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Sunday 25 August 2024

A busy week in August

It was a busy week. Besides our walks along the boardwalk, time with family and friends this past week has kept us busy. It included time on one of the most beautiful beaches on the island, at Thunder Cove on the north shore. It ended with a sleepover for the grandchildren, always fun, though exhausting.

There are certain expectations with a walk along the boardwalk, depending on the time of year. The Great Blue Herons which summer on Prince Edward Island are often visible in Bedeque Bay. 

The bands of colour and texture at low tide on a sunny day in the bay make us stop to take in the scene as one of the large birds feeds in the tidal pools.

By late August, shorebird migration has begun and some of the birds stop in the bay on their way south. Yellowlegs are common visitors and this one was alerting the animals to the predator sitting on the bank of the stream.

I managed a photo of the Red Fox running into the bulrushes. It was a few minutes before the bird stopped its alert!

Another day, sailboats were out on the bay as they often are but sails were furled. The wind was high that day.

At Thunder Cove, fun at the beach was the order of the day. The expanse of shoreline is a great place for sand castles, lying in the sun, a walk

or a frisbee. 

The local colony of gulls was watchful for morsels of food and were entertaining, as usual, as they explored areas vacated by beachgoers.

At sunset, the beach took on a glow in the diminished light. 

As the sun settled lower, the approaching night has a look of its own.

We headed back over the dune path, looked back at the peaceful scene and were thankful for our good fortune to live in this time and place.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Beautiful fox!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I would imagine that the fox is one of the main predators to many of the birds there. What else would be a predators to them, eagles perhaps?

baili said...

I hold my breath when look at your mesmerizing shots dear Marie!!!
I smile spontaneously when read your beautiful phrases ♥️
Everything is so magical at this time of the year on your island 😍 thanks for sharing so beautifully

DJan said...

You are indeed fortunate to live in such a beautiful place, and I am fortunate to be able to visit it virtually through your magnificent pictures.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Prince Edward Island at its very best, Marie. Makes me wish I was there.

Rose said...

I so love the fox. You do live in a beautiful area...your photo shows us what we are missing.

Bill said...

Your photos shows all the beauty that surrounds you. Thank you!!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful time at the beach! Love your sand dune photo, it is so summer.

Pam said...

that last shot is one that needs to be framed and hung in a beachy bathroom.....Love herons! My brother calls them Pterodactyls!! Every time I see one, that is the word that pops in my head. HAHA.....what a pretty little fox.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos from your outings. Spending time with the family is the best. Love the heron, the Yellowlegs, the fox and the gulls.
Pretty scene with the dunes. The sunset is lovely. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

You are so blessed to live in such a lovely area! The beach looks like such a wonderful place to stroll and to enjoy! Such pretty birds and the fox is such a lovely color!

photowannabe said...

What a magical day for all of you. Love the escaping fox you captured.
Wish I was there to walk too.
Glad you could have a nice time with the grandkids and now to rest a bit...(:0)

Granny Sue said...

Oh, so beautiful. You are indeed lucky! But even better, you appreciate it.
The fox is stunning. And the shot of the heron on the beach, I could gaze at that all day.

Sandi said...

Beautiful photos!

Debbie said...

your images are glorious, each and every one!! i think they are all my favorite!! on this day you received so many great photo opportunities!! i LOVE the heron and the last 2...and i am sure that sleep over was exhausting, but the best part of the day!! take care of yourself marie, you have a great eye when taking pictures!!

Elephant's Child said...

Beautiful photos - of a beautiful, beautiful place. Loved the fox and the birds and the sand and the water...

Anvilcloud said...

It's always nice to see and read about your beautiful island. I was only there for a few days once upon a time, but I really liked what I saw.

Red said...

Enjoy your time on the beach. Keep on walking and picking up great photos.

Maebeme said...

You do manage to capture the beauty of your province in every post. Love the red color of the sand!
The fox, though, oh my what a great shot. I've no doubt the shore bird was keeping an eye out.

Joanne Noragon said...

Happy people, contented birds, fox, no.

Sherry's Pickings said...

I love all the bird photos being a twitcher myself :)

Lorrie said...

Beautiful images, Marie. I love the one with the heron and the bands of colour. And that fox! Glad you've had a good week with family.

At Home In New Zealand said...

It is certainly a blessing to be able to enjoy so much of the beauty that Nature has to offer. I really love your fox photo :)

John's Island said...

Marie, I thoroughly enjoyed your story of a day at Thunder Cove. The photo of Yellowlegs perfectly confirms its given name. Great capture of the Red Fox. Your very last sentence is a perfect closing. Thanks, as always, for sharing! John

peppylady (Dora) said...

I should try harder to get some bird photos.

DUTA said...

The birds (heron, yellowlegs, gulls) provide a lovely scenery, which includes the beautifully colored sky, water, and beach!

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah yes you are so grateful to live in this time and place. Your pictures speak louder than words. Beautiful - beautiful - beautiful. Thanks for sharing your day. Hugs!

Stewart M said...

That fox has a magnificent tail! Nice to see one where it really belongs for a change.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Helen said...

Marie your photos have most certainly captured the joy of summer and time on the beach with your precious Grandchildren. I always enjoy images of the boardwalk, especially as I can picture where you are the beauty that thrills you.

tz_garden said...

What a lovely place to live, great shot of that beautiful fox!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful♡ you live in a beautiful place and you appreciate it so much. Lovely pictures as always.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

It's always fun but as you say exhausting to spend time with the grandkids. Your photos really capture the blue of the water and what a beautiful fox.


It sounds like you had a wonderfully diverse and fulfilling week, from relaxing boardwalk walks and beach fun to quality time with family. The description of the wildlife and scenery, especially the Great Blue Herons and the Red Fox, paints a vivid picture of the natural beauty you experienced. It must have been a delight to capture those moments and enjoy the vibrant life around Thunder Cove.

I’m excited to share my latest blog post with you! I’d love for you to give it a read and share your thoughts. Thank you:

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

What a gorgeous tail on that fox. Beautiful animal.

HWIT BLOGG said...

So beautiful! I love every picture! You can really catch the moment in life :)
Hug Titti

The Happy Whisk said...

I love that you snapped a fox. What fun adventures.

Catarina said...

A lovely day. A lovely place.
I miss the beach!!
Thank you, once again, for sharing with us the serenity that Nature is able to provide. : )

Chris said...

Such beautiful photos, you're very talented with a camera..

Barbara said...

Those yellow legs are amazing. Nobody does it like Mother Nature. I would love to be at the seaside with the wet sand between my toes.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Marie, thanks for sharing some lovely end of summer photos at the beach. We always enjoyed the beach areas even more when the summer crowds had gone. Nice to see the yellow legs and glad the fox left empty-handed.