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Sunday 4 August 2024

Along the way in August

It feels like it’s been hot and humid forever…weeks anyway. We may have some relief from the humidity later this week. We live in hope!

The golden grand-dog, Daisy, has returned for an extended visit this time and we are challenged to help her use some of her surplus energy every day, despite the heat. One solution has been the beach at Mont Carmel, in the Acadian region of Prince Edward Island, or as the French say, Île-du-Prince-Édouard, IPE.

The Acadian colours are red, white and blue, like the French flag but with the addition of the gold star on the blue.

Along the shoreline, cottages and an area for travel trailers mean there may be a few people on the beach. At various times we saw a kayaker, a paddle boarder, a few swimmers, people fishing for bass and a man in a sailing dinghy.

The sun appeared to highlight the dinghy as it headed out from the shore. 

Before long, it was sailing parallel to the shore. Then it went over. We watched with apprehension for 30 seconds or so,

but then the sailor appeared, stood in the water beside the dinghy, preparing to set it upright and board it. Before long he was sailing again.

I tried to photograph a gull near the dinghy then turned to photograph the dinghy again. The photo below is the result, an accidental capture I assure you. The bird is close to the mast but not on it. I couldn’t have staged it better.

Meanwhile, while we were watching the dinghy, my husband has Daisy chasing a ball from a Chuck-it stick. It makes the ball go farther and is easier on our old arms. She never tires of chasing that ball.

Nearby, gulls hang out along the stretch of beach and move around to various spots as the beach goers happen by. 

At the eastern point on the beach, one can see the Confederation Bridge in the far distance, over 80 kilometres away by road.

Near one cottage, a bird house behind the Marram grass catches the eye 

as do the colourful whirligigs at the base of some flag poles near another.

A stream empties into the Northumberland Strait and the bridge along the road near the beach is looking its age.

By the parking lot, someone reminded everyone to “Smile.” However, we never need such a reminder along this beach.

Finally this week, Cabbage White butterflies are everywhere now and numerous. On our way to the beach, they were noticeable along both sides of the road, flitting about as we drove by. They love the Marram Grass along the beach too.

Yesterday morning, we took Daisy for a walk along the Confederation Trail, when there was a breeze and it was overcast. We parked beside a potato field which had a muddy entrance which attracted the Cabbage Whites. While we see these butterflies everywhere, we have never seen them congregated as they were yesterday. The photo shows one group of several and dozens were flying around too.

Nature always shares something interesting.


Boud said...

Lovely virtual walk. I've never seen clusters of any kind of butterfly. We get them in ones usually. Not many this year, maybe the cold wet spring did that.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That capture of the seagull on top of that mast is incredible! You are right, you could not have done that if you tried.

Anvilcloud said...

The gulls by the beach 👌

Debbie said...

your images are lovely today, a little peek into life on the island!! i always enjoy nature but the "whirligigs" were so colorful and eye catching!! the butterflies really stole the show, wow, i have never seen them cluster like that!!

Maebeme said...

Great photos! Lucky Daisy to have someone willing to toss the ball for her to chase, especially in such lovely areas.
It amazes me the bridge can be seen from so far away. I have fond memories of driving across it many years ago.

Granny Sue said...

Oh my, you do have your work cut out for you with Daisy. Our 2 young dogs can be exhausting, but at we live where they can be outside and run all they want. Otherwise I do not think I could handle them.
The grass is so lovely. I like thstbyou named it. Grasses are often overlooked, I think, but I find them as interesting as flowers, with their unique gloves, colors, and flowering.
Lovely post, Marie. Thank you for sharing.

Celia said...

You have such a good eye to capture the scenes around you. I especially love the bird house in the grass. We have heat here, 100+ but not humidity. I try to find gratitude for that small thing but some your photos.

photowannabe said...

Oh thank you for the delightful walk along your shores. Every photo is lovely and the gull "on" the mast is perfect. What timing!
Love all the Cabbage Whites too, quite a parade on the red clay.
I can see how your Granddogger could wear you out but she sure is a cutie. Keep you two Young though.

Rose said...

I bet that Grand-dog can keep you busy! I think I would want to be out all the time if I lived in your area!

Bill said...

Life on the island is always a pleasure to see. Wonderful photos and a great tour.

