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Sunday, 2 March 2025

Is it spring?

The weather has been milder this past week and our usual walking area shows it. This was the scene of the stream through the salt marsh on February 23rd.

This was the area yesterday. 

The ducks, gone since the stream froze, are back and the water is visible again.

The avians walk the salt marsh and swim in the water as the ice melts. Ducks and crows leave footprints in the snow. What do you suppose created the long impression center left in this photo?

At the mouth of the stream, the ice on the bay is beginning to melt. The ice doesn’t look solid any more. Soon it will break up and wind will take it into the Northumberland Strait.

A Downy Woodpecker had its feathers fluffed against the cold one day last week as it drilled into trees along the walkway.

A Mourning Dove was nestled into a cozy position one day, also with its feathers fluffed against the high winds.

We were fortunate to see a Ruffed Grouse again, which eats at the base of a feeder near the end of the boardwalk. It approached us as we stood quietly watching it.

Recently I read of a study at the University of Utah which found that people who spent time in nature showed improvement in their ability to focus on a task. I believe time in nature helps me deal with everyday life in a troubled world.

Meanwhile, in response to the tariffs proposed by the American president on Canadian goods entering the U.S., my husband and I avoided buying U.S. products last week. When we shop in the morning, most shoppers are seniors like us. We had numerous conversations with other seniors about our shared desire to buy Canadian. We also avoided U.S. stores/businesses this past Friday.

Store employees here are seeing the result too. At one store I checked the spinach to see if any was not a U.S. product. A clerk who was stocking the cooler told me all the spinach and lettuce are from the U.S. but people aren’t buying it. Neither did I.

At another store, the cauliflower and broccoli were U.S. products but they were going bad and needed to be removed from the cooler. I hate to see food wasted but sometimes greater principles take precedence.

Finally this week, I am thinking of Ukraine which has endured three years of war at the hands of Putin’s Russia. Ukraine’s leader, Zelenskyy, is a man of great courage and leadership. He is an inspiration to his people. 

May Ukraine prevail!



eileeninmd said...

Beautiful scenery and photos. Love the ducks, the woodpecker, dove and Grouse. I we have seen river otters leaving trails like they are sliding in the snow/ice on our lake. I am wishing Zelensky and the people of Ukraine stay strong! I am not a fan of T.rump , his administration and the tariffs. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

ilblogdiolga said...

Penso sia vero che chi sta nella natura si senta meglio.Ho iniziato a seguire il tuo blog,ha delle bellissime fotografie.Sarei felice se tu seguissi il mio blog.Olga

DJan said...

Those are wonderful pictures. I too didn't buy any American products on Friday. I agree that zelenskyy is a hero.

Debbie Nolan said...

Marie your photos of the birds are such a delight. It always amazes me how many you have that we enjoy here as well. The doves are one of my favorites. Are not the downy woodpeckers adorable. We have them and the red-headed as well as several others. Even have the pileated (huge ones) visit. It is hard to get their picture because they are certainly shy. Looks like your ice is melting...such a good sign that spring is on its way. Have a delightful day. Hugs! P.S. Hope you do enjoy Leslie Roz's video.

Boud said...

Nature helps a lot in worrying times. I wonder if that long trail was from a prey animal being picked up by a raptor, before it got off the ground? Or a duck coming in to land and changing its mind..

Anvilcloud said...

Thank you for your choices and for those of your fellow Islanders. We’ve had some very cold weather, but the returning sun is having an impact, and we’re heading above 0 high temps this week.

aurora said...

Quack quack the ducks are back! Spring awakening is such an interesting time to observe nature's daily changes. Love the variety you captured so well!! I have no idea what makes such a defined wide tracked.

MARY G said...

If I had seen that sliding impression in my own bush, I would have identified it as an otter. They love to slide. If you have them, it might be that. More likely, however, is a large bird coming in to land and sliding instead of running out.
Your bird photos are, as always, a pure pleasure on this gray, cold March day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm eating blueberries like they're going out of style because, in my grocery store, they come from Mexico.

The Furry Gnome said...

That's a very nice walk you can go on every day. I miss that in the winter. We are also shopping Canadian and astonished at DT.

photowannabe said...

Love your photos Marie and am saddened by the state of our world and country. That's basically all I will say for now. Life is difficult and I like hearing what you have to say.

Bill said...

The scenery and photos are very pretty. Glad to hear that you aren't buying stuff from the US. They certainly don't deserve it.

Hena Tayeb said...

I agree. Greater principle take precedence. We are staying away from a certain countries products as well. Lovely photos as usual.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The mark in the snow might be a goose on a hard and fast landing glide.
Beautiful photos
It is sad that Canadians as well as Americans are feeling upset over the horrid behavior of our president. If your look on the Internet, then you might find the map where Alaska and Iceland are labeled North Canada and the United States is labeled, South Canada. That map makes me smile.

John's Island said...

Marie, I’m with you 100% on all you said about boycotting goods from the USA. That may seem strange coming from a life-long USA citizen. However, something terrible is going on in our country now and it all has to do with a man who has cleverly captured support from a large group of American citizens. Not a majority, mind you, but a group large enough to elect him to the top job. The man is treating our neighbors and other allies with disdain. Many citizens, like myself, believe the way to bring this man to his knees is to let him see our economy tank due to his ridiculous tariffs. The sooner that happens, the better for all of us. Getting back to the rest of your post … it’s great to see your photos showing a move toward Spring. And I love to see the birds fluffing their feathers. Have a great week ahead! John

Red said...

Tariffs will be a problem for many people . They don't help the people.

acorn hollow said...

We had a grouse here once last week and haven't seen it since.
according to a study being in nature is the same as taking antidepressants.
I hate that this President has cause such issues. Remember not all Americans agree.

