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Sunday 11 August 2024

August’s bounty

The golden grand-dog, Daisy, adapted to life with seniors as we became her caretakers for the past ten days. Less than a year old, the pup has so much energy whereas we don’t. However she adapted and so did we.

The Confederation Trail was our go-to site instead of the beach some days and Daisy’s delight in the trail was obvious when we let her run free. 

We always put her back on lead if walkers or bikers happened by. The dog’s freedom on that trail was a glory to behold. She jumped and moved as if she was dancing.

We frequented a section on the trail I have come to call The Orchard since it is lined with apple trees on both sides. 

It is not unusual to see apple trees along the Confederation Trail, but the number of such trees along both sides of that section of trail in neighbouring Miscouche, is exceptional.

Not to be outdone by the apple trees, Mountain Ash trees are common there as well. The berries, which Newfoundlanders like ourselves call dogberries, are ripening now and are abundant. 

Old wives tales have it that abundant dogberries mean a harsh winter. Oh well, it gives us more reason to enjoy this month.

There is a barn in the area and occasionally we saw a horse there. The horse preferred the shade most days.

Along the roadways and the trails now, Queen Anne’s Lace or Wild Carrot is in its prime and the gardener who planted these wild blooms did a great job with this bed near the parking area by the trail.

Thistles have gone to seed and fluff is blowing around in the summer breeze. Goldenrod is in its prime too.

Sometimes the smallest things stand out in a large open space. We’ve noticed individual filaments hanging from the trees in some areas. Once a row of caterpillars hung on one such filament. They floated in the breeze as they clung to the filament. It was a surprise to see them hanging over the trail.

Meanwhile we are eating produce from our garden. Green beans, tomatoes, kale, cucumbers, green peppers, basil and garlic all grew well and we’re enjoying nature’s bounty. The vegetables go from the garden to the plate in a matter of minutes and are so tasty. 

August is sharing her bounty with us in so many ways.


DJan said...

I love to see a happy dog, and Daisy sure is one! Thanks for all the summer pictures, just gorgeous.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I didn't know that dogberries is another name for mountain ash berries!

Rose said...

You sure have some lovely places to walk. It is so good Daisy has a place she can run.

How cool to have those apples growing along the trail...are you allowed to pick them when they are ripe? The ones look like they could be Granny Smith but I would think it is too far north for them.

Bill said...

Daisy is so happy running free. Nice capture of her running, it's a beauty.

Boud said...

So that's where Dogberry in Shakespeare got his name! I learned something.

Anvilcloud said...

August is usually a pretty good month, especially after the biters subside.

Debbie said...

awww daisy is such a sweet puppy, you can certainly see the enjoyment on her face as she bounces around on the trail. that sure is one beautiful horse and an interesting story about the caterpillars. the queen anne's lace is beautiful!!

Breathtaking said...

Hello :)
Daisy is enjoying being off lead and It's a joy to see, and it's reminiscent of my own dear departed Melanie who loved the freedom of being off lead on the dirt paths we hiked. What an unusual sighting of the caterpillars. but they do seem to be easy pickings for the birds. Home grown products are the best, and we are also enjoying fruit and vegetables from the farm
Have a good week

photowannabe said...

Ummm yum on the fresh bounty from your garden. Things always taste better that way.
I am amazed by the filament of hanging white caterpillars. will they be moths or butterflies?
That Granddogger of yours is so sweet. I love the pure joy you captured with him jumping and dancing down the lane.

Marie Smith said...

Rose, people are free to pick the apples. We tried a few over the years but some were wormy.

The Happy Whisk said...

OMG. What a cute pup!!! Love to see the apples. Never saw dogberries before. How cool is that! Cheers, Ivy.

baili said...

Marvelous images!!!
Congratulations for the adoption of such majestic and adorable pe 😍
She is joy!
It's an undefinable pleasure to eat selfgrown vegetables from own garden:)
The flowers and berries are delight indeed ♥️
I can only imagine how summer fill up your world with excitement and happiness

Debbie said...

i was wondering about those apples and forgot to ask!! if i have more than one thing on my mind...well, you probably know!!