Elephant's Child said...

That accidental capture is brilliant but I really, really enjoyed the whole post. Thank you.

peppylady (Dora) said...

To me the water looks cold.

At Home In New Zealand said...

You have a great eye for taking stunning photos, Marie. And don't you just love those happy 'accidents'? :)

Red said...

Nature shares but we have to be out there with our eyes open.

Joanne Noragon said...

A great jaunt and great photos.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful, Marie. I am so missing summer on the island, if not the heat!

Anonymous said...


DJan said...

Thank you for the wonderful pictures of all the beauty in your corner of the world, Marie. Just beautiful!

Debbie Nolan said...

Wow Marie you certainly did a great capture with the sea gull and the sail boat. Daisy certainly looks so she is a lot of fun. We have some of those cabbage whites also - they enjoy our clover that grows wild in the meadows. Well take care and enjoy your day...hope your weather begins to cool down so you can spend more time outdoors.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovely pictures. Daisy must be thrilled to be visiting. The sailboat and gull photo is really neat! Good capture.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I always enjoy your outings. Your photos are incredible. I love the photo of the large dark cliff with the bridge in the background and the Cabbage Whites- we don't usually see them around here. The weather has been HOT here too.. Been a HOT summer

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I suspect that there was some essential mineral those Cabbage Whites were exploiting, Marie. I was happy to see you feature the Acadian part of PEI. It’s part of the fond memories we have of our visits to the Island. As we get into September I suspect that hot, humid weather will fade into memory. Best wishes to you and Rick.

margi said...

Lovely walk! Sometimes I would need such a reminder on my desk at work.

John's Island said...

Marie, Looking at your photo of the gull above the dinghy mast made me smile and think about two philosophies of life: 1. Everything is random. 2. Everything is part of a grand plan. To me, the image seems evidence of #2. 😊 Thanks for sharing Along the way in August. John


It sounds like you’ve been making the most of the hot and humid weather with some wonderful beach outings and outdoor adventures. Daisy must be loving all the activity, and it’s great to hear you’re finding interesting moments, like the accidental bird-on-dinghy photo and the Cabbage White butterflies.

I just posted a new blog post, I invite you to read, Thank you.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Marie :)
Your photos are lovely as usual. and your observations acute. I have never heard of or seen a chucking stick before, nor have I seen such a large cluster of butterflies.Thank you for sharing the sea views and the sail boat with seagull ,great accidental capture. :)

Liz Hinds said...

I've never seen such a lot of cabbage whites together either.
Great capture with the gull and the yacht. It must be difficult finding the best time to walk Daisy but wonderful to be able to do so on empty beaches.

eileeninmd said...

What a great series of photos. Love the scenic views of the water, your cute grand-dog Daisy. Great capture of the Cabbage Whites!
Take care, have a great day!

Lorrie said...

We learned so much Acadian history when we visited eastern Canada last summer. They don't teach much of it here in the west.
What a great capture of the gull and the sailboat. Isn't it fun when those things just happen?

Pam said...

Love the butterflies and enjoyed the walk about with you

acorn hollow said...

You take the loveliest pictures I am always so happy to visit here. That dog is funny just waiting for that ball to go in the air again.
Great picture of the sailboat and gull.
We have been hot but it finally broke. Not sure if you are going to get much of the hurricane Debby leftovers. Be are getting mostly just chilly rain from it today.

DUTA said...

Humidity is worse than heat!
-Lovely tree-colored bench waiting for people to rest on it!
Beautiful sight of the congregated white cabbage butterflies!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful photos. It's got to be a challenge to right that dinghy with its large sail. Photo #8 looks like a person in profile, with bushes for hair and a prominent nose!

The Furry Gnome said...

Dog-sitting an energetic dog is a real challenge! We always have a cabbage white or two within sight, but Never that many!

Catarina said...

And you always share something interesting with us. : )

baili said...

Master piece images specially one of caterpillars in previous post and here white butterflies Wow
Loved gulls
Bird on the sail boat flag is awesome 😊
Life andjoy everywhere:)))

Sherry's Pickings said...

Fab photo of Daisy and of that gull above the boat!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Even though unplanned and not exactly as shown, the seagull and masts shot was a great accident, Marie. I have never seen so many cabbage whites in one place.