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Saturday, 22 February 2020


The land and sea converge here at the edge of the city. People walk to the end of the boardwalk and then to the edge of the shore to look out over the vast white plain which covers the Northumberland Strait. The overcast day emphasizes the scene as the winter blue along the horizon accentuates the cold.

Many will find this scene bleak. However the small tree and the remnants of the vegetation visible through the snow withstand harsh conditions. They resist and persist. 

So do the people who come to this place to take in the setting and the atmosphere despite the cold. They are a testament to the human spirit and are an inspiration.

Freezing temperatures, snow and ice are the great equalizers here although what lies beneath is different. Nature creates these conditions and nature will restore the land and sea to their warmer selves.

The footprints visible in the snow will disappear and those who walk here will linger longer as the temperature rises. Soon land and sea will be distinct again. However, for a few weeks every year, they converge and become as one in a spectacle of nature.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A good time to remember that Spring is coming. Someday.

Liz Hinds said...

It is awesome but how do you keep warm?

DJan said...

It is very beautiful, even if a bit on the desolate side. I would love it too, given enough cold weather gear. :-)

Anvilcloud said...

If you don't write poetry, you probably should.

eileeninmd said...


It does look beautiful and very cold. Lovely views and photos.
Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

At Home In New Zealand said...

What an awesome place to live - that scenery is so beautiful, although I cannot comprehend how very cold it must be.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

The blank canvas on which nature will compose its picture as the weather warms. We would not last long there without thick clothes and a warm house and a well-stocked larder to return to.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think it looks incredibly beautiful Marie, we each have totally opposite extremes ✨

Tabor said...

Beautiful post. I do not find it bleak, but I do find it cold and challenging. Spring is around the corner. It is visiting here these days at the very early beginning.

Elephant's Child said...

Oh, how beautiful. Harsh, unforgiving, and very, very beautiful.

Debbie said...

such pretty captures!! it looks so cold and so interesting with the pops of vegetation!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are lovely, moody scenes.

Lea said...

Beautiful snow scenes!
Have a wonderful week!

Rose said...

These scenes really are so lonely looking, but oh, how I love them. I always think back to the days before instant communication, before heat at the flip of a switch, and even our clothing is so different. And I think people were strong...strong physically, strong in spirit.

Joanne Noragon said...

It's almost March. Spring is coming.

Barbara said...

What an unusual shot. Looks like the land runs into the sky.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I can remember years when Lake Erie has frozen all the way across and we benefit from similar images.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

I love that you show us ALL that your area has to offer … there is a type of beauty in every season.

Ginnie Hart said...

You are such a wonderful poet, Marie, in vision and verb. I hate that we don't get snow here in the Netherlands like they used to. But at least I can remember it through your eyes and words. Thank you.

Retired Knitter said...

Those pictures all say COLD!!

Bill said...

So much beauty in those lovely winter scenes. I know I would enjoy being there. Super banner photo too, I absolutely love it.

dinahmow said...

So beautiful. Restful, even.

Catarina said...

A serene scenery...

William Kendall said...
