There is always a surprise along the boardwalk in Summerside. This past week, my husband and I found sunflowers in various stages of development, from immature buds to full flowers in the area of the salt marsh. They captured our attention!
The first one we saw was visible from the gazebo, our first stop of the day.
It’s shining face was turned to the east, greeting the morning sun. We couldn’t resist walking to the beach to have a closer look. Often, people will pick a sunflower which grows along the shore so it might not last long if the past predicts the future.
How did this bloom and the others which are in bud,
happen to grow along the shoreline? We suspect birds drop some sunflower seeds which walkers leave at the many feeders along the boardwalk. Another possibility in that some seeds drop into the stream and are deposited along the shoreline. Either way, the plants are a wonder of nature.
The younger plants have buds of various sizes which expand as they near blooming. The buds have so much potential for beauty.
Further along the boardwalk, more wildflowers are beginning their brief and glorious days in the sun. Now goldenrod
and Joe Pye weed are coming into blossom.
In the scene below, the newcomers join roses, Queen Anne’s Lace and Sow Thistle. Nature is an amazing florist!
Lastly today, I want to share a brief video of the shorebirds which stop by the same place where the sunflowers bloom. You can see the video here.
These birds are on their way south after weeks spent nesting further north. They stop over in Prince Edward Island in preparation for the long flight to warmer climes for the winter. This day, the tiny birds resemble ants scurrying around in the seaweed.
It is a joy to watch them.