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Sunday 2 June 2024

A week around here

Family commitments kept us close to home this past week, so we kept our walking to the boardwalk. I finally finished spring cleaning and we bought the mulch we needed for the garden. My husband and I hope to get the work done outside this week. In between, there may be a picnic or two.

One day, the sun poked through the clouds to illuminate the far side of the lighthouse in Bedeque Bay. Cormorants were visible along the rocks and platform there.

The warblers have returned to Prince Edward Island and we saw a few this past week. Yellow Warblers serenaded walkers 

while this Yellow-rumped Warbler collected material for its nest.

The Black Duck grabbed our attention as it noisily made its way to the salt marsh. The other soon followed.

Great Blue Herons frequent the salt marsh. It looks like they can twist their long necks in a knot.

This male Mallard is without his mate now. She is probably on a nest these days while mister argues with the Black Ducks in the salt marsh. The fine pattern on the white feathers and the fluorescent colours on his head are evidence of nature’s artistry.

Muskrats, which were absent from the marsh last summer, have returned this spring. They are welcome additions!

In the woodland along the trail, Blue Jays find peanuts left by walkers 

before the chipmunks can get to the nutty treasures. 

In the field by the trail, this American Robin draws our attention due to the feathers on the front of its upper breast. 

Could this be the start of molting?

This Red Fox, photographed from a distance, proved it has beautiful teeth.

Finally, closer to home, these two male Northern Flickers landed on a backyard fence. 

The bird on the right mimicked the movement of the bird on the left. They stayed in the area for several minutes bobbing their heads and other movements, initiated by one and repeated by the other. 

The animals make any day more interesting.


John's Island said...

Marie, Thank you for another post featuring your excellent photography. My favorites (hard to choose) include the Yellow-rumped Warbler, collecting material for its nest, the Great Blue Heron, tying its neck into a knot, and the Northern Flickers, in a dance of imitation. I love your caption comment on the Mallard, “The fine pattern on the white feathers and the fluorescent colours on his head are evidence of nature’s artistry.” The older I get, the more I’m appreciating nature’s artistry all around us. John

Anvilcloud said...

I don't know yellow warblers at all, but someone in my fb group posted several pics just today.

Buttercup said...

Wonderful photographs! Thanks so much for sharing.

MARY G said...

And every photo you post is interesting and often tell stories. I love the heron the most, but each one is a classic over which I linger.

Bill said...

Beautifully captured photos, Marie. Well done!

At Home In New Zealand said...

Love seeing the wildlife in your area. Apart from the mallard ducks (and maybe the heron), we don't have any of those creatures here, so it is so interesting to see them :)

photowannabe said...

Your bird photos are fabulous. I love the flickers and the coloring of the Mallard.
Wow on the muskrat one too..well...they are all great.
Enjoy this week.

Red said...

The dance the flickers put on is beautiful. You're fortunate to see it.

Maebeme said...

Wow, what a wonderful series of photos you've shared. The colors of the birds are so lovely, especially the yellow warblers and blue jay. I get such enjoyment seeing the wee chipmunk and hope it stays far away from the teeth of the fox!
What an interesting dance you saw between the flickers too.

Pam said... post sure is packed with animals today...nice

Rose said...

I sure agree that animals make the day interesting. It is always so exciting to see things....and even just to watch what we see every day.

Catarina said...

You really live in a beautiful part of this magnificent country of ours.

I had never seen those birds with such a gorgeous plumage. Had to research. They are called Northern Flickers, aren't they?

Marie Smith said...


Those birds are Northern Flickers. They are woodpeckers that eat ants and beetles off the ground. Their call is easily identifiable in our neighbourhood.


Debbie said...

nature and its creatures are a wonder to all!! every one of your images are incredibly spectacular!! i always enjoy reading the words that accompany your pictures and usually have a favorite image, but today, i did not!! the warblers are gorgeous, they are gone from here but i am happy they are spending time with you...i thought the yellow rumped warbler grew whiskers from nj to the island. your herons are lovely...all of these are so crisp and clear and in perfect focus!! the fox and the flickers, probably my favorites, if i HAD to pick 2!! awesome post marie, worth waiting for!!

Granny Sue said...

Such great photos! The fox is a beauty. We have them but rarely see them as they stay in the deep woods around us. Love that great blue heron twisting his neck too. Funny!

tz_garden said...

These are fantastic, the warblers are so cute. The fox looks like he's laughing!

margi said...

It's so exciting to see all these animals close to your home! Your island is a wonderful place to live.

Debbie Nolan said...

I am just amazed Marie of how many of the same birds we share. The flickers, the blue jay, the robin, heron and warblers visit us as well. I am always blessed to see your lovely photos. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

DUTA said...

The wildlife in your pictures, make me smile with delight. The various animals are attractive , and even funny!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad to read that you were both able to make time for a walk and picnic too, Marie. The boardwalk was a wonderful walking place that you introduced us to during out too short visit.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You certainly were able to get pics of so many of the returning creatures. I've never seen Muskrats before. What a treat!

Helen said...

You capture your wonderful creatures beautifully, Marie. The spots on the Northern Flicker are quite stunning.

baili said...

oh Marie this is an outstanding post because of these stunning feathery beauties you shared here :)))

i loved the all lovely birds ,i wonder how one feels to have them so lose wow
i miss those days when i was fortunate them looking from close during winter season as quite a variety of birds would appear in our town meanwhile

thank you sooo much for incredible shots !

glad your garden cleaning is done ,happy planting in days ahead my friend!

the fox can scare with her such pose lol
the squirrel is so CUTE !
the two prettier birds on the fence look so amazing
enjoy your beautiful season dear Marie

eileeninmd said...

Love the lighthouse and all the beautiful birds.
You saw a great variety of birds and the critters.
The fox is pretty, cute capture of the muskrat and the chipmunk.
The Flickers are my favorite.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my friend! I am in awe of your photography skills!!!! I love all your photos, but as you may know, I am partial to the bird! I love the little yellow bird. Just so happy! Thank you for sharing your gift with us!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

You captured such beautiful wildlife in your photos! I love how birds are so colorful! Have a wonderful weekend!

Stewart M said...

Great set of pictures - I really like the Bluejay and the Flickers.

I have a bit of a soft spot for woodpeckers of any kind.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great nature show here, Marie. It’s always great when the warblers return. Enjoy every moment of them.

Liz Hinds said...

Such beautiful creatures! That heron is a contortionist.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I love the photo of the warbler. I have not seen one of those in person before. I admire your ability to see such birds firsthand.

Danielle L Zecher said...

I love all the animal pictures, but the chipmunk is my absolute favorite.