At Home In New Zealand said...

Oh Marie, you make me long for summer with your joyful photos and words. Hugz, Mxx

Elephant's Child said...

Beautiful. Thank you.

Barwitzki said...

This is the best - fresh from the garden to your plate... it's so good.
August is wonderful with its fruits and beautiful nature.
Much joy to you. Your sweet dog is a treasure.

Helen said...

Such a special time of year if only it wasn't so humid. I can't wait to be walking the Confederation Trail in her autumn beauty.
Daisy is a Grand dog! You will miss her company if not her energy.

Hena Tayeb said...

Daisy is beautiful. Love those apples trees.. you tooks some lovely photos.

Red said...

I like vegetable gardening as the food goes from the dirt to the plate. Great flavor.

MFH said...


Perhaps by now everyone knows, but by tapping/clicking the "View Web Version" at the very bottom of your post, your images can be enlarged with spreading fingers. The photo of the caterpillars becomes astounding!

Sherry's Pickings said...

so many glorious photos! Love Daisy looking so happy! and those caterpillars are delightful. Very happy scenes.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh those caterpillars! And Daisy of course. Happiness is hairy.

tz_garden said...

Oh, Daisy is one happy cute doggy! She brought a smile to my face.

Kezzie said...

These are so beautiful! She is such an attractive dog. I loved seeing the Queen Anne's lace too!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Looks like plenty of apple on tree.

Toni said...

Happy dog and Queen Anne's lace! Doesn't get much better.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Lots of berries on those Mountain Ash trees perhaps means that you’ll have an influx of waxwings this winter. Keep your eyes peeled!

eileeninmd said...

I love seeing Daisy's face while she is out walking with you, pure joy. The apples and berries are looking great. I love the Queen Anne's Lace. Take care, enjoy your day!

Stewart M said...

Apple pie as an after walk treat? I love collecting way-side fruit.
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Oh how lovely to enjoy the walk with your grandpup! What a sight to see the apples growing, and the "dogberries". Summer's bounty has been wonderful! Nothing like fresh produce this time of year! Enjoy every minute!

Maebeme said...

The line of caterpillars is intriguing! Daisy is adorable and I love how happy she appears.
Everything is so lush and green and so lovely along the trail. The apples look tempting too.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I'll bet Daisy is thrilled to be with her grandparents and going on so many outdoor adventures. I like dogs, but do get nervous when dogs are running loose on my walks. Such beautiful fruit trees and colorful dogberries.

margi said...

Daisy looks so happy! Glad to hear your vegetable garden is doing well.

Diane said...

Daisy is beautiful and she looks such a happy dog. I am sure being so young she is energetic :-) I hope all is well, sorry I have been so slow this year, buying the adjoining property as kept us more than busy with restoration! Cheer Diane

Pam said...

Hey Marie, not sure what the issue is with you being able to see my blog. I had that happen once with Brains Home Blog and I had to go a round about way to view it....but that was cause I had a virus on my computer and it only affected his blog. Once I had that fixed, all was ok. Never heard of dogberries. That is cool and the horse looks like my old babe, Misfire.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

We have had a Golden, and I do not know if I would have the energy for a year old one right now. I could certainly do a few days like you are, but not as a fulltime pet. Love that caterpillar picture!


What a delightful reflection on your time with Daisy and the beauty of August's bounty! The vivid description of the Confederation Trail and your garden's harvest truly captures the essence of summer. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead! Check out my new style post:

Debbie Nolan said...

What a beautiful dog Marie. Daisy I am certain is just as sweet as she looks. Enjoyed seeing the apples and mountain ash blooming. That orange color is beautiful. Sounds like all your hard work in the garden is paying off. It is always such a pleasure to eat the things we work to grow. Hope you are having a great day. Hugs!

Chris said...

What a beautiful dog and looked as though he was full of energy too... lovely place to walk and the wild carrot is gorgeous.