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Sunday 21 July 2024

Summer heat

On the way to the beach at Belmont Park with the golden grand-dog, we pass Clarks Creek which runs through a cattle pasture. 

Where the creek crosses the road, a shady area is frequented by the cattle. On this particular hot and humid day, the cattle were in the same area on our way home from the beach several hours later.

Several farms in the area have horses as well.

A recent news story on the Prince Edward Island tells of the tails of horses being cut off overnight by thieves while the horses were in a field near a farmer’s barn. Luckily, these two escaped that fate. Such a theft is difficult to understand.

Around 5 a.m. one morning, my husband looked out to see this visitor in our neighbour’s garden at the back of our garden. 

We will have to be careful when the golden grand-dog visits again for a two weeks soon. 

During one of our walks along the boardwalk this past week we saw a Garter Snake along the way. As we watched, it must have sensed us there and headed into the weed and stayed there.

Did it feel hidden like that though its back part was exposed? We can only wonder…

A momma Black Duck is in the stream by the boardwalk with three ducklings these days.

We didn’t see the ducklings when they were smaller this year, until now. Maybe she had them out and about later in the day than we’ve been walking recently.

The area’s Great Blue Heron is back in the marsh again, 

though content to stand silently among the grasses on Sunday morning.

We saw our first Yellowlegs for this year as well. It was well camouflaged among the seaweeds.

Also this week, as we walked to the car from the boardwalk, I spotted this newborn. It was about 30 mm or 1 1/4 inches in length. From what we can determine, it was possibly a newborn mouse. 

It probably was taken from its nest by an opportunistic predator and dropped on the sidewalk. I hope at least momma mouse survived.

Finally, the succession of wildflowers continues this summer and with the rain and heat we’ve had, the blooms are thriving. I especially love the scenes of flowers with the sea behind them.

However, a field of blooms is pretty special too.


eileeninmd said...

So many wonderful sightings and beautiful photos.
It sounds crazy thieves are cutting off horse's tails, what do they do with them. That's weird. Love the cattle and horses, the Heron, Yellowlegs and even the snake. I hope the skunk has move on. Take care, have a wonderful week!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, avoid the stinky skunk!

DJan said...

I always enjoy your pictures and the beauty of your island. Grateful that you share it with me.

Boud said...

That doesn't look like a great blue heron to me. But maybe that's me. That was a great snake catch, usually they're gone before you know it.

Maebeme said...

At first, I was thinking why would they take the horse's tail, but I realized perhaps the horse hair is a commodity they can sell? In any event, it's horrid as the horses need their tails to keep the bugs off.

That's a rodent of some sort. The heron is such a striking bird. And the wildflowers are spectacular.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Looks like a mouse to me too. What the heck is going on with the horse tails?!?! I sure hope they catch those people. Love that last picture with the flowers.

Bill said...

That really stinks that people (probably males) feel the need to cut tails off the horses. I hope they get caught. Nice view of the wildflowers. Have a good week.

Anvilcloud said...

A fine tour with many photos and descriptions. The heron photo and the final flower photo were my faves.

Liz Hinds said...

Like you, I love the scenes of wild flowers and sea. Very special.
Sensible cows. And why would anyone cut off a horse's tail?
Such great bird photos too.

Rose said...

I would love to be able to take some of the walks you take. The shit of the Great Blue Heron is wonderful.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

We had a spate of people stabbing horses around here a few years ago. I don't think anyone was caught but it seemed to stop as suddenly and inexplicably as it began.

photowannabe said...

Oh, I really like the last photo of your post. The blooms are so lovely.
I love the places you walk each time.
Oh my, that black and white creature needs to stay away from your Grand-dog. There are going to be some adventures when you have him for 2 weeks. Blog posts galore..(:0)

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you (so very much) for the beauty you share.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You really captured so much of the wildlife in your area. We used to have skunk in this area but thankfully I have not seen one in years. Beautiful photos.

Red said...

Plants , animals, birds are at their peak at this time of year.

Joanne Noragon said...

I love great blue herons!

Lorrie said...

Love the Heron and the Yellowlegs - great photos! How horrific that anyone would cut the tails off horses! I can't even imagine why.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Enjoy all the pictures.

Pam said...

I see lots of cow butts! lol.....poor newborn babe. Mice not a big thing I like but I hate little critters not making it. As for the snakes, Lily Bit plays hide and seek with me, she hides behind the curtains, with you rear and tail seeking out, but thinking cause her face is his, then all of her is.

baili said...

i really enjoyed each step along dear Marie

the blue heron looks majestic creature indeed what a wonderful shot !

birds you spotted are so pretty
it's painful to hear such horrible news about horses ,people have gone crazy for sure
the last flower images bring back lightness and beauty to the mood :)
hugs and best wishes

Catarina said...

It is always a pleasure to pass by.
: )

At Home In New Zealand said...

You take beautiful photos Marie, and I have enjoyed looking through these. I've never seen a live skunk - only a dead one! And that was smelly enough :)

Helen said...

I love that image of the Great Blue Heron! So many interesting things spied this week and the wildflowers by the sea are very special.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Marie, it's always a pleasure to see the area you live in through your lens and even more so since we visited and experienced but a few of these places. The blue heron was strikingly majestic.

Debbie said...

such a nice variety of images today!! the cattle are smart, i find all animals look for the shade!! the heron is gorgeous, one of the best pictures i have seen. the yellowlegs is well camouflaged, it's another great picture.. we don't get much "really nice weather temps" its either so cold or ungodly hot!!!

Barwitzki said...

Herrlich :-)))
Beautiful photos. Thank you.
It's so great out in nature now... I enjoy it as often as I can -
and I can often :-)))
A hug for you.


Your observations and photos from the beach and boardwalk sound wonderful. The sight of cattle cooling off by the creek and the horses on nearby farms paints a peaceful rural picture. The story of the horse tails being cut off is indeed disturbing, but it’s good to hear that the horses you saw are safe.

It’s fascinating to hear about the wildlife you’ve encountered, from the Garter Snake to the momma Black Duck with her ducklings. The Great Blue Heron and the Yellowlegs must have been a treat to see, especially in their natural habitats.

The newborn mouse and the field of wildflowers add a touching and vibrant note to your experiences. It’s clear that the combination of nature and wildlife really enriches your walks and outings. Thanks for sharing these lovely snapshots of your summer!


Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

When we were living in Connecticut, there was a resident skunk. It liked to hang out around the mailbox, so I had to pick and choose when I decided to collect the mail. Still, I enjoy being surrounded by wildlife.

tz_garden said...

So much wildlife, how wonderful to see. Pretty blooms as well.

The Furry Gnome said...

Can't believe someone would cut off a horse's tail!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

In response to Boud’s comment above, Great Blue Heron for sure. As for the horse tail thieves, maybe a horsewhip would be appropriate punishment if they catch them.

John's Island said...

Marie, Thank you for another delightful post featuring your excellent nature photography. Image #8, the Great Blue Heron, is stunning … an award winner for sure. Wishing you and yours a fine week ahead! John

Stewart M said...

Great set of pictures - I love the colour of the flowers in that final image.

I wonder what the story with the new born mouse is/was?

Stewart M - Melbourne