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Sunday 14 April 2024

Nature at its best

We walked between rain drops this week and enjoyed the boardwalk most days and a morning in Cavendish. No luck with the eagles at Cavendish but we’ll try again this week. However, in spite of the absence of eagles it was a great week in nature.

On Monday morning, Mergansers were barely visible in Clark’s Pond. I always enjoy this setting and take photos every time we’re there. This photo reminds me of an impressionist painting, with the pond, the fuzzy beach, sea and sky. 

Common Grackles were their usual noisy selves that morning and made their presence known as we walked the trail by Clark’s Pond. The iridescence of these birds is visible in the one at the apex in the photo. There were numerous flocks of the birds enjoying the day, chatting with companions.

As we walked back from Cavendish Grove, we came upon an area of trail which was alive with bird talk. While we couldn’t see any birds, we could hear a number of species singing and chatting, some in the distance. Oh how I would love to be able to identify the birds through their song! The video is only 15 seconds. Can you identify any of the birds by their sounds? You can hear the birds 


Monday afternoon we enjoyed a clear sky and a beautiful view of the total solar eclipse. We had the appropriate glasses for ourselves but no special lenses for the cameras. However, a friend allowed me to use one of the photos she took with her cell phone.

During the eclipse, when totality occurred, there was a collective cheer from people in the area, a spontaneous utterance which made the experience communal. 

Can you imagine what the experience of a total eclipse would have been like for prehistoric people?

Finally today, meet Chip, a chipmunk recently returned to life along the boardwalk. He is well camouflaged among the straw and other organic material along the trail. The chipmunks disappear underground during the winter months. 

Welcome to spring, Chip!


Danielle L Zecher said...

Chip is so adorable! It's always so wonderful to see everything coming back in the spring.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So cool that you were in the path of totality! We only got a small partial eclipse in Alberta.

The Happy Whisk said...

Yes back in the day, wonder what they thought about the sun ggoing away. Have a great new week!

Lea said...

Great photos!
Love the chipmunk!
Have a blessed day!

DJan said...

As usual, I really enjoyed walking with you in this post. It's so beautiful there, and I also welcome Chip to another wonderful springtime!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The eclipse will be long remembered by many. It’s amazing to me that those who deny science blithely accept that scientists can predict to the minute when such an event will occur and track its path with accuracy.

Anvilcloud said...

Just this morning, I saw a clip of a startled merganser running along the water. It was impressive.

MARY G said...

That is a spectacular eclipse photo. One of the best I have seen. Of course, it is over water.
We have a chippie warren around and under a bed of lilies. One year as I was working with them, a bright-eyed juvenile popped out of his hole and regarded me with curiosity and no fear. Then up popped his mother, I am pretty sure, who chattered and actually drove him back into the warren hole. Funny ... like mothers everywhere, eh?

Liz Hinds said...

I love chipmunks. And I would love to experience a total eclipse. It must be so strange. Husband has an app on his phone that can identify bird song. I am sure there would be one peculiar to the birds in your area.

Liz Hinds said...

I thought Grackles might be another name for birds we have here but on googling it I find not. However last autumn a Great-Tailed Grackle was spotted in west Wales for the first time. It's believed it might have travelled there on board a ship.

photowannabe said...

Welcome to Spring!!
Love Chip peeking out of the brush.
I so enjoyed the bird concert...delightful.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wow! The eclipse photo is beautiful.
Chip is adorable, fitting right in with the dry grasses.

aurora said...

I love walking between raindrops!

Our partial eclipse was meh. No doubt totality feels different.

Elephant's Child said...

Nature at her best is excellent isn't it? Thank you for sharing so much beauty and wonder.

Red said...

There are some free apps that tell you what birds you hear.

Pam said...

First let me say, proud that you get out and walk daily or close to daily. Great job. Love the pics. Enjoy the outside before it gets really warm.

Debbie said...

the first picture is lovely, a little bit of everything!! i listened to your video, but i am not able to help out. i have a great book that has the sounds of all the birds "the backyard birdsong guide" by donald kroodsma, it helps with that but clearly i have not listened to it enough!! cute capture of chip!!

