Such perfect miniature blooms are worth a closer look.

Such amazing colour!

And their neighbour.

Or do you prefer pink?

You have to get close to appreciate the beauty of these miniature pink flowers.

These beauties are fading now.

But this purple and white bloom is the first of many to open in the next week.

Fabulous! I love all your pretty flowers. Thank you for the feast for my eyes. :-)
This is a change. I have got used to the flowers but am always Thrilled to see them after the winter. A good selection.
Bleeding hearts -- gone too soon.
Beauteous flowers! Summer brings us such lovely colours. We were drawing and painting flowers at my art day yesterday, perhaps I'll post some of my work.
I'm enjoying your spring, and a bit envious too. Ours was cut short by first too much rain and then the heat. Now the solstice is a week away and summer will be here next week.
Oh I do love those blue flowers, that colour is striking :)
I love them too.
The flowers are so welcome this time of year.
They do die so quickly!
It would be great to see your art!
How quickly the seasons pass!
They are gorgeous!
Marie those flowers are so soft and cool looking. I can't wait for spring to arrive at my house lol
Beautiful flowers! Your garden looks very healthy and happy!
Oh, Cathy. Your spring is autumn for us. I can't wish summer away too quickly.
The garden got some TLC this year so it is doing well.
Gorgeous flowers and colours, is that geranium Rozanne at the top? I'm partial to pastel shades and use a lot of pink.
Happy Gardening!
Judith, my friend told me it is a variety of verbena. The flowers are tiny but gorgeous!
An outstanding array. Those colors seem almost unreal ... so vibrant.
Beautiful flowers. Small flowers are so delicate and sweet.
The beauty of each small bloom is incredible.
I love them too!
I hope all is well with you, Angela. Take care.
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