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Friday, 28 February 2020


This bird blends into the countryside, even in the snow. As we drove along the north shore of the island, my husband caught sight of the movement along the side of the road. We stopped and as I exited the car I could see the long tail feathers.

Ring-Necked Pheasants were introduced to Prince Edward Island as game birds. They have settled into life on the island as we all do and they too are doing well. This is the second male pheasant we’ve seen in different areas.

You can see how well this one blends in among the trees. As I crept forward, it walked away but was not in any rush. I had the opportunity to see the furled feathers of various colours which make the long body. The red face alone is a wonder.

My father-in-law tied flies for salmon fishing on the rivers of Newfoundland and pheasant feathers were in demand. Pheasant under glass, a recipe for the breast of the bird, is a gastronomic treat. I prefer pheasant with their feathers in their natural environment.


DJan said...

Me too! It's a beautiful bird, especially when it's alive and in its natural habitat.

Tabor said...

So lucky. My dad used to hunt pheasants on the corn farms nearby. I do not remember eating them, so maybe he never shot any? They are too beautiful to shoot.

Boud said...

We used to have them around here, but development has driven them away. I'm glad you have them.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

We'd all learn to blend into the background too if generations of our ancestors had been shot at just for fun! They are superb birds though.

Celia said...

So beautiful, I haven't seen a ring necked pheasant in quite awhile.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

They're a beautiful bird!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I agree. let them have their feathers and walk around, so the photographer can get their fill of pictures. These are gorgeous .

At Home In New Zealand said...

I love catching sight of these pheasants out in the wild. They are beautiful birds.

jenny_o said...

We had a male and three hens in our back yard at one point two years ago - I tried to get a good picture but couldn't get close enough. The males are gorgeous, aren't they? Wonderful photos, Marie!

Bill said...

A beautiful bird that I never seen before. Thanks for sharing.

eileeninmd said...


Great sighting and photos of the Pheasant. The male is beautiful. I have seen one pheasant walking down my street years ago. I think it was an escapee from a local game farm. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

Elephant's Child said...

How lovely.
I hope they are no longer considered 'game' birds.
Like you I prefer to see wildlife free and enjoying the natural environment.

William Kendall said...

What a beauty.

Barbara said...

I think pheasants are way too beautiful to kill. My dad was a hunter and I loved to see the beautiful birds up close but cried over their death. I am a meat eater and have no room to talk about anybody hunting, but I've convinced myself that ground beef in the package does not come from a real cow.

Joanne Noragon said...

Beautiful. So glad you spotted it.

Debbie said...

the males are so beautiful, you were lucky to see him!! we had one that came to our yard, 2 winters in a row, we fed him corn and he hung around for a while. it was really wild!!

Tomoko said...

The bird in the snow is beautiful! Marie.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is a very handsome bird. It can be found in many parts of the world where it id not native, always having been introduced for hunting purposes.

Anvilcloud said...

They are quite attractive. I have never seen one that I can recall although I think I have seen females.

Liz Hinds said...

They are beautiful birds. No wonder they get shot if they're that unwary though!

Angela said...

Pheasants are such lovely birds!!!We have lots of them here in North Dakota. I have eaten Pheasant before...a long time ago and it was a bit "different."

Stewart M said...

A very nice looking bird - they were common in the UK when I was a kid - but they were mainly bred to be shot!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh me too Marie, such a pretty bird with an extraordinary long tail, definitely better out there in the wild than on someone's dinner plate ✨

Retired Knitter said...

Wow. What a beautiful bird!!

Rhodesia said...

Love pheasants the males are spectacular. It is very rare to see one here, they have been hunted to death!!!! Have a good week, Diane

Rose said...

He is such a beauty! I just love to see them. I would eat it if prepared for me, but like you, I would prefer it with feathers in its natural environment.