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Sunday 14 July 2024

July beauty

The golden grand-dog stayed over last week and my husband and I took her to beaches for morning walks before the worst of the heat and humidity. It has been hot, humid and wet from bouts of rain between beautiful sunny periods. Farmers are loving it.

On the beach, 

Daisy, the golden retriever is in her element. 

Toss a ball in the water and that dog will return it endlessly. 

We always tire before she does. 

Driving through the countryside this time of year, one is struck by the bounty of food growing in the fields. Already the potatoes are in blossom, 

much earlier than I remember on my grandfather’s farm when I was a child.

Fields of grain are waving in the breeze. 

Yellow blossoms of canola and mustard spread across the countryside and make us smile.

Another day along the boardwalk, we noticed the raindrops cling to the vegetation after the rain stopped briefly. 

The drops are reluctant to leave too.

On the home front, a family of four foxes lives in our neighbourhood. When the young ones were finally out and about, we often see them near our house. I especially love this photo showing but two tails of the young ones and the red and black foxes which were more completely visible. 

The black variation of the red fox is commonly known as a silver fox.

July has much to offer which the rest of the year cannot quite match.


Boud said...

Wonderful animals, from bounding dogs to silver foxes! Thank you.

DJan said...

Wow! Those fox tails are incredible. Actually, all of your pictures are simply wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy the visual bounty of July (and summer) while it lasts!

Sandi said...

Ahhhh...lovely summer day. Even the foxes love it!

Liz Hinds said...

Wow! The silver fox is magnificent.
Daisy must love her stays with you.

John's Island said...

Marie, As you will know, Seattle does have a bit of rain from time to time. 😊 After the rains, I’m often drawn to snap a photo of the vegetation with rain drops similar to your 8th image. I get a kick out of how much we think alike in what makes a neat photo. Daisy sure puts a smile on my face! Thanks for sharing another set of PEI photography! John

Anvilcloud said...

You're right about July as I contemplate the profusion of flowers in the front yard.

Pam said...

Daisy does look like she is having the time of her life! Bet she would have as much fun running and jumping in the field of flowers. I love it. Those fox are so pretty.

Bill said...

Such a beautiful capture of the foxes.

aurora said...

Grand Dogs are so fun. Lucky dog, enjoying walks and water playtime!

Great photos! The fox look healthy.

photowannabe said...

Oh, I love seeing those foxes. they are such magnificent creatures.
Great photos.
Love the bounty appearing in the fields. The wheat is wonderful. All of them actually.
That Doodle is having such a grand time. I know you probably were tired before she did.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

eileeninmd said...

Daisy must love the water! My old dogs used to hate leaving the water when it was time to leave. Beautiful shots of the fields. The fox images are awesome, love those tails! Take care, have a wonderful week!

Granny Sue said...

Oh, the joy of that dog! Love that first photo of her. And the silver fox, what a beauty.
Your island does look bountiful. Nice to have the right mix of sun and rain. We have too much of the first and not nearly enough of the second.

Elephant's Child said...

The granddog was having a ball, I loved seeing the crops and envy you your foxes. Thank you.

Helen said...

Daisy is having a marvellous time. So many familar sights. It all looks stunning, but I guess you would prefer a little less humidity!

Stewart M said...

I really like the shots of the crops - a classically popular subject.

Stewart M - Auckland, NZ

Joanne Noragon said...

Lovely foxes. I used to have a family visit my front yard often, especially the year the 17 year cicadas emerged.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Look like Daisy is having a blast.

Lea said...

Beautiful photos!

DUTA said...

The fields with rich crops of your island look marvelous!
The picture with the drops of rain attached to the vegetation - great capture!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wow! the fox look very different from the fox that I see in our area. The silver fox is beautiful. Wonderful photos and got a real smile seeing the dog in the water!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful photos
Seeing wildlife out enjoying themselves is a source of happy smiles.

Rose said...

Those are great photos of the foxes...I so would love to be able to watch them in real life.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Seeing those fields of potatoes was quite striking, Marie, especially as we had seen fields with nothing growing when we visited. Great photos of Daisy too.

Debbie said...

your july is really beautiful!! the fields of grain and the canola, wow!! i really enjoyed seeing the fox, i did not see any here this year!! our weather is supposed to cool off today, we have had a few evening storms!! it's so difficult...we want to be outdoors but the temperatures have been brutal!!

Aritha V. said...

I like all the photos in your blog. Especially the dog in the water. So funny. Here, dogs have to be on a leash now in the forest because of the wolves.

I find your foxes interesting to watch too. I also enjoy what you write alongside them.

Ginnie Hart said...

Fabulous post, Marie, of what summer brings to your neck of the woods, so to speak! The flowers, the fields, the wildlife. You have it all.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh what lovely foxes. Such great photos. They are such amazing animals. You are certainly fortunate to have them living close. Please take care and have a great end to July. Hugs!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful animals. I like the white-tipped tails. Fun to see Daisy in her element!

HWIT BLOGG said...

Always so nice visiting your blog and all this lovely pictures from your country!
Have a happy weekend :)

Debbie said...

beautiful action shots of daisy!!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Those fox photos are wonderful. I find myself drawn to the fox images, and have quite a collection of English hunt items, but do NOT approve of that sport the way it used to be played.

Sherry's Pickings said...

oh your grand dog is having fun! love that silver fox. we used to have wild ones near us (in inner city brisbane!) but i think the council got rid of them all. people were complaining about their chooks being killed!

Toni said...

I'm in love with your photos! They're beautiful and the air is clear. I live in Northern California. We breathe smoke in the summer!