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Sunday 19 May 2024

A sunny week

This past week was sunny, a run of days when one enjoys being out and about, not wanting to miss the lovely weather. A warm day in Summerside doesn’t mean it is warm along the north shore however, so warm clothing was a must. Of course we had picnics. Unfortunately a week of excursions meant the garden didn’t get tidied after the long winter, but window cleaning is well underway between outings. 

Our first visit to Covehead this year included a stop by the lighthouse and a walk on the beach. 

Along the north coast this time of year, you can hear the lobster boats even though on occasion they aren’t visible on the horizon. Sometimes their traps are close to shore and you can watch as fishers work.

Further along the shore from Covehead, we walked the beach at Brackley that day as well. Part of that beach is closed to visitors now, to allow an endangered species, the Piping Plover to nest in the area. There is still lots of sandy beach to enjoy however.

Another morning, at Yankee Hill, before the clouds lifted, the sun peaked through, shining on the sand dunes in the distance. It foretold of the sunny day ahead.

At Northport on the northwest coast of the island, we watched the fishing boats return to port for the day. This is one of my favourite places to visit during the lobster season.

We also visited North Cape for the first time this year. It was another cool day, with the sights and sounds of the boats off-shore. The sea stack was formed out of a sea arch this past winter.

A small flock of Common Eiders made the day though I had seen them in the water off-shore previously. This time, the ducks were relaxing on some rocks along the shoreline and we could appreciate their size. The males are black and white.

I was impressed with the feathers and reminded of the warmth of eider down contained in a duvet when I was young. It was a treat to observe these great ducks.

In between, we walked the boardwalk and the Rotary Trail where the forest floor is beginning to turn green as plants appear out of the leaf litter. Along the trails, the promise of lupins next month is welcome..


Boud said...

Much better to go walking on the shore than working at home. The work will wait for you.

baili said...

i am thrilled to see how life has been restored on the sea and in your island as whole dear Marie :)

thanks for splendid shots of wonderful waters and exciting boats roaming over .lobster season is full with interesting activities for sure .

i loved the ducks .it must have been lovely to find them around on the rocks.

hope the flowers will bloom soon as well
sorry that sunny weeks kept you outdoor that made gardening bit behind . hope it will be recovered soon.
best wishes for all you plan to do ahead my friend

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Looks like you had one wonderful explorations, Marie, and glad to see the weather cooperated even if a bit cool and sunny is very good. It's hard to stay home and do chores when the wonders of nature are there to see and enjoy. We're looking forward to seeing one of these sights soon.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Those eiders are so interesting. Maybe it is because they are not around here and I have never seen one, but I am fascinated by sea ducks.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's cool and rainy here but that's good for the forest fires.

Granny Sue said...

I have learned about sea stacks from you...never knew they had a name. Beautiful, beautiful place!

Anvilcloud said...

Two lighthouses in one post. 👍

We are having our first heatwave of the season. It's a quick turnaround, let me tell ya. We even have the AC on.

Debbie said...

we are so lucky to have nature enthusiasts and those educated in the field who look after the wildlife that need to be looked after. the lighthouse is a beauty, one of my favorites always!! sunny days and picnics, life is sounding good...maybe some lobster salad sandwiches are in your future!!

the images of the ducks are really amazing!!

Hena Tayeb said...

Must be great to have the sun out. Beautiful pictures.

photowannabe said...

Thank you for taking me along on your walk today. I can smell the salt air and the warmth of the sun on my back.
I can't wait to get out and walk a bit after we finally finish removing all the debris (weeds) from our "jungle" in the back yard. It is getting closer thank goodness. Grateful we do have a wonderful haven of a back yard though. Every neighborhood cat seems to think its their own private spa though. I don't like seeing them stalking the quail and doves that have made the yard their own home too. There are one "Tiger", one Panther, one "Fat Cat" and one "Scare-dy Cat" at a time never together..thank goodness for that too.

