday! In the meantime I am going to love you to bits!"

Tabor said...

Glad that your dog will be around for a while. They do become members of the family. I got my booster back in November, so my immune system may be waining.

Rose said...

Oh, I am so relieved to hear Georgie is still with you. Love that pic of her with Archie and Ozzie.

Catarina said...

I am glad to read everybody is well.

Some families have had their share of trying times.

Anita said...

Beautiful dog and his frends:))))

wish you good luck and stay safe:))

Glenda Beall said...

Marie, you had me in tears as you describe so well how you felt and the feeling in that car. I have had those days with my dearly loved pets. Smokie, my sister's 13-year-old miniature schnauzer has developed arthritis in her back and was in terrible shape until the vet put her on some medicine for her pain. I love that photo and Georgie's face tells such a good story. Sorry for all the bad COVID news up your way. As you know I had that virus after Christmas and I am so lucky to be here and to have had the care I did. Please continue to be careful and safe. Wear a good mask any time you are out in public. I was told that my mask was not good enough and that might be why I caught it.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

It is just so sad that our pets don't live long lives and so hard to see them age so quickly. Georgie is just so precious and special! Glad that it is just arthritis, and praying that he will be with you for many more years!

Anvilcloud said...

It is The Missing. Be careful. You might find a few other plain Missings. At least I know of one but perhaps it wasn’t on Prime.

Martha said...

I'm so glad Georgie is ok, poor baby. I was almost in tears reading the beginning. Looks like sweet Archie and Ozzie have become his good friends. Very thankful to hear your daughter and family are all ok. Hurry up and get those boosters as soon as you can. It's scary out there!

baili said...

the beginning of this story about Georgie burdened my heart but how reliving that end went well with hope and joy eventually dear Marie !

i am happy that she will be fine by the grace of lord!

new pets look truly adorable oh my :)))

it happened really few times when a laughter seemed so helpful in such intense situation i agree

it is good to see you again my friend

Lea said...

Glad it was only arthritis! Our 12-year-old dog gets a shot every 6 months that helps her move around with less pain.
Cute photo of Georgie and the Guinea pigs!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

So glad that your daughter and family are fine and that Georgie is oil.. A very emotional time for you. Adorable new additions to your family of pets.

Danielle L Zecher said...

I'm glad your daughter and the kids made it through without getting sick. I'm glad you and your husband are getting your boosters.

I'm glad this wasn't Georgie's last appointment. It's amazing how the drive can feel like an eternity and an instant when you don't know how the appointment will end. She's so cute with the guinea pigs! I'm impressed that she's friends with them. Duke would see them as tasty snacks.

Barbara said...

I had to go to for a blood test this week at a blood test only place, no covid testing, but I sure hated being in the closed up place.

Mage said...

We try not to go into closed inn places that have big crowds. I still carry a mask with me where ever I go.

Barbara said...

Cutest picture ever.