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Sunday 23 June 2024

Land and sea

On a lupin quest this past week, early one day ahead of the smothering humidity, we headed around Bedeque Bay towards the Indian Head Lighthouse on the shore opposite Summerside. As we neared the south side of the bay, a Great Blue Heron flew across the road about five meters ahead and above the road. Such a sighting was a great start to the day.

Along the way, fishers and farmers were busy. In the bay, on the south side of Holman Island, oyster fishers grasped the shellfish between the teeth of the tongs they held over the side of the boat. 

On land, the first cut of hay was underway in one field but cows nearby weren’t ready for breakfast.

In another field, an elderly farmer used an old tractor in his field near the road. I missed that photo and on our way back, he had stopped the antique and left it in the field. Tractor without farmer isn’t quite the same.

However, lupins lined the red dirt road near the lighthouse. 

Our first look at the breakwater was one of surprise. Had the breakwater been damaged by storms, removing some of the huge rocks along its length? 

After the requisite lighthouse shots, I walked out the road to see the lupins. The sight of the blooms in this seaside setting, though high above the waterline, is a favourite of mine.

The pinks, blues and purples, the mixes of colour along with an occasional white, always make me smile. 

Overhead, Bank Swallows flew their usual erratic way catching insects. They are an important part of the aesthetic of this place.

Islands by their very nature are linked to both land and sea. Earlier in human history the sea was our only means of transportation to and from an island. The sea also provides food as does the land of course. The vistas before me on Prince Edward Island are a combination of land and sea which I have known all my life on my island homes.

I wouldn’t want it any other way.


Boud said...

I love lupins. I don't think I've ever seen them at the shore though, so this was a new combo to me.

Pam said...

How nice. I love the shot of the tractor and the boat. That is a nice shot. What an awsome place to walk and see the sites.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your photo of the old tractor with the dry-docked boat behind it perfectly captures the "land and sea" motif! And I love lupins -- such beautiful flowers. To me, they automatically say "the Maritimes."

aurora said...

Yay for Lupines! For years, I tried unsuccessfully to get them to grow at our old home. Now that I am in sand country, a couple native lilac Lupine have taken in my butterfly garden!! You have all the beautiful colors, combined with water backdrop.

Those tongs are so long! I imagine it takes skill to operate them.

I can see why you favor these unique (to me) views! Thanks so much for sharing.

Debbie said...

such pretty images today marie, i quite like the tractor unoccupied. "smothering humidity" is such a great way to describe that feeling we all have at times during the summer. the lupins are beautiful, they are the perfect color for me!!

Anvilcloud said...

Am I permitted to be jealous of the lupines? That pic by the road was to-die-for.

John's Island said...

I share your love of lupin and can 100% agree with, “The sight of the blooms in this seaside setting, though high above the waterline, is a favourite of mine.” 😊 I do wonder what happened to the breakwater. It seems incredible that those heavy rocks could be moved by water, but the truth is, I probably don’t realize the incredible force of storm waves. Thanks for another excellent post! John

Bill said...

The photos are absolutely beautiful. I do like the photo of the old tractor and boat. Yes, having the man on his tractor would have been nice, but I like what you got, it's a beauty. Island living and exploring through your eyes is always a pleasure. Have a fantastic day and week.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Beautiful! Love that old Farmall. We have been craving mussels lately, but I am sure we won't find any as good as PEI ones!

photowannabe said...

Oh Marie, those lupins are just gorgeous. I love the variety of colors and how they line the red roadway.
The antique tractor is wonderful but the old farmer would have made it even more special.
Love the cows snoozing in the lush field.
I wish I could go on that walk with you. Its so lovely.

Maebeme said...

You do live in one of the most scenic places in Canada.

I learned to drive on an old red tractor - I think it was a Massey Ferguson but don't quote me on that. I was about 10 and Dad let me drive it around the farm yard, definitely NOT on the roads. Eventually I was permitted to drive it down to the slough, on the gravel road about an 1/8 of a mile from the house with the stone boat behind. We hauled water from the slough before Dad had the dugout built. Isn't it interesting how a photo will bring back so many memories.

Thanks for sharing the photos of the lupins. I'd love to grow some here.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Lupins growing in the wild are really beautiful, aren't they? The old tractor reminded me of my childhood and watching my father using it on the farm. Happy memories :)

Stanisław Kucharzyk said...

As always, wonderful photos. I was intrigued by the photo of a tractor mowing a meadow with the bay in the background (second from the bottom). The coastal grasses (sedges?) look like they are of little value as cattle feed. Or maybe I am wrong and they make good hay?

