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Sunday 2 October 2016

Harvest time

It is time to harvest the grapes this week. We managed to keep some of the sweet and juicy morsels from the birds.


 We are fortunate crows and grackles can't hover like humming birds.



Joanne Noragon said...

They look lovely. I came home from school so often as a child to a sink full of grapes to help my mother prepare for turning to grape juice. They made me itch so. But one day I lifted my hands and my arms were a red rash. Then my lips swelled. I was relieved of grape duty. This was the forties; no one was allergic to anything, especially work.

Anonymous said...

These grapes look like the old Scuppernong natives, but I suspect they are Concords, their descendants. Yum yum.

Tabor said...


ann @ studiohyde said...

Oh yum, these grapes look delicious :)

Angela said...

Beautiful grapes!!

Marie Smith said...

Are you allergic to grapes today, Joanne?

Grapes are a new crop for us. I did not know anyone who grew them in Newfoundland, other than in a green house.

Marie Smith said...

I am not sure what they are but the are delicious.

Marie Smith said...

They really are, Tabor.

Marie Smith said...

Ann, that they are! And organic!

Elephant's Child said...

How generous of the birds to leave you a few. And how cunning. They want you to keep them there for next year - where they will again get first pick...

Marie Smith said...

They are!

Marie Smith said...

I may use a net over the plant next year, EC. I have been the human scarecrow this year but the birds watch for me to drive down the road. Then they have a feast.

DJan said...

They sure do look delicious! Glad you were able to salvage a few for yourself. :-)

Marie Smith said...

Juicing is next, Jan.

Silver in AZ said...

NICE! Congrats!

Marie Smith said...

Delicious, SW.

Kathleen's Blog said...

Wow---are these growing outdoors? They look very yummy. Now I have to go out to our greenhouse and pick a bunch to munch on! haha

Marie Smith said...

Yes, they are outdoors but the crows love them. I became a witch trying to shoo them away for the last six weeks.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks like you've done a good job of protecting the grapes Marie, it's the same here in Australia, the birds love the fruit. We had quite a few fruit trees when we first started the garden, now just a lime and mango tree ☺

Diná Fernandes de Oliveira Souza Souza2 said...

que bela parreira e uvas deliciosas.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, P.

Marie Smith said...

It was a fight to the finish with the crows, PDP.

baili said...

it is always hard to save these juicy friuts from birds specially crow spoil them as i used to see back in my native village.
they look ready to get fresh juice dear Marie!

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Beautiful photos.

The Happy Whisk said...

You have grapes, this is SO FLIPPIN' COOL.

mizztraveller said...

the grapes looks delicious

Iris Flavia said...

Hmmm... they do look rich and yummy!