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Sunday, 7 December 2014

The Christmas Concert...Then and Now

The location:   St. Theresa's All Grade School
                       Buchans, Newfoundland
                       December 1985

The Kindergarten class of Mrs. Lib M. performed on the stage in front of family and friends. Lib gave each child an individual piece to say about one of the letters in Merry Christmas, so each child had a chance to shine. As always, they did a great job. Some were shy and barely audible. A few shouted so as to proclaim their part. All were cute and adored by family and friends. 


Our daughter, Claire, was part of that group, representing the letter Y. She was one of the shy ones.

The location:  Dreams Unlimited Day Care
                      Summerside, Prince Edward Island
          December 2014

The babies group, under two years of age, and the preschoolers, age 2-4, performed their Christmas program. 


The babies, including our Caitlin, played tambourines to Jingle Bells, or rather, they held tambourines while others sang Jingle Bells. They were all very cute and shy in front of so many unfamiliar faces. 


The older cuties, including our Sylvie, did a great job singing and performing actions to various songs, such as the Reindeer Pokey. They all enjoyed themselves, and listened as the teachers instructed them. Adoring families watching them could not have been more pleased and proud.

There are few certainties in life but one is that parents/grandparents watching their darlings perform are filled with pride and joy.

A huge thank you to all teachers of young children. You do amazing work and deserve our respect and gratitude.

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