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Sunday, 3 April 2022

The melt

When we left the car, we heard the plaintive call of a lone gull. As we looked out from the gazebo, 

we saw the Ring-billed Gull just off-shore in open water. 

Nearby Common Mergansers appeared to revel in the calm day as well. 

It was a blue overcast day when at first glance, one could mistake the blue sky for a clear day. 

The birds were busy around the boardwalk. Several Song Sparrows gathered seed at the base of the bridge. 

A female Hairy Woodpecker looked for seeds left by the onlookers 

or watched from a nearby branch if people came too close.

Three days later, with wind on the water and a clear blue sky, the bay had opened more. 

There was enough open water for the return of the Black Scoters we could hear whistling in the distance.  

Soon the ice will be gone for another year. We are as joyful as the Song Sparrows at the prospect.

Update:  What a difference a day makes.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Still looks plenty wintry there!

Danielle L Zecher said...

I'm glad you're finally starting to thaw out a little bit.

DJan said...

Spring has come to PEI, as well as here, it seems. Lovely shots of the birds!

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

Such pretty lucky you are to enjoy them! it's about time to put hummingbird feeders up mother-in-law always said they should be available my mid-April. You inspired me...I'll put them up a bit early just in case we have visitors sooner. Mary

Debbie said...

excellent narrative...your spring has arrived (it is just a little colder than ours)!!

you interpret nature so well and your images are beautiful!!

Boud said...

I love how knowledgeably you identify the birds and know their calls. This is a great post about the hope of spring.

Maebeme said...

I've been following for a few months but haven't commented before. Your photos of the various birds are incredible!

Thank goodness spring is finally nearly here.

Bill said...

Nice to see that winter is getting ready to disappear. Love your bird photos, they are very pretty.

Elephant's Child said...

A truly lovely glimpse of the change of the seasons. I am very happy for the birds - and for you.

Helen said...

Another delightful visit to your page. I am so looking forward to to being able to recognise your birds, [as a result of many of your posts] when I visit.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The return of the birds is an exciting time.

Liz Hinds said...

You take such wonderful bird pictures!

Hena Tayeb said...

So many beautiful birds. We get a couple beauties in our neck of the woods as well but I am horrible at identifying them.

Barbara said...

I watched a documentary about the Vikings arriving in North America way before the other known explorers. The archeological dig was somewhere up from you and the pictures of the ocean nearby made me think of you. Boy, those floating ice caps sure makes the water/area look cold.

The Furry Gnome said...

Must be interesting to watch the ice break up every year.

The Liberty Belle said...

Such fantastic snaps. I really like the first photo. Hava a wonderful week.

Anvilcloud said...

It is happening. It is really happening. Very slowly, mind you.

At Home In New Zealand said...

It seems that when Nature decides to do something, it gets done rather quickly. Next week you will be in summer!! :)

Glenda Beall said...

When did you learn all the names of the birds, ducks, etc? Did you learn as a child or did you take a course? We have some neat birds here, but I don't know many of them at all. Maybe one day I will take a camera out and see what I can do. If I capture one in a photo, maybe I can learn all about that bird. I love your blog.

Tomoko said...

So many pretty birds, Marie.
I often visit fishing grounds with my husband and like to see many seagulls flying in the sky and also around the fishing boats.
They start to travel to the north when the cherry blossoms are starting to bloom in Japan.

Enjoy your new spring.

Lorrie said...

Beautiful bird photos, Marie. So great that the ice is disappearing and spring is on its way.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Lovely pictures! April is here...some days full storm and some days so sunny and warm :)
Have a beautiful day and take care.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

That's a very handsome little squadron of scoters, Marie.

Marie Smith said...

Hi Glenda,

I have always been interested in nature but the bird watching has grown over the last several years.

I use an IPad for my blog and I downloaded an app which allows me to upload a photo and it will name the bird. I am to the point now that I know a lot of them anyway. The app is Merlin Bird ID. It is a great one to get you started. It won’t take you long to identify, then know the birds in your area.

Also the Cornell University site at is a great place to learn about birds.

I am glad you like my blog. It is great to know there is an audience for one of the things I truly enjoy!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wow! That is quite a contrast in the ice disappearing so fast. Beautiful photos of cold days blending into warmer weather.

Pam said...

Love seeing the birds but boy that sure does look like a cold swim.

MARY G said...

Lovely photos as usual. I envy you your platform, your eye and your steady hand.
We do not have the song sparrows back yet here. I am listening, but so far no show.

margi said...

So great that the ice is disappearing and the birds are back. Have a wonderful week!

Rhodesia said...

You live in a beautiful place, now if only it was a little warmer 😀
I hope all is well, Diane

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow, beautiful photography.

William Kendall said...

Once ice starts going, it goes fast.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Love this time of year when the waterfowl and songbirds are returning. We don't have any Scoters here in South Dakota, they are cool to see, thanks for sharing!

eileeninmd said...

It is great to see the ice melting and the birds singing. Spring has arrived, YAY. Pretty captures of your birds. The Woodpecker and Black Scoters are favorites. Take care, enjoy your day!

peppylady (Dora) said...

It looks so much like winter there. But enjoy bird photos.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Rose said...

Yes! What a difference a day made. Our weather is supposed to be up in the 60s and 70s next week. But it has been all over the place so far. One day there was a 30 degree change in temperature.

Tabor said...

It looks too cold for birds, but they do find their way to enjoy the day.

photowannabe said...

So beautiful and I love all your bird photos. Spring is surely on its way.

Mage said...

Simply glorioous.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Such beautiful bird pictures you captured Marie... so wonderful to see spring having its way in your world!

William Kendall said...

Polly said...

WOW, beautiful images of beautiful birds, and yes what a difference in just 24 hours.

Retired Knitter said...

How lucky you are to see the dramatic evidence of the change of seasons. I could never live in a place like Florida where the change of seasons is almost invisible!

The Padre said...

I Throughly Enjoy Your Photos Every Time I Pop In - Thank You For That - OxoxoxO


Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Your pictures and text are both always so atmospheric. I feel as though I’m right there with you. I am eager for spring, and I see signs of it all around me.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Well it does look like you may be able to enjoy the spring soon. Your photos as usual are exquisite. I especially like the gull. I always enjoy your storytelling of your adventures.

HWIT BLOGG said...

LOVELY pictures! Let's hope springtime is coming soon...

Susie of Arabia said...

You got some great shots in this post. It's amazing to me that those birds can take the cold.