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Tuesday 10 January 2017


The animals that live along the boardwalk in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, are admired by the many walkers along the trail by the harbour. During the work day, retired citizens frequent the trail, often stopping to watch the animals and speak about them.

On one of our recent visits, people were concerned about an area of the trail which, up until recently, was a favourite haunt of squirrels and numerous other animals. 

Finally, one gentleman came along who reported about a white weasel that had taken up residence in this area, causing the regular residents to scatter.

As we walked further along the trail, another area of the boardwalk had numerous squirrels 


and chickadees where none had lived before.


Our grand-dog, Georgie was fascinated with the squirrels 


and would have stayed to watch them if we had not coached her along. 


The squirrels, accustomed to leashed dogs, ignored her. 


Unleashed weasels on the other hand...


Elephant's Child said...

They are definitely smarter than we give them credit for aren't they?
Gorgeous images. Thank you for this cooling walk.

Tomoko said...

Such pretty animals and your dog is lovely!The squirrels and your dog are going to play together someday.(#^.^#)!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's amazing how those little creatures survive winter.

DJan said...

They are cute, but destructive little critters. I used to feed the birds, and the squirrels would get into every single feeder, whether or not they were "squirrel proof" or not. :-)

Anonymous said...

Your squirrels are so cute! the seem shorter (less length) than ours! Andrea

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

A weasel or other member of that family is always a nightmare to find, especially when they visit those of us with backyard ponds. I find squirrels very helpful in exercising our dog in the backyard. :-)

Anvilcloud said...

It seems that they knew just what to do.

Marie Smith said...

They have good instincts, EC.

Marie Smith said...

The dog would love to "play" with the squirrels, Tomoko.

Marie Smith said...

It really is, Debra.

Marie Smith said...

Squirrels are aggressive but cute. We are so taken with the cute that we overlook the rest, Jan.

Marie Smith said...

They are probably a smaller species that your, Andrea.

Marie Smith said...

I can imagine how much exercise the dog gets with squirrels in the back yard, Judith.

Marie Smith said...

They certainly do, AC.

Haddock said...

I observed some regular animals & birds like that on the morning walk when we stayed at the Orcas Island.
Like the look of the chickadee.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Beautiful pictures you captured of the cute little fellows! Amazing that you got a picture of the weasel too. My dogs love chasing squirrels too, hard to get them to do anything once they see one, lol!

Marie Smith said...

Chickadees are very tame and will eat from your hand, H.

Marie Smith said...

Sadly, no picture of the weasel, SUI. Just squirrels.

The Happy Whisk said...

Great shots!!!!!

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, HW.