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Wednesday 20 March 2019

The mouser

We had a week recently with the golden grand-dog, Georgie, and she kept us busy. We always groom her at the beginning of our time together, my husband and I both trimming the long golden hair. Georgie enjoys the attention and the treats which accompany the procedure. There is always enough fur left to cover another dog.

Georgie also enjoys time in our backyard. During one of her visits there, we watched as she stared at the snow for a long time, dug for a minute and pounced on something. Then she came to the door to come in.

When she came inside, Georgie had a mouse’s hind legs and tail hung from her mouth. My husband and I both tried to pry her jaws open so Georgie wouldn’t swallow the mouse but to no avail. We had to give up and listen as she chowed down on the little creature.

Now we call Georgie the golden mouser. However, during our walks on the boardwalk with her, Georgie appears to be eyeing the squirrels too.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Run, squirrel, run!

Anvilcloud said...

And she's not even a terrier.

DJan said...

I didn't know dogs could be mousers, too. The gorgeous creature sure is lucky to have you! :-)

Joanne Noragon said...

Well, squirrels are bigger prey to retrieve!

William Kendall said...

I wouldn't have thought a dog would do that.

eileeninmd said...


Kudos to Georgie. She is a good mouser. I never knew a dog could catch mice.
Enjoy your day!

Diane said...

She must be pretty fast for a bigger dog. Well done Georgie. Have a good day Diane

Mage said...

I hope they are faster than she is. LOL

Celia said...

Beautiful dog, and a hunter as well.

Tabor said...

Catching a squirrel would be a nasty lesson for that dog. Squirrels are quite adept at chewing on a face or clawing. We catch our mice here the old-fashioned way.

Bill said...

Crunch, chrunch, chrunch, I heard that sound with one of my dogs. :) He came in to the house while our three cats were playing around with a mouse. He walked right over to it and the game ended. :)

Barb said...

Ha! She must be quick. I used to have a Golden, and I can relate to the fur - everywhere...

Barbara said...

Hahaha. Makes you shiver. Luckily Buddy is so small that a squirrel is almost his equal.

Little Wandering Wren said...

she's coming back as a Cheshire Cat - you can almost hear the purr as you complete the grooming!
Beautiful... well apart from eating the mouse!
Wren x

Shammickite said...

Good luck, Georgie! You'll have to be as fast as lightning to catch a squirrel~!

Retired Knitter said...

I had a dog as a child that was a mix of Chewawa and another small breed. No hunter in its pedigree. He ran through the house and caught a mouse. He also had it hanging out of his mouth but released it when my dad told him - we figure he didn't know what to do after he caught it. Hahaha!

Ginnie Hart said...

OMG. I started laughing out loud when I got to your ending, Marie. That is so hysterical. :D

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Georgie the hunter 😀 We used to have a cat that left me 'bits' of mouse at the back door, exactly where I stepped out.. they weren't really appreciated 😀

Catarina said...

: )))

Georgie is a great dog!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Well you won't have to worry about mice in the house with her around, lol! Perhaps I need to send my cat to meet Georgie to learn just how to keep the mice away, ha! Enjoy your time with Georgie, she is a sweetie!!!

Debbie said...

Sweet and quick!!

baili said...

Oh dear that is weird

i never knew about dogs that eat mice

must be useful to keep the store clean lol