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Monday 24 September 2018

Three maples

With maples this time of year, it’s usually all about the leaves. Not this time. The leaves are slow to change colour this year but the trunks of three maple trees on the Bonshaw Hills Trails were worth a look.

Before we started the hike, my husband and I had lunch at the picnic area. 

It was the last full day of summer but the feel of autumn was in the air although it was sunny and warm. We felt at home there since a school group was having lunch before they did a nature walk. It’s been a while since we’ve been around so many children. Georgie, the golden grand-dog was with us and watched every child with interest.

We decided to walk to the center of the main trail, to an area we had yet to explore. It took about an hour to arrive in the area, having stopped on occasion to take photos. 

The first huge maple had steps to facilitate climbing into what looked like a bowl base. A face in the trunk stared back.

Kids love this tree which can easily accommodate a family among the branches.

The second maple had its own swing which was inviting to all who happened by.

The old wood had what looked like a face with pursed lips below the first junction of branches.

We met the school children again by this last maple swing in a sheltered area where the canopy gave the scene a green glow.

These old maples have many stories to tell of life in the area over the years. Soon the falling leaves 

will conclude this year’s chapter as the trees settle in for another long sleep.


Anvilcloud said...

I am surprised but pleased with the ladder and swing in the day and age of utmost care (which of course does have it's merits).

DJan said...

I love your pretty maple leaf in the new header, and all the enormous and rather magnificent trees you show here. :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Ah Autumn, such a wonderful time of the year 🍁 love the trees and their faces Marie πŸ˜‰ Georgie is so beautiful, I bet he has the gentlest of natures ✨

Joanne Noragon said...

I enjoy looking for faces in trees. Outfitting the old maples for children playing is nice.

William Kendall said...

It looks like a good area to explore- which Georgie no doubt thinks too.

Debbie said...

i love that you go for frequent picnics. in the second to last picture (which is my favorite) i see red and green beads on the trunk??

all beautiful trees, that have surely been around for a while!!!

Rhodesia said...

As I have yet to see a maple tree, but we have many trees with similar leaves.... Tale care Diane

Elephant's Child said...

Aaaah. Such a beautiful post. Not least the golden grand-dog.

Bill said...

Autumn is a great time to hike and explore and this looks like a nice area to do it. I love the swing hanging on the branch of the tree. The grand-dog is enjoying the hike too. :)

Celia said...

Wonderful maple trees and so cool they have swings and stairs for them. Hats off to that.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful swing setting. And good climbing trees! Yes Georgie did perk up for the children! Andrea

Mage said...

Oh, so beautiful.
I got a book on lighthouses the other day, and you have some stunning ones up there.

Danielle L Zecher said...

I love the swing. That looks like a very peaceful place to visit.

Marie Smith said...

I was surprised too AC. Young children wouldn’t be able to walk the distance to that area though and certainly not without supervision.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks Jan. These trees were magnificent though not as grand as those you see in the Pacific Northwest.

Marie Smith said...

Georgie is such a gentle dog, great with children, Grace.

Marie Smith said...

The faces always seem to jump out of the trees at me, Joanne.

Marie Smith said...

Georgie loves this area, William. She gets off lead for a few minutes.

Marie Smith said...

Someone had left a length of beads on the trunk, Debbie.

Marie Smith said...

I didn’t realize the maples weren’t in Europe, Diane. Thank you.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Ec. She is a beauty!

Marie Smith said...

The swings and ladder were an unusual find, Bill.

Marie Smith said...

These trails are so well done, Celia.

Marie Smith said...

Georgie is really good with children, Andrea.

Marie Smith said...

We do have some beautiful lighthouses in eastern Canada, Mage.

Marie Smith said...

It is an incredibly peaceful area, Danielle.

Catarina said...

A nice place for a swing!
Lovely scenery.

Kay said...

This is such a beautiful post. My husband was a "tree keeper" in Chicago, still loves trees and misses them here in Hawaii.

Marie Smith said...

The swings were unexpected, Catarina.

Marie Smith said...

Trees are such wondrous organisms, Kay. Your husband had a great job!

Barbara said...

Beautiful old trees. I could become a true tree hugger when I see trees like those that have lasted so long.

Jenn said...

Oh my! That swing on the tree looks like something that should be in everyone's childhood memories.

baili said...

What a beautiful post dear Marie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

made my eyes wet !

yea so so many childhood memories belong to exactly looking like these trees on which i used to make pillow house with my girlfriends and play with dolls

swing looks so familiar (sigh)

thank you for touch images and lovely words my friend!!!