The snow is melting and the temperature was above zero for a few days this past week. Even though the wind has been high, it feels like spring and we have a spring in our steps. My husband and I hope to have our first picnic later this month.
The ice in the Northumberland Strait has broken up and in places blue water is a welcome sight after a winter of white.
The ice in Bedeque Bay is breaking up slowly. We need a strong northerly wind to take the ice out into the Strait.
The ice conditions prompted public warnings to stay off the ice surrounding the island. However, this fat bike rider had everyone who saw him nervous and prepared to call 911 if he broke through the ice yesterday.
A male Downey Woodpecker caught my attention over several days last week. The splash of red adds to the beauty of the industrious little bird.
One day last week, we walked the boardwalk after a visit to the head of the bay and the mouth of the Wilmot River. There, pans of ice came into the river with the tide as the ice broke up in the head of the bay.
Canada Geese which flew south last fall have returned although some stay around the island all year now. The honkers are a welcome sight and sound overhead again. They herald the start of spring every year.
Also at the head of the bay, American Wigeons, not usual residents of the area, float through the open water, enjoying the sun.
Black Ducks, which may be some of the part time residents of the salt marsh further along the coastline, look at home here near the river too.
Nature continues to provide solace and joy in these troubled times.
Questo è un bellissimo post.Grazie per le foto.Buon pomeriggio.
Nature always carries on, even in a crazy world.
Your pictures do show the beginning of spring. Love the blue water showing through the ice!
Woohoo! I bet you are excited to have a little warmer weather and the hope of spring. Those widgeon are so beautiful!
Ah Marie it seems that you are enjoying the promise of spring too. I hope you and hubby get to have that picnic soon. Our Canada geese have returned and they are busy getting prepared to raise their youngsters. This time of the year is always so welcome after a long winter. Take care and have a blessed week. Hugs!
Suddenly, we are changing apace here as well. The slow warmth was abetted by a prodigious rainfall.
I didn't stop to think how the ice breakup would be such a big sign of spring for you, but of course I recognize that now that I've turned my little grey cells on.
I love seeing the harbingers of Spring in your area. Beautiful photos of the ice melts.
Joy and Peace are needed always.
Nature is following her schedule.
A wonderful blog with lots of beautiful nature – I really enjoyed it! 🌿✨ Except for those scary cyclists… pretty dangerous! 😅🚴♂️
Beautiful photos of the beginning of spring on PEI. The cyclist was really taking a risk! Nature is a grand solace in these days.
I see your photos and I feel who are we to complain about winter.. you are experiencing true cold.
I never get tired of watching all the spring activities. It's interesting how your ice goes in and out with the tide.
I rode one of those fat bike tires before. It was interesting experience.
Great sheets of ice! The second photo is cool!! No pun intended. Can't say I've ever seen a bike on ice (in person). It won't be long now for sparkling water as far as the eye can see.
I don't know if I'd be intrepid enough to ride a bike on ice - despite the thickness!
Good to see your winter is finally receding :)
It's a wonderful feeling when spring is in the air. Hope it comes soon and things warm up even more.
I hope the onlookers didn't have to dial 911. That's a very good description of Nature.
Marie, I enjoyed this post and especially your closing line, "Nature continues to provide solace and joy in these troubled times." So true. Thanks for sharing. John
Glad he didn't fall through. People be crazy.
I always wonder how the birds manage that cold, cold water. There's ice on it and in it, and they still stand on it and swim in it. We'd freeze to death!
The person on the bike was pretty darn luck. First, not to fall through and second, to have people nearby who would save them had it happened.
The ice panel floating on the water look interesting 🥰
These glimpses are joyous and ring bell for the arrival of spring dear Marie 🤗
I wonder if motorbike rider avoids the warning or is unaware of it.
I feel happy that hear that you guys are planning first picnic 😊
Wishing you all the best 👍☺️♥️
Watching Canada geese is awesome sight in your post. Tells the story of journey and struggle of these lovely birds. No life is excluded from challenges of this world indeed,but every challenge is here to stimulate and upgrade our understanding of the life surly .
Lots of love and best wishes ♥️
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