Elephant's Child said...

Lupins are a cherished garden plant here. How I would love to see them in the wild - and they would certainly make me smile.
That looks like an excellent outing - thank you for sharing some of the highlights.

Marie Smith said...


The field which is being cut in the photo was ploughed and seeded in the early spring and cut last week. It will make an early crop of hay after drying.


Billie Jo said...

My goodness! How absolutely beautiful! I love each picture and am thankful you provided information along with each one. Your world is beautiful!

Red said...

I going to have to check if we have lupins here. that's a great flower bed.

eileeninmd said...

You live in a beautiful place. I love the cows resting, the water views, the fishing boats and birds. The Lupines are just gorgeous, what a lovely flower. So many pretty colors. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead!

Helen said...

So much to love in this post, Marie. So many treasured memories rekindled. Oh, and the joy of seeing these beautiful lupins! The tide appears extremely high. I wonder if that relates to the full moon.
I hope the smothering humidity is not repeated too often.

baili said...

never saw such delightful display of Lupins before dear Marie
many big thanks for spectacular show of lupins by the sea :)
the all settings for shots you tried created more beauty of flower against the sky and water wow

the heroin flight sounds splendid

they cows sitting idlily make hearts comfy and cheerful for some reason may be nostalgia :)
thanks for lovely tour once again
hugs and blessings

DJan said...

So pretty! I love those flowers every summer, and your other pictures took me right along with you on your travels. Thank you!


Exploring these coastal areas and observing the activities of fishers and farmers amidst the natural beauty of Prince Edward Island sounds like a perfect way to spend a day, especially before the humidity sets in. Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your lupin quest and the vibrant life along Bedeque Bay!

Granny Sue said...

Oh my, what a sight! I tried lupins last year; they came back but they're struggling. To see them en masses in the wild? Incredible.

margi said...

Lupins are gorgeous. I love them. Beautiful post!

Rose said...

Oh, Marie! You have such fantastic photos here. I would have loved to be there. Love that old Farmall.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Lupins only grow as garden flowers around here so it's rather wonderful to see them freely roaming the countryside. That tractor looks as though the farmer is determined to get the last drop of usefulness out of it. Around here it seems that our farmers need little excuse to buy a new tractor.

Catarina said...

Lupins in abundance. They really beautify the landscape.
I remember those red dirt roads... and how cold the ocean water was. : )

Danielle L Zecher said...

I can see why you love the lupins. They're absolutely gorgeous! I don't think we have them here. They look almost like a cross between snapdragons and gladiolas. So pretty!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Marie, I am sorry that we missed seeing the colorful lupines when we visited, but thanks for sharing these beauties here. That boat in the yard looks very much like one we saw in Victoria by the Sea.

Barwitzki said...

Beautiful photos...thank you.
I love and appreciate the work of farmers.
We also grow lupinias on field edges and paths. I really like her.
Combined with your coastal landscape, they look phenomenal.
I'm very happy with your photos. Thanks.
Nice greetings to you from Viola.

Debbie Nolan said...

Marie I can imagine why you would not want life any other way. Your photos fill my mind with just imagining the sea - the island and the smell of the water and all the teeming life it holds. Your lupines are absolutely gorgeous and I can see why they would make you smile. They did me! Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs!

DUTA said...

Farmers and fishermen being busy, it's the multi-colored lupins that attract our attention and delight us with their sight.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I have never seen lupins before, Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos of them. I love all the pretty colors. So interesting that they grow near the sea. It was fun to see some cows in your pics today!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Not sure if my first comment went through.
I have never seen lupins before but they sure are colorful and pretty. Thanks for sharing this great photos. The cows brought a smile to my face because I didn't expect to see them . Usually we see birds on your posts! Have a great week.

tz_garden said...

I love lupins, how fantastic to see such a crowd of them!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, those lupins are beautiful! I like the old rusty tractor too, with the boat in the background.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The lupines are gorgeous with the sea in the background.
Beautiful pictures. It is nice to see boats out on the water again.

Ash said...

Ahhh I love cows so much!
These photos are beautiful!

Ash @ Essentially Ash
Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Those storms have really left their mark, Marie.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

More gorgeous lupines! I really love them. Your photo is so pretty. I can easily see it on a note card.

Liz Hinds said...

Yay! I love to see your lupins. That tractor, even farmerless, is still impressive.
here we 'believe' that if cows are sitting down it's going to rain; is it the same on PEI?

Barbara said...

The Lupins are beautiful. Mother Nature picks the most beautiful colors for flowers.