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Sunday 26 May 2024

Blooming May

It was a great week of weather, with sunny days though coats were required on the north shore due to the cool on-shore breeze. We even had rain one night to keep the farmers happy.

My husband and I made some new friends this past week, fellow blogger Dorothy and her husband Patrick, from New Hampshire in the United States. This is Dorothy’s blog     

When bloggers I follow visit the island, circumstances may prevent us from meeting. This week however, we were fortunate to be able to spend time with Dorothy and Patrick on the north shore and in Summerside. A shared enjoyment of nature and similar interests quickly made us friends.

On the north shore, we visited Savage Harbour where the lobster boats were returning to port. I captured one between a gap in the trees along the shoreline. 

I always photograph the remnants of these two trees along the shoreline when we visit the harbour. Despite their demise, they stand against the elements and the colours in the setting always appeal to me. 

On this excursion, we had a picnic at St. Peter’s Bay with Dorothy and Patrick.

Another day, we walked the part of the boardwalk with our friends. We were fortunate to see our first Great Blue Heron of the season in the salt marsh.

It stealthily fished in the marsh but my favourite photo was of its wings, which look like a heart in this shot.

There was a small flock of Cedar Waxwings along the boardwalk too. 

They are always a welcome sight. The Red Squirrels were their usual entertaining selves.

Dorothy and Patrick took us to lunch and we took them for dessert at Holman’s for homemade ice cream. The garden at Holman’s is lovely, full of blooms, including magnolias.

The canopy of magnolia is a beautiful though fleeting pleasure enjoyed for a few days every spring.

Finally, we bought gas this past week for the first time for our plug-in hybrid car which we purchased in early January. We drove 3200+ kilometres on a tank of gas and the hydro bill isn’t higher. This car, a Kia Niro, is perfect for our lifestyle and we are pleased with it.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Always nice to meet blogger buddies!

Cj said...

The heart! Never saw our herons from that angle. Been looking at hybrids, good to know. Cool a formal meetup and nature like kindreds!

Sandi said...

In one of the pictures the bird looks like a heart with legs. 🙂

Anvilcloud said...

I've been blogging friends with those two for a very long time, but we've never met. However, we have met a couple of bloggers, and it has gone well.

Billie Jo said...

It is always so fun to finally meet our Blogger friends! I am glad for you. The photos of your journey are beautiful. I must admit the squirrel is cute, although I do not think very much of the one who insists on visiting my birdfeeder every day! Have a lovely Monday, my friend.

The Furry Gnome said...

Your pictures of the birds and squirrel are terrific! Sound like your EV is too.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Love your photos (as usual LOL), especially the star magnolia. I have a soft spot for that flower as it always reminds me of a beloved cat we once had, who used to spend hours climbing through its branches.
Great that you could meet up with fellow bloggers and find that you are on the same wave-length. Mxx

Elephant's Child said...

How lovely to meet up with blogger friends and to be able to share some of the beauties of your area.
I am really glad that you are happy with your new car.
And you are so right about those heart shaped wings...

Boud said...

It's fun to meet up with blogging friends and find out they're just as nice as you expected! They did mention PEI and I wondered if you'd meet.

Maebeme said...

The blue heron is a gorgeous bird, so stately and such a lovely color. I always get a kick out of the squirrels, though I'm happiest when they stay in the trees and out of the attic.

Sounds like a wonderful visit with your blogging friends.

P.S. I'm looking at a hybrid (not plug-in) for my next vehicle and hearing how well your vehicle did with the gas mileage is certainly makes it sound more appealing.

Joanne Noragon said...

I love herons. We have many here. Their nesting season is over here.

Rose said...

Your week sounds so much fun...wonderful to meet fellow bloggers. I love the heartwings of the GBH, too.

Red said...

It's a treat to meet a fellow blogger. I follow this blog and there's a tremendous amount of research done on the posts.

MARY G said...

That is a handsome little squirrelly chap. I have yet to see a heron, although they are due. What I love is to see them fly, flapping majestically along.

baili said...

wow meeting fellow bloggers must be bonus of the season dear Marie :)))

what a delight you met Dorothy and Patrick ,i love her sharing and the couple seems full of love for life which is most beautiful thing indeed !
this is lovely you guys had amazing time together and had favorite things as well.
the images you shared are Divine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
loved this majestic creature blue heron wow
you captured her so beautifully in both shots hats off to you my wonderful friend !
the birds sitting among fresh budding tree look pretty :)
squirrel makes me smile always :)
glad your new vehicle is supporting you in traveling so nicely dear Marie .
best wishes for all you up in days ahead ! hugs

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Marie, we really enjoyed our visit which was made even better by the meet-up with you and Rick. Patrick and myself did feel like we were getting together with friends on our excursions, even thiugh this was a first-time get together. The picnic was fun too. We hope there will be a future meet-up.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Marie
Sounds like you and fellow blogger friends had a fun get together.
I always enjoy seeing the herons, they are beautiful.
Your hybrid Kia sounds great. Take care, have a great day!

