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Sunday 12 May 2024

Picnic season

My husband and I have been out and about this week between the raindrops and dressed for the cold. It was a lovely week in nature however, as we revisited Cavendish one day and explored the Dunk River Trail another. There we had our first picnic of the year on a cool but wind-free day.  The boardwalk provided a much better walk than the treadmill other days too.

It was a sunny day for our first picnic, as we sat at a table overlooking Scales Pond, which is a favourite fishing spot of many. 

The area was alive with birds twittering all around us. A Red-winged Blackbird joined us, watching from a nearby tree.

We walked part of the nearby Dunk River Trail that day, a trail which runs parallel to the river and is frequented by anglers too. 

We could hear the birds high in the trees but the only one we saw was a tiny Downy Woodpecker. 

At Cavendish, we walked along the trail by Clark’s Pond. A Bald Eagle sat atop an old snag near the pond. 

A large Snowshoe Hare was feeding along the trail. 

Osprey had rebuilt their nest which was destroyed over the winter. The female was incubating eggs and keeping an eye on the area.

Along the boardwalk, we saw the mother fox and her three kits. The little ones are out and about but look to be nursing still. I like this photo of the mother being nuzzled by one of the little ones.

I hope the young squirrels who are feeding along the boardwalk lately, can avoid the fox as she hunts nearby. This little one is the smallest Red Squirrel I’ve seen and it’s new to the boardwalk this week.

I am including webcam information of an Osprey nest at Old Tracadie Harbour, Prince Edward Island. The two Osprey have at least two eggs which the female is incubating. The dynamics of the pair of birds are fascinating to watch. I look forward to seeing the chicks. The webcam is 


Have a great week everyone! 


Anvilcloud said...

I am sure that your outings were very enjoyable. Your spring is behind ours but coming along.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So much wildlife out and about! Those lovely blue skies are nice to see. We've been blanketed in smoke here for days now.

DJan said...

So much wildlife! I enjoyed very much your photos and commentary. You take exceptional pictures.

Liz Hinds said...

Such a wonderful variety of wildlife. To see the mum and her kits is special.

Rose said...

Whst a fun week this sounds to have been..but uf the only photo you got was the fox shot, it would still have been a great week! I so love the photo.

Granny Sue said...

So much wildlife along your trail! What a pleasure that must be.

Elephant's Child said...

HOORAY for the first picnic of the year. And the gorgeous wildlife.
The foxes (and the squirrel) are so very beautiful.

Hena Tayeb said...

Oh that wonderful and so got so many great pictures.

The Furry Gnome said...

I envy you your boardwalk, and your picnic season!

Anonymous said...

Except for the cold, I would so loved to have been with you on this picnic. Beautiful Scale Pond and Dunk River. I can hear the birds twittering, the gurgling of the stream (no mossies yet) and imagine the excitement of spotting the animals. Spring seems so late but it’s such a magical time.

Maebeme said...

Love all of the photos of the wildlife! I do hope the wee squirrel can avoid the fox. (I always cheer for the underdog).

I've bookmarked the link to the osprey nest. I follow, on FB, a group in California that provides video of an eagles' nest in California. Sadly, their clutch of three eggs this year were not viable. Watching the ospreys will be interesting to see. Thanks for sharing!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Great shot of the Hare.

Joanne Noragon said...

So many lovely pictures. The webcam is great, too.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Yay for the first picnic! I hope you both get to enjoy many more over the summer months :)

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

And what a great season it is! Love all the critters. said...

What a wonderful outing you had!

Chris said...

How lovely to have a picnic, my husband and I picnic all the time, sometimes because of a change in the weather its just a 'car picnic!'

photowannabe said...

Ahhh the first picnic of the season. What a lovely place to walk and enjoy nature.
Its amazing to see all the wildlife you encountered.
Love the kit nuzzling and I do hope the squirrel survives too.

Debbie said...

how wonderful that picnic season has arrived, it has been warm enough here as well. we need to pack one up and get out before it gets too hot!! the fox are so adorable...i need to check the area we have here, under a boardwalk, to see if they have returned. i viewed the webcam, thanks for sending that link, i am going to keep it open on my computer!!

lovely pictures today!!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! My goodness, so many beautiful creatures! I love your photos, my friend.

Pam said...

Great pics. I love taking tree limbs to shoot between to frame a pic. Very nice.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Marie :=)
I'm so pleased you managed to get out and have a picnic. I'm amazed at the number of different creatures you saw, and your photos are all splendid.The hare, squirrel and Fox cub had better watch out. I do hope they will keep safe as their predators are just waiting for the right opportunity to make a meal out of them, they have to eat too!Sweet photo of the fox with it's cub.I hope warmer weather is on the horizon.
All the best

Debbie said...

i have been keeping an eye on the osprey, she just got up and i thought i saw 4 that possible!?!?

Barbara said...

Marie, I just got my bloglovin blog reader working again. It was so fun to see all your wildlife pictures. They make me so happy. For a city born and bred girl, I sure do love nature and wildlife.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A wonderful picnic and walk. Love your blue skies. The foxes are so cute!!

John's Island said...

Hi Marie, Thank you so much for the link to the stream of the Osprey nest. I watched for several seconds before the bird made any movement. That bird is super still while on the eggs. Very interesting. Of course I had to check out Blackbush at Old Tracadie Harbour. Oh my goodness … what a find. I would love to stay for a few days in the (new version of) Hotel Acadia! I guess it will be opening this summer. I’m betting it will be pricey. 😊 As usual, I loved your photography in this post. Delightful critter shots. Especially the mother fox and her three kits. Great post, Marie … thanks for sharing. John

Ginnie Hart said...

You picked the perfect day and place for your first good walk of the year, Marie. I'm sure it's the first of many to come!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I remember the Dunk River Trail well. We had great views of Yellow-bellied Sapsucker there.

DUTA said...

The pictures featuring the tiny Woodpecker, the fox and its little one, the Bald Eagle, and the squirrels - are priceless! Thanks for sharing.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Foxes are so cute. Where I used to live, we had a den of them living under the deck that surrounded our pool. They were quite bold, and took to using our lawn furniture like it was their personal spa.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful captures of the lovely scenery and the wildlife.
I love them all, the mother fox and kits is adorable..
Love the eagle and osprey.
Take care, have a great weekend.

tz_garden said...

What a pretty path to wander on! The mama fox looks like she's smiling, how cute.

Barwitzki said...

It's wonderful to walk along a river. And the birds are particularly wonderful now in spring... you took a nice photo of the little woodpecker and the bald eagle is very majestic and it won't be long before the first young ones hatch at the osprey pair.
Thank you for your beautiful photos... of the pretty rabbit, the foxes and the squirrel.
Many greetings from Viola

HWIT BLOGG said...

Yes, its picnictime! Beautiful pictures and a lovely post...
Hug from Titti

baili said...

heartfelt many thanks for the awesome glimpses of your magical island dear Marie !

i am grateful you could enjoy outdoors and weather is finally kind and still to provide an opportunity for walks .i agree walk in nature are fulfilling not just physical exercise .

loved the place near water where you could see birds and sit in peace :)

the birds close by look so pretty .
the eagle nest has been restored is such is lovely news wow .i loved how you shared her incubating process :)
the fox and her baby image is taken so nicely a master piece for a mother's day :)
the squirrel is so cute :)
congrats for shower of the grace of God and please keep enjoying these blissful season :)

William Kendall said...

The foxes are sweet.