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Monday 9 October 2017


The sky is busy today. A few high clouds with jets at various altitudes crossing east to west catch the eye as we look out over the setting. The sun is hot but the breeze has a cooling effect. It is Thanksgiving weekend at Cavendish Grove.

The Grove is in the National Park on Prince Edward Island but the park isn't busy today. Most tourists have returned home, leaving the autumn splendor to the lucky few who live on the island. While tourism is important to the economy, my husband and I love these days when the spaces are open and empty and ours to explore.

Fresh and clean describes the air as the breeze rustles the leaves which are dry due to their stage of autumn and the arid summer. An occasional car speeds by in the distance but does not disturb the ambience. We are the only people here but the birds are busy all around us, chirping to each other and filling the spaces in our conversation. 

Lunch is on a bench over-looking the basin which has grown in since the spring run-off. Here, the waist high autumn dipped grasses sway and murmur in the breeze. The grove has a voice of its own today.

The fare is simple, homemade bread, freshly baked chicken, aged cheddar, fresh vegetables and dip, black tea. We savour every morsel in this autumnal theatre. And give thanks!


Cathy said...

Peace and quiet - good food and a loved one. What more could you want ~ Cathy

DJan said...

Having just finished a workshop learning how to be a better writer, I encounter this post from you, Marie, which is filled with lovely descriptors that take me right to your side. You are one of the people I'm thankful for, that I discovered through the magic of blogging. Happy Thanksgiving! :-)

Debbie said...

sounds perfect!! happy thanksgiving, your last image is beautiful!!

Catarina said...

A perfect ambiance for a Thanksgiving day!

Karen said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Silver in AZ said...

sounds delicious!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Thanksgiving -- a picnic in the crisp fall air is perfect!

Ginnie said...

I don't know which I live more...your pictures or your wonderful descriptions of them!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Rhodesia said...

Sounds the perfect meal to me all but the tea. Neither of us likes tea but we do drink ginger and lemon. have a happy week Diane

Bill said...

Sounds wonderful! Happy Thanksgiving. I love the lonely bench, a nice place to be.

Elephant's Child said...

It looks and sounds totally blissful.
A perfect moment to savour and cherish.

Rick (Ratty) said...

When a place is empty it's my favorite place to be. I love that feeling of being in a big area of nature all alone or just with someone I bring with me.

Tabor said...

Thanks for taking me along. What a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written....even if there were no photos, I could picture it all in my mind. Blessings to you both.

Marie Smith said...

So true, Cathy.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Jan. I was inspired by the setting, food and company.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Debbie.

Marie Smith said...

It was gorgeous, Catarina.

Marie Smith said...

Hope your Thanksgiving was great too, Karen.

Marie Smith said...

It was very tasty, SW.

Marie Smith said...

It was warmer than usual that day, Debra.

Marie Smith said...

Thanks so much, Ginnie.

Marie Smith said...

Ginger and lemon teas sound great, Diane.

Marie Smith said...

That bench was like a seat in paradise, Bill.

Marie Smith said...

It was indeed, EC. We will remember it through the long winter to come.

Marie Smith said...

I enjoy visiting cities, Ratty, but the best places to me are the quiet natural settings.

Marie Smith said...

Indeed it was, Tabor.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Mildred. I like to write but I enjoy photography just as much.

Ginnie Hart said...

I really like your way of celebrating Thanksgiving, Marie! Too bad more people don't do it in a similar way, restoring all the faculties! Happy belated Thanksgiving to you and yours. Our time (America, that is, because the Dutch don't celebrate it) will be coming at the end of November, as you know.

Debbie said...

i hope you are enjoying your holiday, or perhaps it is over...i am not familiar with how long your thanksgiving lasts!!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate Thanksgiving Marie, an idyllic setting, simple fare and blue skies.. perfect!
P.s. I was wondering if you take your photos in RAW format Marie, they take quite long time to download?

Jenn said...

Beautiful and peaceful. I love watching those long grasses or wheat blowing in the wind, sometimes it even looks like waves on water.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

So much to give thanks for Marie! I love your simple homemade fare, truly the best! Loving fall moments too, as we have a busy tourist season here too. Nice to enjoy the splendor of fall and soak up all its loveliness, and give thanks!

Marie Smith said...

We also celebrate with family, Ginnie, but we celebrated with a picnic and a hike too.

Enjoy your vacation with family and friends!

Marie Smith said...

Our Thanksgiving finished last night, the end of a three day weekend, Debbie.

Marie Smith said...

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving, PDP.

The photos are high resolution JPEGs and are large files.

Marie Smith said...

I feel the same about the grasses and wheat, Jenn.

Marie Smith said...

The tourists are celebrated when they are here and when they leave, Marilyn. We are thankful for them as well.

The Furry Gnome said...

We all have so much to be thankful for!

Anvilcloud said...

It's good to get out on a blue sky day.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love eating lunch outside. And breakfast, and supper and snack and coffee and tea and, and, and ... It's just so lovely to be outside. 🎃

Marie Smith said...

We sure do, FG.

Marie Smith said...

A picnic is my favourite dining experience, AC.

Marie Smith said...

It truly is, HW.

baili said...

Glorious visit to national park and stunning images.

i too love empty parks to walk in .
you told beautifully about the birds around you ,i could hear the joy!!!

beautiful way of being grateful with nature

jenny_o said...

I so enjoy our town when things get quieter after tourist season, too, so I understand what you mean. That sounds like a perfect hour or two out in nature with a delicious meal.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Baili.

Marie Smith said...

It was perfect, Jenny.

Barbara said...

Looks like my version of Heaven.

Marie Smith said...

It was, Barbara.

Karl (Carlo) Hengst said...

Your descriptive narrating matches the beauty seen in the photos.

Marie Smith said...

Thank you, Carlo.

Artes da Vovó Mada said...

Sou do Brasil, estou apaixonada pelas paisagens do seu blog....cores,natureza,vida!!!!!!Visitando seu cantinho e fiquei feliz muito feliz...voceis sao lindos....

Marie Smith said...

Obrigado pela visita. Estou feliz em compartilhar nossa parte do mundo com você.