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Wednesday 6 February 2019

Tree dragon

It is impossible to miss. It sits on the side of the road in Princetown, Prince Edward Island by the United Church. The church has been there since 1870 and this tree looks like it has seen much of that history. Now it is becoming firewood.

The chopping has released the inner dragon of the tree. The dragon’s wings are ready to take flight the next time the chainsaw-carrying human appears. It watches me suspiciously as I circle it, taking photos. 

The reason for the destruction of the old tree is obvious. It has seen better days. Rotted at the centre, it has a cavern at the junction where the limbs branch from the main trunk. 

Animals had their homes in the old tree if the holes are any indication. Squirrels? Woodpeckers? Whatever lived there soon will be homeless. 

Gone are the days of the new green of spring as the buds erupt after a long winter sleep. Gone is the shade from the hot summer sun, as children play under its canopy while parents stop to speak to neighbours after Sunday service. Gone is the colour of autumn as leaves of red or gold fall over the lawn.

Before long, all trace of the old tree will be gone from this place. Soon, someone will enjoy the comfort of a wood fire on cold winter days. Then ashes will become compost to enhance the soil for more seedlings to grow. 

Another tree will rise from the ashes like a phoenix, or in this case, a dragon.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The circle of life! I hate to see old trees go, too.

Secondary Roads said...

It is sad to see a beautiful old tree go. Hopefully, in a final act of community service, the wood will heat a home.

William Kendall said...

Unfortunately when it reaches that state there's no other solution.

Bill said...

Change always comes and something different will rise to take its place. I hope it will be a new tree.

Anvilcloud said...

Very poetic, evocative writing.

From my brief time on the island, one takeaway is those well maintained white churches.

Tabor said...

So sad. I do love those old ancient trees.

Elephant's Child said...

I hope the dragon rises quickly.
Such a sad (and familiar) tale, beautifully told.

Catarina said...

I am wondering if any tree trunk will be left standing.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

There was a report on our news earlier this week that someone in Wales had carved a huge dragon from a fallen tree. Apparently it's caused a few minor road accidents as people round a corner to be confronted by a fearsome beast! You can see it if you search for "Wales carved dragon".

Joanne Noragon said...

Yes, easy to see the old fellow past its prime.

Retired Knitter said...

I always hate to see the end of a tree. But this one had a very long life for sure - and nothing lasts forever AND it will continue to provide through the fire place for someone.

And you are right - a dragon!

Laurel Wood said...

It is sad to see the tree cut down but I understand it is dangerous in its declining state. Your descriptive words were a joy to read - I can just picture worshipers gathering under the shade of the tree after church services and I can imagine the Autumn color it added to the landscape. I wish you a lovely day.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You have a way with words and a wonderful imagination Marie 🐉 Always sad to see an old tree come to the end of its life, but will be lovely to see what springs up in its place 🌲

Mage said...

Still, it is sad to see it go.

Ginnie Hart said...

What a beautiful story, Marie, of what was and what will be! Beautifully written and shown.

Rhodesia said...

Seems very sad but life must go on. Enjoy your day, Diane

Angela said...

It must have a lovely tree but nothing is forever! Hope you're keeping warm Marie. We have snow falling and blowing. -4 Fahrenheit degrees at the moment. Keep warm!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

It is always sad to me to see a beautiful old tree that needs to be cut down! Your descriptive words gave beautiful meaning to the life of that old tree, I can just picture the scenes it has seen through the years! Always enjoy my visit with you :)

Debbie said...

maybe the wood could be used to make beautiful things too!!

we once cut down a tree in our yard and it must have had a robins nest in it with eggs or babies. it was so sad to watch mom scurrying about!!!

Stewart M said...

Shame it had to be cut down - lets hope that 10 are planted to make sure that one old one is there in years to come.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Jenn said...

It does look like a dragon emerging!