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Friday, 12 June 2020

To the beach

During our recent visit to Cavendish Grove, after a picnic, my husband and I walked to the beach. A trail from the Grove to the beach runs through the trees and takes you near the Lake of Shining Waters. From there it’s a short walk to the shore.

The trail passes through an area where the trees provide a canopy and shadows dance on the path. 

In an open area of trail, 

trees are in bloom as apple and chokecherry 

display their spring beauty. Along this path, forget-me-nots appear through the woods, 

providing a gentle hint of blue through the undergrowth. Where they line the path, their tiny blue and white flowers are easy to remember.

Bees are plentiful on the apple blossoms and on the last of the dandelions before they go to seed.

Before long the sand dunes and the floating walkway on the Lake of Shining Waters lie ahead. 

From there it’s a short walk to the beach. Since we had the golden grand dog with us, we didn’t go on the beach because dogs aren’t permitted this time of year. We had a look though.

In this stage of the Covid opening, public bathrooms in the park are not open. I hope the next stage of opening rectifies this problem, otherwise park personnel will have a different concern.

We walked back to the car at the Grove and watched a Mallard and her ducklings for a few minutes before we left for home. 

It was another great visit to one of our favourite places.



DJan said...

Very beautiful and lush. I would love to walk on that floating bridge. :-)

eileeninmd said...


Looks like a fabulous walk. I love the flowers and the views. The boardwalk and floating walkway look nice, they make it easy walking. Gorgeous view of the beach. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

Boud said...

What a heavenly place. That carpet of forget-me-nots!

The Furry Gnome said...

That's a nice walk! Love the beach dunes.

Catarina said...

A great outing no doubt.

Bill said...

A wonderful walk and scenery. Love the floating walkway, very nice.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So there really IS a spot in PEI called the Lake of Shining Waters? I thought that was only in "Anne of Green Gables!"

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

The walk through the Grove looks very inviting. It must be very frustrating for a dog to see all that endless beach and not be able to have a run.

Tanza Erlambang said...

walking along the trail with beautiful views and flowers must be enjoyable.
Great shots.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Anvilcloud said...

Nice to see and reminisce about the Lake of Shining Waters.

Celia said...

The scenery there is breathtaking. I'm imagining myself standing on the floating bridge just soaking it all in.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you (so much) for taking us with you and the golden granddog.

Rhodesia said...

I do enjoy these virtual walks with you, so very different from the countryside that I walk here. Happy weekend, Diane

At Home In New Zealand said...

Forgetmenots and dancing shadows of dappled shade - I would be in heaven walking through there :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

This looks like a beautiful walk. That carpet of Forget-me-nots is stunning.

Joanne Noragon said...

What a nice walk.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The Lake of Shining Waters.. what a lovely name Marie. Really lovely walk, beautiful carpet of forget me nots 🌼🌸

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Here too parks have opened but washrooms remain closed. The logic of this eludes me.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Every picture, accompanied by your words, was lovely and the ending so sweet with Mama Mallard in control. Thanks, as usual

The Padre said...

What An Ideal Stroll - So Wonderful - Thank You


gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Truly beautiful photos and I enjoyed taking the walk with you. What a lovely park. I understand about the bathrooms, we have similar issues here.

Rose said...

Thank you for taking us along on the walk...I so wish I could do it in person.

Susan Zarzycki said...

It all looks so peaceful and quiet. Lovely.💖

Angela said...

Nature splendor!!! You had a wonderful walk! Wish I had the chance to see the ocean even from afar. Thanks to your blog I get to see lovely photos. Have a wonderful weekend Marie!

Debbie said...

such pretty images....we are in the same stage it seems. i think all of our parks are open but not the restrooms. they opened jungle gyms/playgrounds for children, then immediately closed them. the could not close the lake i visit so often, it would not really be possible to fence it in and it is not a park!!

William Kendall said...

A wonderful place for a ramble.

Tabor said...

That is such a lovely area with a broad geography to please slmost anyone.

Helen said...

The beauty of this walk has filled my heart with joy. It's a walk, added to my list, for when I get to return to visit my family.

Barbara said...

I love a walk like this. The beauty of nature makes me so happy.