Maebeme said...

Lupins! I've always wanted to grow them, but our garden centers don't sell them or the seeds. I tried to bring some back on a trip once and they were confiscated by Customs. Oops!

The photos are wonderful. I know I've said it before, but your island is an incredible place.

Elephant's Child said...

It is cool and sunny here at the moment - but no nearby walks like the wonderful ones you enjoyed.
Thank you for sharing some of the magic.

At Home In New Zealand said...

What a joy to see your photos and their blue skies when I came online this morning. It is raining here! I thought the lighthouse was really cute :)

Sandi said...

Beautiful beaches!

Red said...

Send some of your warm weather this way and maybe I can get out to the bush for walks.

Joanne Noragon said...

Good to let the plovers nest in peace.

Stewart M said...

What wonderful ducks - I used to see the same species in the UK.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful views from your walk! I love the water view, the Lighthouses and the Eiders. I am so glad the Piping Plovers have a beach to nest and are protected. Have a great day and a happy week ahead!

Liz Hinds said...

I love that first lighthouse! How lovely to have picnics. (Husband doesn't like picnics. Perhaps I should go on my own!)
And is it just me or can you see a face in that stack?

DJan said...

So nice to join you on this lovely sunny walk. We are having just the opposite today: lots and lots of rain!

Rose said...

I enjoy your post so seeing all the places/things you show and just hearing about how your week has gone. I don't think I have ever seen a Common Eider.

MARY G said...

All the lovely blue water. Thanks for the virtual lift.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a sweet place! I love it!

Debbie Nolan said...

Marie - as always your photos are absolutely beautiful. I especially enjoyed seeing the gorgeous ducks. Have never seen one marked like the black and white one. So beautiful. Just started lupines from seed and placed them in the garden last week. Hoping they will bloom this summer...if not next. Well take care and enjoy the beach. Hugs!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful scenery
The first lighthouse is so cute!
A bird feeder lighthouse like that would be nice on my deck this winter.

DUTA said...

Your photos, Marie, are a treat. All of them: the sweet light-house, the fishing boats, the ducks, the lupins.
Glad the weather cooperated with you.

Helen said...

Marie, I am always in awe of your lovely images. Just wonderful that you have enjoyed this sunny weather.
Our temps are below 20C until midday and we are complaining of being cold. Stuart and Kim got sunburnt in their hot 18C!

Billie Jo said...

Thank you for allowing us to join you on your beautiful walk! I love the photos and appreciate the information, as I learn so much from you! Thank you for sharing your world, my friend.

Lorrie said...

I noticed on the news this evening that you are enjoying much warmer temperatures than we are. Lucky you! The eider ducks are so pretty.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Eiders are spectacular! I was just thinking of you yesterday, Marie, when I read the hurricane forecast for this summer, and it looks quite dire. Let’s hope the eastern part of Canada is not hit too hard.

Catarina said...

There is always something new to see, to enjoy and to share...
I have walked with you more often than here in my own city. : )

tz_garden said...

I love the ducks! And a beautiful lupine. Do you enjoy lobster often, I can't imagine having it readily available and perfectly fresh.

Marie Smith said...


We have fresh lobster several times a year. We also freeze some to have lobster rolls in the off season.


Pattie said...

I love lighthouses! That is such a good photo that you got of that one. Anytime my husband and I would travel, I would always seek them out because I find them fascinating. I’m also envious of your beautiful, clear weather. It’s gorgeous here today, but we have had a lot of rain this past week, and I’m getting a bit tired of the gloom.

John's Island said...

Another delightful post with excellent photos that give me the feeling of “being there”. I looked at that first image of the Common Eiders and reflected on it for a while. One of nature’s great mysteries (to me at least) is how it changes the appearance of females vs males.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

So nice you were able to get out and enjoy the warmer weather. Your photos as usual are wonderful and love the lighthouse.