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Monday 23 October 2017


The name could be a title for a science fiction novel. Not this time however. It is an area in the national park on Prince Edward Island and while it isn’t a science fiction setting, it has an interesting geography.

This area includes the sand dunes of Cavendish Beach in the center of the island. 

Here, a pond, like so many on the island, was an inlet of the Gulf of St Lawrence which was cut off from the sea by the accumulation of beach sand.

Over the ages, the salt water in the pond was neutralized by rain and fresh water flowing into it. Now Macneill’s Pond is a home to fish and a resting/feeding place for Canada geese.

The dunes are covered in Maram grass and other vegetation. 

They are a great habitat for a variety of plants and animals, including foxes which have dens in the dunes. We saw a fox just west of Dunelands, making his rounds in a parking lot.

A rustic fence keeps park goers from walking on the dunes.

A boardwalk traverses the pond and provides a great view of the geese and fish in the water.

The area is in the flight path of the geese 

and we were pleased with the photos we took of the geese overhead.

Dunelands isn’t a large area but it is a natural wonder.


DJan said...

It's a beautiful place, Marie. Much nicer than the ones in that sci-fi novel I read years ago. Love that last picture! Well done. :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Excellent shot of the geese flying overhead Marie.. I read and enjoyed a science fiction trilogy called Dune years ago, your title made me think about it ☺

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a magnificent shot of the Canada geese in flight!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Rather a lot of us seem to have read that book, even people like me who've read very little science fiction. Dunelands looks very much like some parts of North Norfolk, which are also rich in wildlife. Very nicely framed picture of the Canada Geese.

Joanne Noragon said...

A beautiful spot. I wondered how visitors were kept from wandering into/onto the dunes. Thanks for the fence shot.

Barbara said...

Very interesting. Beautiful place

Rhodesia said...

Love this place, what a perfect spot to stop and view the wildlife all round. Love your photos and the fox and geese are incredible. Keep well Diane

Silver in AZ said...

that geese shot is amazing! you have every right to be extremely pleased with that!

Such a lovely area; thanks for sharing, Marie!

Ginnie said...

Your excellent pictures make it seem like we are actually there. Wonderful !

Anonymous said...

So very beautiful and interesting. The fox photo is amazing!

Jenn said...

Gorgeous photos! That fox is unique looking, his colours are pretty.

Angela said...

These photos are awesome!!! The photo of the geese is spectacular! You make all of us want to go live in Canada!! Such beautiful nature your country has! Thanks for sharing.

Celia said...

Magnificent. Be careful you don't attract hoards of visitors :-).

Elephant's Child said...

Definitely a natural wonder.
Love all the photos, but am super impressed with the geese overhead.

Bill said...

Wow, some stunning photos Marie. What an abundant area for wildlife, it must be so nice to see. I love the fox, it is very cool looking and the Canadian geese in flight is absolutely gorgeous.

Debbie said...

a beautiful spot where nature abounds!! i have never see a fox with that coloring!!!

jenny_o said...

That's a beautiful spot. I will keep it in mind in case we are visiting PEI in future, Marie.

Marie Smith said...

Barb left a comment I was unable to post, so I copied it.

Your photos and the landscape are gorgeous! Your fox has so much more black than ours here in CO.

Barb's blog is at

Catarina said...

PEI is a beautiful island. A photographer's delight.
: )

Anvilcloud said...

Paul Muad'Dib would be so pleased with the transformation of Dune. There were some great books in that series although some weren't quite up to the others.

Linda d said...

Simply gorgeous!

Marie Smith said...

I am finally satisfied with the geese photos, Jan.

Marie Smith said...

I know that series too, PDP.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks, Debra.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks, John

Marie Smith said...

That fence is weathered beautifully, Joanne.

Marie Smith said...

That it is, Barbara.

Marie Smith said...

There was lots of wildlife in that area, Diane.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, SW.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Ginnie!

Marie Smith said...

The fox is fattened up after the summer, Mildred.

Marie Smith said...

Foxes here often are variously coloured, Jenn.

Marie Smith said...

The geese in that location fly overhead, Angela. It is easy to take a good photo. Thank you!

Marie Smith said...

Tourism is on the increase here, Celia.

Marie Smith said...

I can watch geese for hours, EC.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks, Bill. That area is a natural wonder for sure!

Marie Smith said...

Foxes here can be variously coloured, Debbie.

Marie Smith said...

Cavendish Beach area is a must see, Jenny.

Marie Smith said...

It is indeed, Catarina.

Marie Smith said...

The name is on signage in the park, AC. I wonder if the person who named the area was familiar with Dune?

Marie Smith said...

It is beautiful there, Linda.

Down by the sea said...

That's an amazing place, thank you so much for sharing this with us. Sarah x

Marie Smith said...

Glad to share, Sarah.

Alicia said...


The Furry Gnome said...

We camped near there with our kids in 1988. Great place!

Marie Smith said...

Gratias, Alicia.

Marie Smith said...

It really is, FG.