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Monday 25 September 2017

The lowest low

Tide that is! We had never seen the tide so low in the harbour in Summerside.

Sand bars galore were exposed as the sun heated us and the cool breeze made it bearable.

Two great blue herons waded in the water, fishing for brunch. 

As my husband and I watched, the birds dipped their heads into the water to snatch their food.

The rose hips are brilliant red and huge compared to those we’ve seen before.

A friend who makes rose hip wine would love these.

The geese are back now from their adventures further north.


On September first every year they are overhead, honking as they go. They must mark the calendar with the departure date from their northern summer homes.

Gulls shared the beach with the geese. We watched as this young herring gull picked up mussel or clam shells from the sand and dropped them from a height.

Then it flew to the area and ate the contents. Isn't that a clever bird?

Further along the beach, the range light has a new paint job and looks well maintained before the stormy weather to come. 

We also met an Irish wolfhound named, Balan, and his owner. Balan is five years old and is waist high. His owner said, "He backs onto the couch where he planks his derriere while his four feet rest on the floor." 

Balan also sleeps on the bed with his owners. It must be king size!

It was another great day on the boardwalk!


PerthDailyPhoto said...

That really is a low tide Marie.. would make it easier for the herons to find their lunch I guess. Love the sturdy shape of that lighthouse, how fab it looks with its fresh coat of paint! Irish Wolfhounds are impressively big, I'm sure Balan is a love, but he's a wee bit scary 😀😀

DJan said...

Such a beautiful place. And that is a low low tide indeed. Your pictures allow me to be there with you. Lovely! :-)

Debbie said...

2 AWESOME captures of the heron!! a great reflection and having lunch, what perfect timing!!!

this is a picture perfect place to spend time with a camera. the range light is looking beautiful, wearing it's new paint job well!!!

Anonymous said...

I certainly enjoyed your photos this morning. That dog is huge! Wishing you a delightful Monday.

Linda d said...

I love the way you capture the essence of the place where you live. Adorable dog!

Elephant's Child said...

That is an impressively low tide. Love the rose hips. And the birds. My partner's sister had an Irish Wolfhound. Wnen sad, lonely or frightened it liked ti be a lap dog. And the sister is tiny.

Bill said...

Lovely photos Marie and I enjoyed your narrative very much. The Irish Wolfhound is gorgeous. I saw one about a year ago and they are very nice dogs and quite impressive. We have those herons here and they just sit on the rocks and wait to see their food, then quickly dive and pick it up. They have an unique system and it is fun watching them.
Enjoy your day!

Jenn said...

I thoroughly enjoy your photos! Beautiful.

Silver in AZ said...

Just gorgeous photos!

Anvilcloud said...

What a pooch!

Marie Smith said...

Balan is a gigantic puppy in many ways, PDP.

Marie Smith said...

The low tides recently have been such an interesting time to walk the boardwalk, Jan.

Marie Smith said...

Debbie, you would take such awesome photos along that boardwalk.

Marie Smith said...

I was happy to take you along, Mildred.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Linda.

Marie Smith said...

Lol. Balan's owner says the same about him wanting to be a lap dog, EC. They think they are puppies!

Marie Smith said...

This dog was such a beautiful creature, Bill. I have never seen herons sitting on rocks! That would be a great photo!

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Jenn.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, SW.

Marie Smith said...

He sure is, AC.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Very good looking scenes. Every time anyone mentions geese I think of how much I miss them. There were so many where I used to live, and none here where I live now. I used to even have names for some of them.

Marie Smith said...

I love geese. I am on a quest or a great geese photo, Ratty.

Mage said...

Yes, tide that low here is a rarity. What a great entry.

Catarina said...

Excellent photos!!
Balan does not look too friendly... Too big to share a bed with... : ))

Marie Smith said...

Thanks, Mage.

Marie Smith said...

He may not look friendly, Catarina, but he was like a big puppy.