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Sunday 16 June 2024

June in bloom

Our morning routine has changed recently to accommodate the weather. It has been humid in the afternoons, so our walks are earlier in the morning when it is cooler. Life has moved to the patio for the summer too, many meals cooked on the barbecue and eaten on the deck. I love this time of year.

It is lupin time now. 

We have seen some along our usual pathways but lupins require a special visit to large patches we know in the area. We will visit the lupins soon. Daisies are present too with their beautiful faces smiling in the sun.

We usually arrive at the trail or boardwalk after eight a.m. and the early morning has attracted some of our favourite animals too. A Great Blue Heron likes fishing at that time 

and a female Mallard likes that hour as well.

Away from the marsh, young foxes enjoy the early morning, playing near the boardwalk.

It is green and shaded along the Rotary Trail though light makes it to the trail in places. 

The wind, usually present here, rustles the leaves, creating its own sound track. However, the birds add their voices too, Warblers I can’t identify and Blue Jays or Robins which I recognize.

A nice addition to nature this past week was the presence of tadpoles near the surface of a pond along the Rotary Trail. 

Hundreds of the larvae were visible just below the surface of the water.

We’ve checked in on the Bald Eagle pair recently too. One adult was in a nearby tree while a young one was visible in the nest.

On-line, we keep a watch on the pair of Osprey at Blackbush, Prince Edward Island, where two of the four eggs have hatched and the parents are busy feeding the two hungry chicks. The photo taken from the feed is blurred but worth a look.

On the home front, the tomatoes, peppers and cucumber plants are all transplanted and doing well but beans have yet to break ground. We look forward to the produce from our strip of earth.

It is a glorious time in nature!


Bill said...

Nature is alive and showing her beauty. Love the fox photo, the little one must be tired, he's having a yawn. :)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy everything to its fullest! Winter is coming.

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Anvilcloud said...

You get to see much on your walks. We did see a heron the other day and sometimes there are geese and ducks.

Boud said...

What a lovely roundup of sights. I especially appreciate the tadpoles!

Cj said...

We watch an osprey nest in our area, massive gorgeous raptors! The lupine, I think one of the prettiest flowers. Lovely photos!

Liz Hinds said...

It is a glorious time and you capture it so beautifully.

DJan said...

It is so beautiful there, and this is a very special time of year indeed. Love seeing the osprey. Thank you for this gift. :-)

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Tadpoles are amazing little creatures. I love seeing how they transform. That osprey cam is cool too. How great to be able to watch them.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wonderful photos from your morning walks! I have not seen tadpoles since I was a kid!! I know we have fox around our area but I rarely see any. Daisys are one of my favorite flowers. Loved all your photos!!

Sandi said...

Those flowers are so pretty.

I am surprised you managed to get the photo of the foxes. They usually hide!

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful, beautiful photos. A truly lovely time of year for you. Seeing any of those sights you captured would lift my day.

Helen said...

Such a wondrous time of year! I can't wait to see your special lupin patch.

Rose said...

I so would love to see the ospreys every day....we seen it a time or two more after I got those first pics and no more. But maybe we are not out at the right time. Love the is so beautiful. The trail you walk looks so inviting.

Stewart M said...

Those foxes are wonderful. We still use our BBQ at this time of year, but we then eat indoors!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Joanne Noragon said...

Great pictures, and the heron is the best. Beautiful capture.

Catarina said...

Yes, these pictures lift our day. : )

Red said...

Lots to muse about on the Island these days. Some of the things you show I could watch for hours.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Most of wild lupine is purple.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s wonderful that you are able to look down on the Osprey nest like that, Marie, something I have never been able to do.

Pam said...

What a beautiful walk. I would start that in the morning if I had someone to walk with.....I was planning on doing it myself but it has not happened yet. I love the tadpoles, and it reminded me of a post I can do.

margi said...

What a beautiful walk! The foxes are wonderful.

At Home In New Zealand said...

What a wonderful joyous time of year you are describing. I love your little insights into the world of nature around your place :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to be able to get out and enjoy your walks in the early morning, Marie, as that is the best time when it's cooler and possibly less busy with people so better to spot wildlife. Cooking outdoors is a plus and something we miss. It is hot here this week, so indoor salads with some chicken and shrimp make for easy dinner.

Granny Sue said...

Lupins in the wild? How awesome. Love the part about living on the patio--we move to our porch and deck, and have fires on the patio, weather permitting. Right jowbit is too hot to be outside except a few hours morning and evening, and those are spent watering.

Billie Jo said...

Yes, early mornings in summer are a favorite of mine. There is beautiful nature around your world, my friend. Thank you for sharing!

photowannabe said...

Glorious time in Nature for sure.
I would so love to take that walk with you. What a lovely place with all of the critters in every direction.
There's going to be a chorus of croakers before too long.
Enjoy your patio grilling and the wonderful summer mornings.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Marie,
Love the pretty flowers, the Heron, Eagles and Ospreys on the nest.
It is great to see all the birds doing well. We have a fox family in the neighborhood but they are really shy. We try taking our walks early before it gets too hot later in the day. Take care, enjoy your day!

Debbie said...

SO glorious marie!! isn't it amazing how every flower has it's time to bloom!! the heron is gorgeous...the fox as well!!

baili said...

I feel genuinely happy for when this gorgeous season arrive dear Marie ❤

Your walks turn heavenly more and island seem to burst with vibration and colours of life :)))
What a delight and what thrill to witness such rich and joyous side of life 🤗
Thanks for sharing beauty and magic of your beautiful island my dear lovely friend ❤
Read the post on phone Will return to relook the wonderful photos again on laptop hopefully.
Thinking of you with heart full of love best wishes for you and family!

Maebeme said...

Amazing photos! I'm heading back to my daughter's at the end of the month and looking forward to seeing what has come up in my garden while I've been away.

tz_garden said...

I love lupins. The fox is darling, that's a good amount of wildlife!

John's Island said...

Hi Marie, I hear you about early walks. We (my Manager and I 😊) think early walks are the best. Out here it means we avoid the crowds on the waterfront walk. Great photo of lupin, we have it here too, and we seem to be at about the same bloom level. Love the Great Blue Heron and the Mallard. So neat to see the Bald Eagle pictures. Interestingly, I just published a new post and have some pictures of Mallards and a Great Blue Heron. I say “interestingly” because the post is partly due to the comment you left for me this morning. It reminded me that I’m taking a long time between posts and should get a new one out there. Thank you for that comment! 😊 Well, today is Summer Solstice, so let me wish you and the Mister a happy Summer. John

Danielle L Zecher said...

Great photos, as always. I especially love the daisies and foxes.

Lea said...

Great photos!
My favorites are the trail through the woods and the foxes.
Have a wonderful weekend!

The Furry Gnome said...

It was the drifts of Lupins on the roadsides that I remember from our visits.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I love seeing those foxes! The Rotary Trail looks beautiful.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

I always enjoy seeing all of your photos. The flowers are so lovely and the foxes are so cute!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I remember reading a book called “The Lupine Lady” when I was a little girl, and have been obsessed with them since. Yet, I have never seen them growing anywhere. I really enjoyed your picture.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Beautiful pictures! The foxes - wow!
Have a happy Sunday & take care...

Ginnie Hart said...

I always wonder if/when summer will ever come to your place in the world, Marie, and then am so relieved when you start showing us it's arrived! We saw lupins all over Brittany during our 3 weeks there and will never forget them!