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Sunday 9 October 2016

The changing leaves

The leaves are changing colour every day now. The green is slowly replaced by other colours as the amount of daylight diminishes in the northern hemisphere. Last weekend we spent some time in our favourite park and were surprised at the way the leaves were turning.


The leaves which had the most exposure to light, on the top of the canopy, were the ones which were changing first. 


I had not noticed this process before but it was obvious in the park that day. 


However it occurs, the park is changing colour and soon the trees will be bare again. 


You know what happens then! However, for now, we will enjoy the developing colour in our oasis.



Tomoko said...

Those mixed colors show a sign of autumn coming to your place. Your season has fast progressed.
It is still hot here at daytime and leaves are green. I remember of your former post showing your grands playing at the park in early spring. Have a good new week.

Anonymous said...

Yes Inspector Gamach. LP paints with words, love this series. My third great grandmother, (paternal great-grandfather's grandmother) was born in La Prairie Quebec. I think it was a small village, probably like Three Pines.

Love looking at your photos. We are slightly behind you. I plan to look out the window at the trees turning across the US. changing planes in Chicago.

Elephant's Child said...

I am always amazed at how slowly it starts, and how quickly it finishes...
Our winters are much milder than yours, and I love the elegance of tree skeletons against the sky.

Marie Smith said...

The seasons pass so quickly, Tomoko. We must enjoy every minute.

Marie Smith said...

French Canadian heritage! Lucky you!

I love taking pictures. I am glad you enjoy them.

Marie Smith said...

By earl November, the leaves will be gone, unless there is a major wind storm! Then the "leave" early, EC.

I love trees in all their various stages too. Majestic strength!

Silver in AZ said...

We only have a couple of varieties of trees that change here. Sometimes it's subtle, and it rarely happens before the first week of November! Nice photos!

Anvilcloud said...

Looks like your full glory is still to come. We are in it right now, even back home in Ottawa.

Marie Smith said...

On the north shore of PEI, the colour is more advanced it seems.

Marie Smith said...

November would be so strange to me, SW. Our trees are bare by then.

Barbara said...

I'd love to live where there were trees that changed colors. I really haven't seen fall affect my back yard but it will soon go from green to empty I'm sure.

Marie Smith said...

I can't imagine life without these colourful weeks in autumn, Barbara.