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Sunday, 26 April 2020

Along the way 2

During the Covid 19 pandemic, my husband and I take the same walk any day the weather permits. We are never bored because there are new animal visitors, environmental changes or walkers bring something new to the area. It is never boring.

If one is observant, even the smallest woolly bear doesn’t escape attention. This one was active the last week of April while there is snow on the ground in places. We were surprised to see it when temperatures still drop below freezing. 

This feeder has been in place for the last year but we don’t recall seeing this motorcycle until recently.

We expect to see one of the squirrels or chipmunks riding it one of these days.

Recently someone piled these rocks, reminiscent of an Inukshuk, an Inuit stone pile to signify human form. While this formation doesn’t look like a traditional Inukshuk, from a distance it catches one’s eye briefly as a figure of a child.

Last month, someone drew a chalk face on one of the trees along the boardwalk. 

The question mark is intriguing. What is it questioning? The drawing has survived the last month in all weather. I’d like to know more about it.

At the end of the boardwalk the natural piece of art always catches my eye.

I love its stark presence on the edge of the shoreline, something to hold on to against the elements. It is a great example of how good roots keep us secure.

One day a fellow walker parked her AMC Rebel in the parking lot. 

It was an curious addition to the modern vehicles present there, harkening back to the days of our youth.

There is always something new or old to see along the boardwalk.


Anvilcloud said...

Quite a balancing feat on that inukshuk.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh oh -- has a biker gang of squirrels moved into the neighbourhood?

eileeninmd said...


It is interesting what you find on your walks out in nature. The motorcycle on the feeder is fun and the face with a question mark is curious. We see the piles of rocks here a lot. Nice walk and views.
Take care, enjoy your day and new week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looks like it's time to restock the peanut bar.

Boud said...

That face dates way back to about ww2 as a comic meme. Usually it's looking over a wall, nose front and center. If I can remember the quotation that went with it, I'll let you know. Sounds like either a very old person or a comic book collector might have drawn it!

DJan said...

What a lovely and varied post, Marie. I enjoyed the motorcycle, as well as the various other pictures, including that ancient car! :-)

The Furry Gnome said...

Nice to have that trail nearby.

Anita said...

Wow!Such great photoes!!I love the motorcyckle where squirrels or chipmunks riding it one of these days.Also the Penut Bar!!Hih hih i had to laugh!Soo cute :))))

Very Nice walk !

You are very good taking photoes i must say!
Thank you for sharing !


Ruth Hiebert said...

I agree that there is always something new to see. Too often we just rush right on by and miss so much.

Rhodesia said...

Love that bike at the feeder. You are lucky the only loop I can walk does not seem to change very much. The odd different insect sometimes but even that does not change much!! Take care, Diane

Elephant's Child said...

There is indeed always something to see - if we keep our eyes open - which you and your husband do.
Many thanks.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Beach walking is the same - always something different to be seen. That is what stops the walk becoming boring :)

Bill said...

I love the feeder. I wonder if the squirrels wear leather jackets when they ride the cycle. :)

Joanne Noragon said...

Thanks for all the pictures. The clean and shiny old vehicle is a pleasure to see.

The Happy Whisk said...

OMG on the motorcycle. Too cute.

Red said...

A good walk provides us with many things. We just have to be observant.

Rose said...

I love the rock pile/stack. Have you ever tried to do one? I haven't and don't know why. I, too, wonder about the face with the question mark.

Susan Zarzycki said...

Your boardwalk ponderings were very interesting. I especially liked the little caterpillar. I had to remove one from the parking lot of wherever I was recently. I wondered where it was going, how it was surviving with nothing green to eat. 💖

Debbie said...

that natural piece of art would work out well if you were about to fall in the drink, that's what chuck always calls it "the drink"!!

i really like the stones piled up, i wonder how it withstands the winds??

Poet Pushkar Bisht said...

Thank you Mary for your comments. I really love nature.

Himawan Sant said...

Oh look ... lots of interesting things you meet outside the house.
I also want to be able to go out of the house immediately without a pandemic.

Regards from Indonesia

Mage said...

What a greaat walk you have taken us on. Thank you.

Poet Pushkar Bisht said...

The creativity of nature is awesome and it goes on giving me a lot of surprises with its beauty and depth.

Retired Knitter said...

You just have to look! How true.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

You have a great eye and curiosity and many thanks for sharing them with us.

The Padre said...

How Cool Are These Photos - What An Outing - That Karen Rock Formation Reminds Me Of The Vancouver Olympic Logo - And That Old AMC Still Runs - Amazing

Poet Pushkar Bisht said...

Lovely Photos. I love all the photos. They are very beautiful.

May I know where you are from? Are you from Iceland?

Catarina said...

As you say, there is always something new...

baili said...

i agree that it is eye that holds the beauty ,the way we look at things shapes them for us indeed

loved walk along the way
tiny bike looked amazing near feeder i hope one day you can capture the rider
old car reminded me old english movies that were source to see such cars