Maebeme said...

The photos look cold still, but the thaw of the ice and running water is very hopeful.
I haven't been shopping as yet, tomorrow will be my first time out of the house since I returned home. I'll be looking for products that are not grown or manufactured in the US. I think the only way we can truly send a message is with our actions and wallets.

Chris said...

Amazing photograph, I loved all the duck little 'foot' prints. IT all looks so wild and beautiful.

Maebeme said...

I also agree, Slava Ukraini!

Granny Sue said...

Yes, time in nature soothes our nerves and minds, so we function better.
How special to see a ruffled grouse. We used to have many but now they are a rare sight.

Joanne Noragon said...

I applaud your sentiment and effort. Ukraine!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Stand firm. If I was Canadian I wouldn't buy anything from the U.S is I could help it.

Liz Hinds said...

May Ukraine prevail indeed. That grouse is beautiful. My grand-daughter and I heard a woodpecker last week on our walk but we couldn't spot it. And I think that is a duck's landing trail! I think it was a young duck doing a 'look at me' landing!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I think that is the first time I have seen a ruffed grouse on your blog, that is very cool!

kjsutcliffe said...

We, here in the uk, don't have as many us products as I suspect you do, but there is also a general reluctance to purchase them. The support for Ukraine has definitely doubled, the Ukrainians need it x

Pam said...

not spring yet, but it is coming. Bet you will be glad when all that snow is gone.

Polly said...

Stunning photos, your bird images are gorgeous.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

It is so important to spend time in nature. It makes all the difference. Doesn't quite look spring-like to me,, but it looks beautiful.What a treat to see the Ruffed Grouse

Leslie's Garden said...

Great photos. I love the little downy woodpecker all fluffed out. He is so cute. I sure hope this tariff thing backfires on Trump. He is a disgrace to or country.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Miriam and I are buying Canadian to the greatest extent possible, and have been doing so for some time now. Our overall creed when shopping is ABUS, anywhere but the USA. Then other day I needed celery for a soup and when only US celery was available I switched to leeks. I may have developed a whole new flavour as a result! said...

Nature does improve our mental and physical health. You and your husband are an inspiration to me. You never miss a good and healthy walk. And that's what I am going to do after lunch - go for a walk in the park.
I am spending more time at the supermarket nowadays in order to read all the labels. Canadian products first then from other countries, like Mexico, Peru...
However, the other day, I was so surprised to see strawberries for 1.99 per container that I bought two.
I had forgotten to look at the labels.... "Product from USA"

Yes, may Ukraine prevail!!

Debbie said...

your images of the snow and birds are beautiful. i live vicariously through them as we never got any real snow and the squirrels have knocked over my bird feeders. we have attempted to rehang them but the squirrels are relentless. the tariffs, in a way, have had a positive impact on people. making them aware of where the products they buy are from, and encouraging them to purchase from and support their own counties. i have always tried to purchase items made here and in local shops, but i do use amazon....primarily because i can not drive!!


It really does seem like spring is starting to make its presence felt! The change in weather and the return of ducks to the marsh is a hopeful sign of the seasons shifting. The contrast between the frozen stream in February and the open water now is beautiful — nature always knows how to show us change in the most striking ways. I love your attention to detail, like the footprints in the snow left by ducks and crows, and the mystery of the long impression in the photo — nature always leaves clues for us to interpret. It’s heartwarming to hear about the Downy Woodpecker and Mourning Dove, both of which are so symbolic of resilience in the cold.

Your mention of time in nature and its positive effects is a reminder of how powerful and restorative even the smallest moments can be. I wholeheartedly agree that nature can help us cope with the weight of the world. It’s inspiring to hear about the small stand you and your husband are taking with your shopping habits, making an effort to buy Canadian and support local. It's a simple but powerful way to respond to difficult times, and it’s heartening to hear that others are doing the same. I can feel the weight of your thoughts about Ukraine as well, and your support for them is a reminder that even from afar, solidarity can make a difference.

May Ukraine prevail, indeed.

Hi, wishing you a great Wednesday: I just shared a new post:

Helen said...

Marie, may spring be with you soon. These images show promise but I also love their wintry beauty.
May Ukraine prevail!

baili said...

I feel enormous joy to see how the harsh winter is about to leave finally.
I found the first two images so uplifting dear Marie ,change has been marked with ice melting and I really hope your beautiful island will come out of the white cover and unveil it’s awesome beauty once again 🤗🥰😍

Birds are so pretty and well captured wow,I keep zoomed to see them closely 😂 I love them absolutely ♥️
Bad and sad news have taken over since Trump is elected unfortunately.
Sad that Canadian people have to boycott of the US products because of his ruthlessness. So much discomfort among us public makes me wonder who chose him
Our heartfelt best wishes are with Ukraine which has suffering from Putin s stubbornness.
Much love ❤️

Breathtaking said...

Good Morning Marie :)
Getting out in nature even in cold winter weather and embracing winter's beauty is beneficial to ones state of mind. Your photos are lovely. It's great to see ice melting and also the Downy Woodpecker, ducks, dove, and the spectacular Ruffed Grouse.

I have great admiration for President Zelenskyy who has shown not only courage but a great amount of dignity throughout this conflict of interests between the US and Ukraine. We don't get a lot of food products from the states but if we did, like others,I would not buy them. I support Ukraine and all it stands for, long live Ukraine.

Danielle L Zecher said...

It always amazes me to see snow in the pictures when you talk about milder weather. To me, that's huddle up inside weather!

As an American who is appalled by what our country is becoming, thank you for not buying American products. Money seems to be something the powers that be care about, so hopefully, that will help change things. Please know there are plenty of us who didn't vote for this, don't support this, and are incredibly angry over the way President Zelensky was treated.