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Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Looking for the light

The few hours of daylight this time of year can be depressing for some people, including me. Having time outside each day for a walk helps me handle the loss of light, especially if it’s a sunny day. Of course it isn’t always sunny and on those cloudy days the experience of the fresh air and the change of scenery help.

Sometimes an overcast day at our favourite walking area, the boardwalk, provides a glimmer of hope in that muted light of a wintery day. Of course, I notice the brighter spot in the heavy cloud and the faint hint of blue.

From the bridge, an almost imperceptible line of light catches my eye in a scene which looks cold but is one I love.

There it is again as my husband and I walk farther, shots of light and hints of blue! 

Further along, rays of light put a spotlight on random areas of the bay, highlighting how one can find beauty in the starkest of places.

And near the end of our walk, the Blue Jays in a tree are like players in a drama which will draw us back to another performance. 

Hope for the light to come!


The Happy Whisk said...

Being outside is wonderful! Even when it’s snowing. I do however, love the darker days. This morning I got up in the wee dark hours to write at my new desk/bench/table. I like that it was still dark out. Less I enjoyed though, the frozen back deck, slick with a sheet of ice as I let the pups out.

Overcast, also so great for photos! Love how boooooooteeful this area you get to walk on, is.

Loved also the raze (is that the right spelling?), of sun coming through those clouds.

Almost the 21st so at least the sun will start to slowly wake up more and days get longer. Wishing you a wonderful day with lots of yummy foods. I’m soon to make something to eat. So hungry I could eat my foot.

MARY G said...

We went out on our land yesterday, a rare sunny day, and cut our Christmas tree. It was pure joy.

DJan said...

I am experiencing unexpected sunshine right at this stage of the seasons, and it does make me feel much better about the short days and long nights. Love your pictures and commentary. :-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love a bright, sunny day no matter how cold it is.

William Kendall said...

That first shot suits me. I actually like the winter. My current depression has other causes.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

How much daylight do you guys get up there? Our sunrise today is 8am and the sunsets at 5pm.

e said...

No light here today, the place is almost pitch black even with windows open. December storm. Your landscape is beautiful.

MFH said...

I know a couple on Kagawong Island. They have, for decades, usually early next month, gone south.

We met in the Yucatan and that's where they've been going in years of late. They are artists and though frugal, not spartan.

Given the level of darkness you feel, is there a reason you don't go somewhere brighter?

e said...


Boud said...

I like how the sun is trying to come through there. Cold days are very much improved by sunshine.

Elephant's Child said...

I love those rays of light. Beautiful - and definitely a spirit lifter.

Marie Smith said...

Jim and Barb,

We have 81/2 hours between sunrise and sunset today.


Marie Smith said...


We loved to travel and did so two separate years during our teaching careers when we bought sabbatical-like years, eg, salary for three years spread over four. Now neither of us has any desire to travel due to health issues and world conditions. We love where we live but for me, the return of the light can’t happen soon enough.


Celia said...

Love those little teasers of light. We had a snow storm one day and the next was bright sunshine but not now. Frozen fog. Oh well, makes me just want to nap, I think I'm a reincarnated bear, hahaha.

photowannabe said...

The shafts of light really are lovely and do boost the feelings in a wonderful way.
Love these photos a lot.

Bill said...

This time of year we have lots of overcast skies. Every now and then the sun will show its face. Cold, icy and snowy here today. People have a hard time handling it so its best to stay in until the footpaths are cleared.

MFH said...

Ah, Marie,

I understand. I too am constrained by the things you cite plus a fear of flying.

Thank you for placating my insat'able curtiosity.

Helen said...

Your boardwalk and sky certainly have a chilly winter feel. If only there were more sunny days!
How wonderful to spot so many Blue Jays together.

Barb said...

Lovely photos of a cold winter's day.

Rhodesia said...

Love that second last shot with the rays. Keep warm, Diane

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful post. You have a way of telling a story.

The Padre said...

I Certainly Hope I Am Not Taking The 300+ Days Of Sunshine For Granted - Most Excellent Photos - Keep On Walking My Friend


Maebeme said... looks cool. You're much more ambitious than I am. I've no desire to walk outdoors in winter unless it is a a sunny day and the temperature is no less than -15C. It seems this winter, thus far, has been overcast.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

So you will welcome Dec. 21st. 😊


The Furry Gnome said...

I practically hibernate over winter! The first spring sunshine is wonderful!

Debbie said...

the last few days have been a little gloomy here. heavy rain today and tomorrow will keep us home completing inside chores for christmas!

pretty images of the fleeting light!!

Red said...

Some places have very cloudy winters and it's depressing.

Joanne Noragon said...

Only five until the shortest day!

Anonymous said...

Thoughtful post. The last photo's blue showing through lifts my spirits. I hope there is more sunshine there, once storms are gone.

Taylor said...

Nature is always amazing, and the occasional walk can reveal magical sights.

Anvilcloud said...

The way that you do themes has always impressed me.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Soon we will be having longer days.
Coffee is on and stay safe

JudithK said...

There's a reason for all those winter solstice celebrations around the world in the northern hemisphere!! Apparently humankind really like a bit more daylight!!!

Pam said...

I love nature and being out but I can't take the heat or the real cold. But I used to walk about all the time. Need to slowly move into doing that again.

Anita said...

oh so now you have snowy weather too!!I think it is hard to walk in the slushy snow as we have,it is like one step forward and two steps back
Ilike the pictures very much!You have a good eye for it :)))Wish you all good!

eileeninmd said...

I feel the same way, it is nice to get outdoors enjoy the scenery and the daylight. We have had quite a few gloomy looking days in a row now. The pretty scenery and views are lovely, even with a dreary sky. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

Hena Tayeb said...

I love the sight of the rays of sun trying to break through the clouds. Wishing you some sunshine.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I never used to be affected by the short days as much as I am now. These days I love sunny days, and long ones. Fortunately, things will change on the 21st and the days will start getting longer. I am so glad!

baili said...

I share your love for the sunlight greatly dear Marie: )
The rays falling from behind the clouds look uplifting and I can imagine how beautifully they can transform your day .
Winter in Karachi are milder with 26 or so temps.
Wishing you brighter days ahead

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I need light too to feel good! That is one of the reasons why we became snowbirds and spend the winters in Florida. I see that you have snow already- it's good your are still able to get out for your walks. Thanks for sharing your photos

Catarina said...

A bright light will come...
Merry Christmas, Marie!
: )

Stewart M said...

I remember the long dark days when I was a kid and lived in the Northern Hemisphere! Winters are neither as dark or as cold here in Melbourne!

Hope all is well.


Eggs In My Pocket said...

Your photos are so beautiful and your whole area is breath taking! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year!

Pam said... looks cold with that snow. Course, sitting here waiting for the once in a life time Artic Storm to come through. I have the back door to the deck open right now but around four, temps are supposed to drop. At some point in the wee hours of the morning, they are saying minus 17 with the wind chill.....CRAP

At Home In New Zealand said...

Oh, that landscape looks so bleak and cold. I can imagine how you must be looking forward to a change in seasons again. Take care, Mxx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We will all get through winter as we always do, Marie, and the spring will seem ever sweeter.

eileeninmd said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. I wish you peace, joy and all the best in 2023.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Beautiful pictures and the area is just fantastic around you...
Best wishes for a very merry and happy CHRISTMAS!

Liz Hinds said...

I love it when you get those rays of sunshine sneaking through the clouds.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Like you, I love to look for the light, and I also walk every day to get the benefits of sunshine. The light - when it comes in winter - is such a blessing! Beautiful photos as always! Blessings to you, and wishes for a Happy New Year!