Helen said...

After all your cloudy,damp weather, it was wonderful that the skies cleared for this spectacular eclipse event.
Keep on enjoying the spring sunshine and taking us to your favourite places.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

What an amazing photo of the total eclipse. Thanks for sharing it. My friend has an app that identifies birds by their sounds.

Rose said...

Sounds like a good week for you. In the video, I do hear a familiar sound...but I am not sure what it is. I heard a crow in the background, too.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

How wonderful that you got to experience the eclipse Marie! Truly a magnificent experience. I love your first photo too - just so pretty with the layers of color. We have mergensers and grackle here too - so many varied bird varieties! Blessings to you :)

Sherry's Pickings said...

mergansers are birds? Love your photos and that chipmunk! We saw them in the U.S. many years ago, and were enchanted.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Marie,
I was sure I left a comment, maybe in your spam folder?
The eclipse photo is beautiful. I love your views of the water, mergansers and the cute chipmunk. On your video, I am sure I heard the Chickadee.
Take care, have a wonderful day!

Debbie Nolan said...

Now Chip is so cute. We have several that scurry back and forth between our bird feeders. There have been more squirrels in our woods this year which I think cuts down the population of the chipmunks. Love your first does resemble a painting by the sea. Well hope you spot some eagles again. Take care and have a lovely week. Hugs!

Maebeme said...

The eclipse was a non-event here. I guess I'll to be around in 2044 for the next one - it actually will occur on my Dad's birthday!

Chip is a cutie. Grackles have such a pretty coloring, but darn they are noisy.

Catarina said...

That was a very exciting outing. Chip looks well and rested.

Lorrie said...

I love seeing the eclipse photos. We saw nothing here, not even a shadow because the sky was covered in cloud.
I like the layers of neutral brown and blue water in the first photo.

baili said...

big thanks for the eclipse image dear Marie
loved how sky went off light and everything looked serene and in harmony :)
i can imagine how it feels to have shared sense of experience ,it's beautiful and special as well

the last image is divine ! Cute :)

so happy you are having blissful times of spring and walks are more wonderful .meeting birds and familiar species is lovely feeling indeed
more blessings to you and all around you !

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Hi Chip. He really is perfectly camouflaged! I tried getting a photo of the total ecliple (although it wasn't total for us) by shooting through the safety glasses using my iPhone. All I got was a fuzzy blob! The camera viewed the photo as underexposed and bumped up the exposure. Oh well.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Marie
Lovely photos, all of them! The Mergansers and Grackles, the eclipse which went unnoticed by me is a stellar image, the bird song is delightful to listen to, but I'm more familiar with European birdsong so am of no help. Sorry! The cute photo of the Chipmunk is adorable and I wish I could see them here.
Have a great Weekend.
All the best

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

What a joy to be out in nature by the sea and observe all these beautiful birds. We don't have chipmunks where I live. Only squirrels.

Pam said...

Oh Chip is adorable. We don't see those here around TN. I need to find me a good place to walk. I could go to the senior center but its a drive to get there and I am on the road enough with doing the chiro twice a week. It will be going down to once a week at the end of the month so I will have more time. YOu see, I drive 40 mins to and from each appt. twice a week so with that, I plan other stops so that I can get done what I need to do at one time. Making me being away from home for several hours. That is the only draw back at living out this far.

The Furry Gnome said...

So nice to get out and enjoy it now, even bundled up.

Tabor said...

What a peaceful and perfect post. I guess I needed this touch to both earth and the universe.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, it is wonderful to get outdoors for a walk in early spring, Marie, and glad to read about the National Park, which maybe we will visit as well on our late May visit to PEI. The eclipse was not total here in Nashua, NH, but stunning to see nevertheless. Nice to meet chip😀

Diane said...

Chipmunks are just the cutest. Cheers Diane

John's Island said...

Marie, Please excuse my being late in posting this comment. I was thinking about you on the day of the solar eclipse knowing totality would be passing right over parts of PEI. Thanks for sharing the image! And, to answer your question, no, I can’t imagine what early humans thought about eclipses. My guess is that they considered it some sort of spiritual event. John