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Sunday, 2 March 2025

Is it spring?

The weather has been milder this past week and our usual walking area shows it. This was the scene of the stream through the salt marsh on February 23rd.

This was the area yesterday. 

The ducks, gone since the stream froze, are back and the water is visible again.

The avians walk the salt marsh and swim in the water as the ice melts. Ducks and crows leave footprints in the snow. What do you suppose created the long impression center left in this photo?

At the mouth of the stream, the ice on the bay is beginning to melt. The ice doesn’t look solid any more. Soon it will break up and wind will take it into the Northumberland Strait.

A Downy Woodpecker had its feathers fluffed against the cold one day last week as it drilled into trees along the walkway.

A Mourning Dove was nestled into a cozy position one day, also with its feathers fluffed against the high winds.

We were fortunate to see a Ruffed Grouse again, which eats at the base of a feeder near the end of the boardwalk. It approached us as we stood quietly watching it.

Recently I read of a study at the University of Utah which found that people who spent time in nature showed improvement in their ability to focus on a task. I believe time in nature helps me deal with everyday life in a troubled world.

Meanwhile, in response to the tariffs proposed by the American president on Canadian goods entering the U.S., my husband and I avoided buying U.S. products last week. When we shop in the morning, most shoppers are seniors like us. We had numerous conversations with other seniors about our shared desire to buy Canadian. We also avoided U.S. stores/businesses this past Friday.

Store employees here are seeing the result too. At one store I checked the spinach to see if any was not a U.S. product. A clerk who was stocking the cooler told me all the spinach and lettuce are from the U.S. but people aren’t buying it. Neither did I.

At another store, the cauliflower and broccoli were U.S. products but they were going bad and needed to be removed from the cooler. I hate to see food wasted but sometimes greater principles take precedence.

Finally this week, I am thinking of Ukraine which has endured three years of war at the hands of Putin’s Russia. Ukraine’s leader, Zelenskyy, is a man of great courage and leadership. He is an inspiration to his people. 

May Ukraine prevail!



eileeninmd said...

Beautiful scenery and photos. Love the ducks, the woodpecker, dove and Grouse. I we have seen river otters leaving trails like they are sliding in the snow/ice on our lake. I am wishing Zelensky and the people of Ukraine stay strong! I am not a fan of T.rump , his administration and the tariffs. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

ilblogdiolga said...

Penso sia vero che chi sta nella natura si senta meglio.Ho iniziato a seguire il tuo blog,ha delle bellissime fotografie.Sarei felice se tu seguissi il mio blog.Olga

DJan said...

Those are wonderful pictures. I too didn't buy any American products on Friday. I agree that zelenskyy is a hero.

Debbie Nolan said...

Marie your photos of the birds are such a delight. It always amazes me how many you have that we enjoy here as well. The doves are one of my favorites. Are not the downy woodpeckers adorable. We have them and the red-headed as well as several others. Even have the pileated (huge ones) visit. It is hard to get their picture because they are certainly shy. Looks like your ice is melting...such a good sign that spring is on its way. Have a delightful day. Hugs! P.S. Hope you do enjoy Leslie Roz's video.

Boud said...

Nature helps a lot in worrying times. I wonder if that long trail was from a prey animal being picked up by a raptor, before it got off the ground? Or a duck coming in to land and changing its mind..

Anvilcloud said...

Thank you for your choices and for those of your fellow Islanders. We’ve had some very cold weather, but the returning sun is having an impact, and we’re heading above 0 high temps this week.

aurora said...

Quack quack the ducks are back! Spring awakening is such an interesting time to observe nature's daily changes. Love the variety you captured so well!! I have no idea what makes such a defined wide tracked.

MARY G said...

If I had seen that sliding impression in my own bush, I would have identified it as an otter. They love to slide. If you have them, it might be that. More likely, however, is a large bird coming in to land and sliding instead of running out.
Your bird photos are, as always, a pure pleasure on this gray, cold March day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm eating blueberries like they're going out of style because, in my grocery store, they come from Mexico.