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Monday, 18 February 2019

Islander Day

This is Islander Day on Prince Edward Island, a holiday which allows families time to have some winter fun. It is a break from the winter routine and a chance to celebrate family and community.

This past weekend my husband and I spent time with our daughter and the children as they skated. While my husband cooked lunch, I stayed with the youngest, Owen who had a cold. His mother and sisters donned their skates and, in spite of the cold, enjoyed the morning outside.

Every time we’ve had a snowstorm this winter, it was followed by a rise in temperature, rain and then a flash freeze. With the ground frozen and the island so flat, water accumulates and now there is ice everywhere. Our daughter’s backyard and the land around it is a natural ice surface.

They had such fun. The girls giggled the entire time they skated. Their mother commented that the ice was better than at the stadium. We hope to repeat the exercise again today.

This is a Canadian scene, a natural ice surface with kids skating and having fun in spite of the cold. The only thing missing is a game of hockey. The girls haven’t taken to hockey yet. Will Owen? We’ll see soon enough.

Note: again I am unable to comment on other blogs! Frustrating!


eileeninmd said...

Hello, Islander day sounds great for the families to go out and have some fun. Today is our President's Day a national holiday! Cute photos of the kiddies skating. Wishing you a happy day and new week ahead.

Anvilcloud said...

Enjoy your day. We call it Family Day here -- same idea with a different name.

DJan said...

It does indeed look perfect for skating. I'd be out there, too, if I were a kid. :-)

Tabor said...

They will remember this type of a natural fun day their entire lives. All children should have such a good time.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That ice does look very nice and smooth! Mother Nature did a good job!

Joanne Noragon said...

Is that red device training wheels for ice skates?

William Kendall said...

Yes, a common sight for young skaters here as well.

Rhodesia said...

I loved ice skating as a small child was pretty good at it. I could not even go a yard on the ice today! Keep warm. Hope the comments work soon. Diane

Stewart M said...

What great scenes - I am reading a book about ice at present - strange as it may seem I miss cold winters - although I suppose my 'cold' (from the UK) and this type of 'cold' are very different!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Retired Knitter said...

Hear you on the commenting issue. I just keep reminding folks that Pop Up Comments seem to work for most readers. It is a frustration that I wish Blogger would address.

Debbie said...

family fun day...they are always the best and this looks so fun. i never learned to ice skate, i wish they had those "walker like" devices when i was a kid!!!

nice, safe you don't have to worry about them falling in a lake!!!

Debbie said...

ooooh and your blog was so much easier to access today. one step instead of three!!!

Anonymous said...

How neat is that! Your daughter's yard is truly a lot of fun. Andrea

Angela said...

It's wonderful that they have all that surface to skate in their own backyard. Looks like they are having fun! I bet they wanted to drink some hot chocolate after that exercise in the cold. Sweet photos!

Mage said...

Thank you for this bit of brisk cheer.

Bill said...

Island Day sounds like fun. Add some ice, kids and skates and you have a recipe for family fun. Great photos, Marie.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So much fun Marie! There aren't many who can say they have a natural ice rink right in their back yard 💙

Barbara said...

Family Fun Days are the best. I met my ex-husband the first time I ever tried ice skating- at the ice rink. I've been afraid to try again!