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Friday, 25 June 2021

Animal friends

Our walks along the boardwalk aren’t daily any more because we are cycling the trails as well. However sometimes when we are on the boardwalk, we see Great Blue Herons which are always a treat. One morning last month, we happened upon a heron feeding in the marsh.

It took off along the shoreline.

Further along the shoreline, we saw it had met up with a companion and the two stood motionless in the water. They are such elegant looking birds.

On one of our more recent visits to the boardwalk, we were on the way to the car when we heard a ruckus. It took a minute or so to discover the source.

Three birds, two blackbirds and a woodpecker were harassing a crow.

The woodpecker left and two more blackbirds joined the harassment.

Eventually two of the birds made the crow fly off. 

You can see the birds harassing the crow in the 15 second video here.

I saw a similar story on-line recently. Someone photographed as a raven stole eggs from nests and several species of birds ganged up on the raven to drive it away.

There are numerous blackbird nests among the reeds, grasses and shrubs in the area where I spotted them harassing the crow. 

Finally, we had the grand-dog, Georgie with us recently at the boardwalk. She enjoys watching the animals, especially the rodents.

We always give her time to watch and she invariably, 

though unsuccessfully, attempts to chase them. 

Her face is a study in concentration. 

The animals around us provide much to see and enjoy.


William Kendall said...

I have a great fondness for herons.

I've seen smaller birds do that to drive off crows.

And Georgie is a sweetie.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Birds and animals never fail to give delight! We watched 3 blue jays yesterday having a spritz bath in My Rare One's sprinkler.

Martha said...

Beautiful captures Marie and I love your sweet grand-dog Georgie, such a beauty!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great reflection in the first shot of the heron. It's always a pleasure to see these stately birds.

Ginnie Hart said...

First of all, I do love how you document what you see on your walks and bike rides there where you live, Marie. Secondly, I have fallen in love with Georgie! She is such a charm, no matter what she does and every time I see her. Thirdly, we have much to learn from the birds, though I hate to think that some of their behavior feels/sounds too familiar. (sigh)

Margaret said...

Animal behavior is indeed fascinating! I love watching birds and you have some wonderful ones in your area.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Great Blue Herons must be amazing to see!!!!!

🍓 🌝 🍓 🌝 🍓

Elephant's Child said...

You captured some incredible beauty along the boardwalk. Again. Thank you.

Helen said...

Wow, how impressive is the Great Blue Heron! Just wonderful captures of him.
I wonder if I am looking at both a chipmonk and a squirrel or just a squirrel? Is the little 'house' a feeder for them or birds?
I am as curious as your sweet grand-dog.

Marie Smith said...

Hi Helen,

The chipmunk has stripes down its back. The other, in the feeder, is a Red Squirrel. The feeder serves the birds and the rodents equally well.

Boud said...

I love the great blue herons. Such elegance and power in the sky. We have good fishing streams around here, so we get plenty of sightings as they soar high above the old trees to their next fishing place.

Red said...

If your out there you'll many critters. I often wonder how many critters see us and we don;t see them.

The Furry Gnome said...

That photo of the Blue Heron in flight is beautiful!

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Your fist photo of the Great Blue Heron and it's reflection is perfection!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love that first Heron shot. He is dressed in his finest.

photowannabe said...

Love your Georgie and her concentration on the critters.
Wonderful photos of the Heron too.
Always such enjoyment to visit your blog Marie.

Bill said...

Beautiful shots of the Herons. Georgie looks great and interested in what she is viewing. Excellent photos of all the critters.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wonderful post and pictures. The video does capture the harassment well.
Georgie, I can almost hear her thinking.

DJan said...

Such delightful animal life, and I especially love to see Georgia in her element.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Excellent captures of the blue herons Marie, love the takeoff shot. The pic of Georgie gazing at the squirrel is priceless 😊

Black Knight said...

Beautiful photos, I love all kind of animals!
Your dog is lovely, my son has a sweet golden retriever too.
Have a good Sunday

Lea said...

A beautiful series of images!
Love the photo of the Heron and its reflection!

At Home In New Zealand said...

Really love that last photo of Georgie :)

Bindu said...

Goergie is an eyecandy!

baili said...

i never saw such amusing view in which other birds can dare to harass and fly away the crow lol special thanks for this one dear Marie

your pet is sweetheart indeed :) she is great learner i can see that

Catarina said...

Great captures, Marie!!

Susie of Arabia said...

Wonderful critter photos. I especially love the first one of the heron - wow!