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Monday 29 April 2019

Ground fog

It was striking! Driving by the fields near home, the fog rose from the red soil into the quiet air. 

After days of rain, the soil and air were saturated. 

It had been cold overnight and with the morning light, the sun warmed everything. 

The ground fog rising from the long field was eerily beautiful.

I had my camera as I often do and on our way to the boardwalk, we stopped to take in the scene. 

The fog didn’t have much elevation nor was it thick but it stopped traffic in several places as people admired the phenomenon.

Nature often surprises us!


Anvilcloud said...

In the past we have seen mist coming up from remaining snow in early spring. It won't happen this year, but it is neat to see.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Just enough to give an eerie effect!

DJan said...

It is very pretty! I love fog of any sort. :-)

Tomoko said...

The fog is pretty. Looks like a living thing on the ground!

Tabor said...

Fog is such an enjoyable thing to photograph. It is secret and mysterious and usually gone in hours..

Debbie said...

a nice surprise, i like views like this!! and we are back to very cold temperatures here!!

eileeninmd said...


Pretty foggy scenes and images. It was cold and foggy here this morning.
Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week ahead.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I love these photos that remind me of winter nights descending on our Cambridgeshire Fens when fog like that seems to rise from the ground. I remember once seeing what looked like legless horses afloat on a sea of fog.

Celia said...

Fog in the morning welcoming the coming day with a little air of mystery. (pun intended) Very beautiful Marie.

William Kendall said...

Fog does tend to get quite photogenic, and this is a good example of that.

Rhodesia said...

A great set of photos, fog is very photogenic. Have a good week, Diane

Bill said...

Wonderful foggy scenes, I like them.

Elephant's Child said...

Magical and mystical.
We very rarely have ground fogs, and they are always a treat to see.

Lowcarb team member said...

I like these foggy scenes too.

All the best Jan

Joanne Noragon said...

I like the look of fog, and have stopped to look, too.

baili said...

Magical views dear Marie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so beautifully captured !

nature does poetry when spring is around :)

Retired Knitter said...

Nature always provides the best show! ALWAYS!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog. I like what I'm seeing here on your blog and plan on following you. These foggy scenes are beautiful.

Retired Knitter said...

Marie, thanks for letting me know your comments were not registering on my blog. I discovered JUST TODAY- the last day of the challenge - that a lot of the comments weren't registering. They were all sitting in SPAM!! I had 160 comments sitting in SPAM and some of those single line items respresented more comments. So I am going through that folder down and pulling out the REAL comments and posting them to the blog. Some of yours should be showing up now. It was pretty frustrating to me - I usually have about 7-10 comments on a post - and a few posts were not registering anything. And yet the traffic going through was pretty large. Not sure why this happened, but I am back tracking now to correct that.

photowannabe said...

That ground fog or we sometimes call it tulle fog is so pretty.
I'm glad you could capture it...It has a magical quality to it.
It pays to have your camera with you.
Have a wonderful day.

Mage said...

I like the mists rising from the damp playing fields near our house. Magic.

jenny_o said...

Fog has always seemed magical to me - even when I have to drive in it! Beautiful captures here, Marie.

Barbara said...

Looks like a movie scene. Something omnious is coming ....

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This sight would have stopped me also Marie, looks eerily gorgeous ✨