Debbie said...

it's so nice that you are happy with your car, it is a big purchase. the heron is a beauty, i always enjoy seeing them and they are one of my favorites. always nice to make new friends!!

Liz Hinds said...

Those heron wings! Perfect. How lovely to meet blogger friends. If we ever get out to PEI I shall expect ice cream too!

photowannabe said...

I love meeting fellow bloggers and I'm so glad you got to meet Dorothy and Patrick. I love her blog and her love of life.
Oh those magnolias are so beautiful. Fantastic photos.
My favorite thing is that Heron and his heart shaped wings. That's a real keeper!!

DUTA said...

Meeting up with blogger friends is a real treat! It's an opportunity to share the beauties of the place with them, and enjoy landscape, wild life, and food at the same time.

Stewart M said...

Meeting other bloggers is great.

Thats a lot of kilometres!

Cheers - Stewart M

Debbie Nolan said...

Marie your photos are so beautiful. We get from time to time some Cedar Wax Wings. They like fruit trees or so it seems. What a nice experience to meet up with blogging buddies and develop the friendship in person. Well hope that June brings you plenty of warm and lovely days. Have a good end to the week. Hugs!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

That is great news y'all had a chance to spend time together!
Beautiful photographs

Helen said...

A very special week for you.
The more images I receive from our family and see via 'PEI Good News Only' the more I wish we hadn't left our visit until autumn. I just love that final image!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Cedar Waxwings are eternally wonderful, Marie.

Barwitzki said...

It's wonderful that you had such a nice trip and it's great that you had a blogger meeting with Dorothy and her husband. I also follow her blog.
And yes, meeting bloggers is very interesting and we have always had happy encounters. I am particularly pleased that bloggers have already visited me.
You show wonderful animal photos... thank you very much and warm greetings to you from Viola.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That's an amazing photo of the heart-shaped wings!!

John's Island said...

Hi Marie, What a great post. I just checked out The Frog and Penguinn [ ] to get Dorothy’s side of the story. Interesting posts from both of you and, wow, I even know Rain from previous blogging. It did bring up a question, though … when looking at Dorothy’s post, you will see that at the end of the post it says “posted by Beatrice P Boyd” … what’s up with that? 😊 Anyway, I will have to say Dorothy is one lucky blogger meeting up with you and the Mister and enjoying Holman’s homemade ice cream! 😊 Lastly, I can’t say enough about your great capture of the Red Squirrel … that is an award winner! John

peppylady (Dora) said...

Never thought of magnolia growing that far north.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Marie :=)
My Grandson has gone out for the day with an old friend So although still on a break I'm visiting some of my blog friends, and only wish I could meet them in person like you have done.How great to share your lovely island with them. The squirrel portrait is wonderful and also the Ceder Waxwings. The Heart shaped heron capture is a great shot too.
All the best Marie

Breathtaking said...

Marie, I forgot to mention your car. I was impressed with how much mileage it has done with no added expense and I am pleased that you are both happy with it's performance.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I sure wish it would have worked out that we met up when we were there in '22. Maybe next time! Love the fact that you have Cedar Waxwings, they are such beautiful birds.

Catarina said...

Wonderful outing as usual.
That Kia Niro of yours is performing very well. : )

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Isn't is marvelous to watch the change of seasons taking place? I saw a cedar waxwing the other day, but didn't know what it was. Now I do!

Chris said...

Great to meet other bloggers, I guess they were delighted to see your island. Its really beautiful.

margi said...

I like the squirrel. Looks cute!

Granny Sue said...

How nice to meet fellow bloggers! Especially when you find them so companionable.

Pam said...

I love herons. They are so graceful flying. I love the wing shot. pays to always have your camera open on your phone. That is how I catch so much on my phone camera. Enjoy your blooming season, here in TN, its been long and HORRIBLE with allergies.

Lea said...

Great photos!
I especially enjoyed the squirrel and heron photos. And the Magnolia is beautiful!

The Furry Gnome said...

Great pictures of the hulking heron!

Diane said...

A lovely set of photos and how nice to meet other bloggers. I have met a few over the years and we always seem to get along so well. Keep well Diane

Buttercup said...

Visiting from Dorothy's blog. Love seeing your beautiful island.

Danielle L Zecher said...

How fun that you met a blogging friend in person. I never have, but I think it would be fun.

I love the squirrel picture!