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Monday 18 June 2018

Waves of land

Mere feet above sea level, the countryside of western Prince Edward Island where we live is flat with gently rolling hills in some areas. As one travels east, the countryside changes to hills, formed by glacial till deposited between 10,000 to 15,000 year ago from melting glaciers. 

Looking over the central countryside, it looks as if the land attempted to mirror the motion of her sister, the sea, with waves as well. These waves are bigger than those of the sea in our part of the ocean however.

As we walked along a Heritage Road in the center of the island, these land waves were obvious as we crested the hills and walked through the troughs of these static waves. 

The vegetation closed over Perry Road prevents a clear view into the distance unlike the asphalt over the open countryside. 

This area provided a workout compared to our regular routes.

This glimpse of the fields in one area along the way was unusual as the road cut through forest along much of its length. 

However, in several places, one could see the remnants of human habitation, an old gate or an old road, long grown over.

Bird greetings made us welcome but the only one we saw was this Yellow bellied sapsucker who was busy on a favourite tree.

Black flies were in abundance as the wind was calm but insect repellent helped. We check for ticks any time we’ve been outdoors these days since they are here too.

The incline on the treadmill will get a few workouts before our next walk among the waves in the center of the island.


DJan said...

Those waves on the pavement are very undulating, all right. It would definitely give you a good workout, especially your knees, if they are anything like mine. You live in a beautiful place, Marie. I'm glad I've discovered it through you. :-)

Linda d said...

Stunning pictures Marie. I'd love to take a walk on Perry Road.

Silver in AZ said...

I agree with Jan...the winters might be rough, but you live in a gorgeous locale.

Tabor said...

A nice area even with black flies, ticks and all.

Joanne Noragon said...

How I love those undulating hills. They are part of my childhood here in NE Ohio, where a glacial moraine left them for us. My dad drove them for every stomach dropping thrill for the three children, bouncing in the back seat of our 1939 Dodge, and mom sat in the front seat saying, "Now, John..."

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Did you feel it in your legs later?

Elephant's Child said...

Love the artist's eye and mind which saw and captured the waves for us to share. Without aching legs.
Thank you.

Bill said...

What a lovely journey you took. The road's waves is awesome and offers a great view. Thank you!

William Kendall said...

What beautiful countryside you have!

Anvilcloud said...

I think it's a beautiful province wherever you look.

Debbie said...

that's a pretty wavy road, it is a beautiful area in which you live!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks like an amazing walk Marie, but I agree, walking the straight is so much easier than the hilly road, but so worth it ✨

Stewart M said...

Really like the perspective in the first shot.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

Beautiful views Marie! That road looks like a roller coaster. Andrea

Barbara said...

I'll bet there were some sore calves after that walk! Beautiful countryside.

Rhodesia said...

What a beautiful place you live in just not warm enough for me though! Cheers Diane

Marie Smith said...

I was tired the next day but my knees were fine. The injection I had in my knee has really helped me Jan.

Marie Smith said...

It is a great place for a leisurely was Linda.

Marie Smith said...

It is indeed beautiful SW.

Marie Smith said...

If insects kept us home in the summer, we wouldn’t leave the house Tabor.

Marie Smith said...

Great memory Joanne. The glaciers produced some interesting land forms for us!

Marie Smith said...

Strangely I did not Debra. I was tired though.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks EC. Love those waves!

Marie Smith said...

It is a pretty stretch of road Bill.

Marie Smith said...

There are parts of the island rarely seen by visitors William.

Marie Smith said...

It is AC. I like the fact it’s small and easy and quick to travel from one end to the other.

Marie Smith said...

It is a pretty little province Debbie.

Marie Smith said...

It was a great challenge PDP.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks Stewart. I had to take the photo quickly because I could hear traffic coming up the hill behind me.

Marie Smith said...

The roads ahead required photos!

Marie Smith said...

Surprisingly no. Tired though Barbara.

Marie Smith said...

It is just warming up here now Diane. It’s late this year!

Mage said...

We are mostly in flat lands too. No beautiful greenery here tho. Thank you.

jenny_o said...

Beautiful shots. This is much like what I'm used to here in NS. Feels like home to see your pictures :)

Angela said...

Beautiful area! It would be fun to go for exercise there but better have good knees.

Catarina said...

Everyone should visit PEI... at least once!!
: )

Marie Smith said...

We have been to southern California and loved it. Maybe just to visit though. I would miss the green Mage.

Marie Smith said...

I know what you mean. Nova Scotia feels like home to me Jenny.

Marie Smith said...

It was tiring Angela.

Marie Smith said...

It is a wonderful place to visit. We fell in love with it on our first visit Catarina.